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  1. M

    Neck-Sizing once-Fired .220 russian brass

    To me it sounds like his brass is springing back 1thou per side(2thou), which can be very normal with a lot of sizing applied(FL) & no annealing. His chamber is .264, with fired brass springing back to .262(2thou). His necks are springing back the same 2thou from the .257 bushing to .259(his...
  2. M

    How and why to sort primers

    You're not using the K&M by the instructions. There is no 'feel' to the correct process(which is far more accurate than possible by feel).. Instead, there is zeroing the indicator off the specific pocket bottom as biased by the specific primer height to seat. That is, you place the primer face...
  3. M

    In the long run which is more precise or accurate on target

    To the OP, is the context of your question which of powder volume -or- powder weight is more accurate? If so, I don't know(sorry), would like to know, and so far missed any discussion about it.
  4. M

    Sorting bullets by surface length?

    Donovan, PM sent
  5. M

    Sorting bullets by surface length?

    Just curious 4Mesh, how do you measure and determine each ogive radius?
  6. M

    Sorting bullets by surface length?

    I'll provide an example, and then go on to smokin somethin else... Let's say you have a simple tangent ogive 24cal bullet with the following nose measurements: ------------------------ NL = 0.700" MD = 0.056" Ogive Radius = 11.0 cals 0.2420" datum to tip = 0.6489" ------------------------...
  7. M

    Sorting bullets by surface length?

    They're all 'Bearing Surface' comparators(same function), except for BobGreen's, which is an ogive comaparator. I tried the caliper attachments for a bit, and could not get repeatable readings with them. I had better luck with the Tubbs/JB comparator stands. Probably because the force is set by...
  8. M

    Sorting bullets by surface length?

    This is not really true. If the bullet is longer, because the nose is longer, with higher ogive radius and larger melplat(which makes sense), BC could be lower. Also on other discussions, there is not an official datum where a bullet nose would contact lands(contact datum). And there would be...
  9. M

    Sorting bullets by surface length?

    Bob Greens comparator provides a relative measure of ogive radius. That's what ogive is(curve of a bullet’s nose), and not any particular datum on the nose. It takes any TWO measures of a nose to define it's ogive. NOT one. While ogive radius variance can slightly affect land contact angle, and...
  10. M

    Tuning for different altitude.

    I have absolutely no 'data' to prove it. My notion came about from years of reading in the poink blank BR sections, where there have been shooters that adjust their loads or tuners for changes in DA. I don't, and won't ever shoot so well as to prove it.
  11. M

    Tuning for different altitude.

    I believe that load adjustments for air density are valid -when you need to hold the precision tune the point blank BR folks are competitive with. The piston/bullet is pushing out a slug of air which can vary in weight, just as a bullet might vary in weight. This could affect burn rate, and...
  12. M

    Barrel Life

    It's the same base file. But the revision I posted here drops moly adjustment, and allows shot timing entry(although it was always accounted for). Hard to imagine anyone still using moly, and shot timing is a very useful adjustment that when used predicts 'competitive' 6PPC barrel life.
  13. M

    Other uses for Danzac?

    adamsgt, I'm sure my reply seems smartass. But just how would this cycle stop if not for someone pointing it out? You picked it up from another thread, and another might pick it up from yours. It's perpetuating ignorance. And Dick, your friends should ask about 'tungsten coating bullets' as...
  14. M

    Straighten or index

    That would only be true if cases with thickness variance(they all have some degree of it), had been neck turned. And then it would only hold -until you FL sized. You let the jeanie out full length of the body at that point, and as mentioned, it can never be straightened from there. It only gets...
  15. M

    Other uses for Danzac?

    Why do you refer to Danzac? Surely you realize that it does not exist. If you're talking about WS2, then why not refer to it as WS2, or Tungsten Disulfide, so that anyone could follow your post? Just sayin..
  16. M

    Straighten or index

    You just have to understand the female(yeah, right). The root cause of runout is case thickness variance(call it hormones). What brings this evil condition to undeniable measure, is sizing(interaction with a female).
  17. M

    Barrel Life

    I've attempted to insert a barrel life spreadsheet here that predicts much of this. It does not represent any truths, but is a useful rule of thumb. Accurate, in this context, is a point degrading from peak.
  18. M

    Straighten or index

    Runout, concentricity, and best seating depths are all seperate and different things. IMO, best seating is the biggest mystery in reloading. Easy to find. But so far impossible to understand, define, and predict. It was mentioned here that 'adjusting' a round to concentric means adjusting past...
  19. M

    6br vs 6ppc

    6br has too much capacity for slow twist short barrels.
  20. M

    Abbreviated Forum??

    Factory guns are purpose built for hunting, in the field, with hunting catridges, and they just couldn't be more opposite than purpose built BR guns(which are none of these things). So while 'Factory' class is mandated as an 'expected cheap & disabled' class, it's not benefiting to anyone...