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  1. R

    Which 6MM would you build

    Lynn. I would have thought a 6BR would be in at 2830 fps and a Dasher at 2950 fps. I was never able to get 2950 in a 6BR, while my Dasher humms at 2950. Go the Dasher
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    Extra high scope rings

    I have seen a few pics of air rifles with extra high rings. I was after a pair of extra high ones (higher than Burris Z rings) to fit a 30mm scope tube and weaver style bases. Does anyone know where I can get some?
  3. R

    Interntional BR Barrels

    All the usual twist rates, no real specialities. I dont think they go faster than 7" twist in anything, though slow twists such as 18" for 30BRs etc or 72" for muzzle loaders are usualy available. When I was looking at building a .600 Overkill, I found that 50 cal is the biggest made in...
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    Barrel accuracy or barrel life

    I had a big discussion with a prominent gunsmith about barrel life and hardness today. I have 2 barrels, one localy made, one from USA which are nice and accurate, dont foul or walk shots or anything, most accurate barrels I have had. The gunsmiths both said they were lovely to machine, cut like...
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    Interntional BR Barrels

    For long range shooting in Australia, the most common barrel is Maddco, followed by True-flight. Others used are Tobler, MAB and Sprinter. Over seas barrels seem to be more common in short range BR than in long range (F class/Full bore) shooting.
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    Your slickest action?

    My Barnard P and S actions are much slicker than my Panda, never had the barnards get sticky, always slide nice and easy.
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    Is this rem bolt repairable?

    I bought a Rem700 in 17Rem last year which had an identical looking bolt face. It now looks like new, with a bushed firing pin. Pete van Meurs at pro-Cal Trading has worked wonders on a few bolts for me now.
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    F/R rest weight distrabution.

    Bob, this 75/25 formula, does it usualy work out for light guns as well? I have also been wanting to add more weight to the back end of my rifle as I have probably about 85/15 distribution and it isnt as stable in the rear bag as I would like.
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    1k Matchs in the Tropics

    What? Rain in Townsville, never seen that before. Trevor looks like he is still having fun though. Post some more pics OK.
  10. R

    My puzzling 6XC experience..

    I very rarely shoot my rifles at 100yds, not realy worth it and I dont have the time. I do know that the loads I have which shoot very well at 600-1000yds, keeping well inside a 1/2 moa x ring in verticle (not wind), dont realy set the world on fire at 100yds. For a few reasons. Maybe parrelax...
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    Best Way To Clean A Panda

    I saw a documentry on Pandas on Discovery channel and it looked like they used a thing that looked like a broom, with a bucket of foamy water to give them a bath. I dont know much about them, but I,m sure that if you tried to sand blast a Panda, it woud stop eating bamboo and try to eat you.
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    ??Fixing Concentricity

    I dont have one of those Hornady Concentricity checkers, and I dont have the time to use one anyway, but I have rolled the bullet down the glass trick. I have heard of people using different methods to straighten bullets, but does it actualy help? I kind of thought that as soon as the bullet...
  13. R

    ??Fixing Concentricity

    As for the straightness of rounds being directly related to your skill in reloading. Does that mean as you spend more years reloading, your round becomes more concentric? Should you hold your tongue just right when seating bullets, face mecca when sizing, or maybe get a Feng Shui master in to...
  14. R

    BR effect on accuracy

    I think the main thing is getting bags to suit YOUR equipment. I,m sure most here will say you cant beat a SEB rear bag. Well I have one for sale going cheap. The big long SEB bag I have is suited to sloping BR stocks, not straight F class or 1000yd BR stocks, so it is not good for me. Same with...
  15. R

    Why not a 200-500 F-Class?

    JCummings. Smalbore at 100-200 yds is something I would love to do for training. It would simulate 600 and 1000 yd centerfire shooting at a more accessable range.
  16. R

    7MM and twist rate

    The 168 Bergers shoot tighter in my 284 than I could ever get the 180s to. This is with 3 different barrels, 2x 9" and 1x 8" twist.
  17. R

    Why not a 200-500 F-Class?

    In Australia, F class is usualy shot from 3,5,6 yards and up to 1000 yds. Usualy a comp will start at 300 yds, then after each target move back a range. The problem with shoots at 300/400yds is target centers and spotting disks being destroyed and needing to be replaced every 2nd shooter. 200Yds...
  18. R

    What's the highest round count on your br rig before cleaning.

    My thought is that all barrels have their own personality. Some will shoot right into the group on the 1st cold clean shot, others need lots of foulers. Some barrels might be super accurate, but only up to 15 shots or so. My favourite barrel at the moment takes 7-8 shots to settle down, but when...
  19. R

    What is the prefered reticle for F-Class?

    I agree with John Kiely in prefering a plain reticle most instances. It is less clutter and less in the way to break your concentration. I will be keeping one duplex reticle type scope though for use in very long range (1200-1500yd) competitions as I can use the bottom duplex for aiming at the...
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    50 or 56mm

    I have fitted a 35mm baffle to my NF 56mm scope which I use in realy bright miragey days. I am switching to a smaller scope, both narrower, and hopefully shorter. F class is not shot at night, too bright a picture is hard to read mirage, and most of all, a big wide scope blocks my view of the...