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  1. S

    Barrel Tuner? New to shooting P;ease help

    My advice would be to put in an extensive amount of time shooting paper with whatever rig that you build before actually hunting with it. Perhaps even better, would be to build a 6 Dasher and shoot it extensively and shoot the hunting rig when you're comfortable with the Dasher. Right now...
  2. S

    270-257 Ackley

    Wow. You made my point for me. I have direct, immediate experience behind my advising caution with wildcat chambers of unknown provenance. It cost the gentleman the vision in his right eye...with what would have been a good starting load had it been the chamber that he ASSumed it was.
  3. S

    270-257 Ackley

    What are the chances that the IMR 4350 of 55 years ago is the IMR 4350 of today? There are multiple things going on here. Caution and eliminating ASSumptions are going to be the plays for this particular game.
  4. S

    Anybody using the PRX?

    Two things: 1. There are two kinds of CF tuners. Those that extend beyond the muzzle and those that do not. The beyond-the-muzzle CF tuners can be viewed as increasing length. Mike's CF is a beyond-the-muzzle tuner. 2. Thank you, Jerry, for your observations about weight and length...
  5. S

    270-257 Ackley

    Some questions: 1. Do you have dies? 2. Do you have load information from the previous owner? That's a cartridge that I've never heard of and you'll likely be out on your own. 3. Do you know the dimensions of the chamber? It might NOT be exactly what you'd expect from the name 270-257...
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    Powder Choice

    99.0 grains of LT-32? That's a stiff load! :D Pretty sure that it's 29.0 grains, but I'm 3 hours from the first whole week of vacation that I've taken in 27 years of work life, so I'm getting a little silly.
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    IBS rule on 10.5 lb weight

    A couple of reasons: 1. The scales drift. Everyone builts up to within a ounce or so. Train wreck waiting to happen. Really need check weights on site. 2. The scale certification folks are paid for by taxes on the items that they sell. Sooner or later, someone would note that we...
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    TOP actions of the SS

    Look toward the top of the page. See that banner ad? That's paid advertising. That's why and that's the only reason.
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    Patch out and accelerator

    The last that I checked, Wart Hog 1134 is unobtanium. If someone will send me an ounce or so, I might can get one of my chemist friends to figure out what's in it and post back.
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    Registered Benchrest returns to Johnstown NY

    Super cool! Thanks for the update and the history.
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    TOP actions of the SS

    Assuming that correlation proves causation is an example of the "questionable cause" fallacy. The equipment lists, at best, are a hint of something to investigate. ...and one of my best rifles is built on a Kelbly/Stolle action...a stainless one...:cool:
  12. S

    Stumbled across this tip for preventing rust on a lathe

    I use Eezox Works great.
  13. S

    Super Shoot and small groups

    What gripes me about Jim's post is that it is, quite simply, advertising. There is a mechanism for that already. Addendum: I have a March and really like it.
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    IBS rule on 10.5 lb weight

    A rule, as written, that cannot be practically enforced, cheapens the rest of the rules in the eyes of those that should be following them. My take: Some enterprising person out there sell, at a reasonable price, chunks of metal that weigh 10.5 and 13.5 lbs and let's move on to more weighty...
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    6.5x47 primer question

    I am conveying to you an undebatable fact (the use of the 450s) and the explanation given to me for why they do it. At the very least, it'll be a tool in someone's box. Give RR a call sometime and ask him about primers in the 30 BR. It'd be an interesting conversation.
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    6.5x47 primer question

    A lot of the long-range guys use 450s or Russian SRM to prevent primer piercing. They have harder cups.
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    Ultimate Benchrest Nationals 2014

    There are also hotels and fast food at the I-40/Hwy 231 exit. Equidistant to the west vs Lebanon to the east, is Mt Juliet. More hotels, more and better restaurants and more things to do. I'm a bit biased, it's my home town. Rick, paraphrasing the old saying, I may be square, but I'll be...
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    Newbie Needs Help

    Buy a used rifle on a custom action. You'll be glad that you did.
  19. S

    What Caliber

    The OP has a wealth of advice. He's on his way. Right now, he's headed to, or already in, Canada with family and won't be back to FL and shooting till the fall.
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    Ultimate Benchrest in Chapel Hill TN

    Congrats, guys, on holding a successful event. It's great to see a nice range back home and even nicer to see it holding great events.