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  1. S

    16th Annual Catfish Shoot

    I don't know a whole lot about GPS, but my little hand held tells me N31 49.710 W085 03.275. I guess that's pretty close to what Doug shows. Maybe between the two, everyone will find the range.
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    16th Annual Catfish Shoot

    The 16th Annual Ga. IR 50/50 3-GUN 50 yd. match will be held on Aug. 22nd. I already have the placques, as well as some pretty nice door prizes. One more fishin' trip and I'll have enough to feed y'all. We'll shoot the 50 meter Ga. IR 50/50 3-GUN Championship at the Macon County Gun Club, in...
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    S. Ga. 8-8-09 Results

    Thanks! Thanks for the kind words. We try very hard to give the shooters their money's worth. If the rumors are true (about all the people planning on coming this year) about the Catfish Shoot, it's going to be a fun day.:D CORRECTION:In theinitial post of this thread, I listed Bob Collins...
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    S. Ga. 8-8-09 Results

    We had 9 shooters for the final SOTY match of the year. Conditions were a little tricky with light winds and plenty of humid heat. Richard Shorter won his first match today, shooting a 249-13X in the IR 10.5 lb. Congratulations also to Bob Pekaar for shooting the only 250 of the day, to Bob...
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    Here's the plan

    I agree Pepper! This will make the "practicing" on Friday count for something!:)
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    S. Ga. Results 7-18-09

    We had a gorgeous day to shoot; it never did get real hot. The wind was light and variable with the occasional "gotcha" occurring." Emery Smith had the fewest "gotchas" and put it on us all day. Thanks to the 7 shooters who showed up, and Thanks to all who helped with the match. IR 50/50...
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    Leonard Worthy Makes Gold

    Thanks! Thank you all very much. As usual, Cliff put on a great match. A big thanks to him and all who helped to make the match a success. Thanks to Ron McCormick for selling me the best 10.5 lb. gun that Calfee ever built (Ole #3) and providing me with superior wind flag stands and a...
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    6-13-09 S. Ga. BR Results

    We had 16 shooters and beautiful weather (it stayed cloudy, breezy, and cool) today. Thanks to all who helped with the match. It was great to see everybody, and Congratulations to all the winners. IR 50/50 Sporter 1)Bob Pekaar 248-12X 2)Phil Deese 248-11X 3)L. Worthy Jr. 246-13X...
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    Tommy Cravey shoots a 250 in sporter!!!

    That was a fine Sporter target that Tommy shot. You think he'd rent that gun out?;) Thanks to Phil, Bob, Tommy and all who did the work; I enjoyed the match. S. Ga. Boy
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    2-28-09 Results

    2-28-09 South Georgia Results We had 10 shooters for some breezy (and at some times, wet) conditions. The temperature was a comfortable mid 60s. Bob Collins pretty much put on a clinic today. Eleven year old Buddy Wood did some great shooting in the RBA match. In fact, I believe Buddy's...
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    IR5050 3-gun Nationals 2008

    Thanks to Cliff and all those who helped him run the match. There was a tremendous amount of work done. The door prizes and the food were great, but I just don't know about someone who would hold a match on such a wet nasty day. ;) Congratulations to Paul Wilmouth on shoooting well all...
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    Condolences to the Collins Family

    Rod and Bob, our prayers are with you. I know you were close to your dad.
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    Gulf Coast Regional - Sept. 19th, 20th, and 21st

    Highs in the Low 80s, with wake-up temps in the mid 60s.....I'll be there. Richard hopes to make it at least one day.
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    Congratulations Gene Corvon!

    Gene put it on us today at the Alabama IR 50/50 Unlimited matches. It couldn't have happened to a nicer fellow. He had his usual humble look on his face as walked up there to receive his plaque....over......and over.....and over.....and so on.:D Ron Lewis put on a great match, and fed us some...
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    Georgia State IR 50/50 3 Gun

    Congratulations Jim on some fine shootin'. Big Bobby helped me catch 'em. Hope y'all had a safe trip home!
  16. S

    Georgia State IR 50/50 3 Gun

    We survived! I have electricity and a phone now, so I'll post some results. To say it was messy would be an understatement. Thanks to all who came, and all who helped with the match. Sporter 1)Greg Davis 240-5X 2)Ron McCormick 239-10X 3)Emery Smith 23708X 10.5 lb. 1)Jim Pepper...
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    Georgia State IR 50/50 3 Gun

    Weather Update Guys, the weather forecast actually got worse today. Althought the projected path of the storm looks well South of us, the Weather is Channel still predicting 80% chance of rain on Saturday. I hope it changes tomorrow. The local weather man just said that "if it follows the...
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    Georgia State IR 50/50 3 Gun

    Tropical Storm Fay The storm is presently predicted to pass to the South of us on Saturday. The current forecast for Saturday is 50% chance of rain. We are going to shoot on Saturday, and Phil is going to have the 50 meter match in Montezuma on Sunday. The storm should be well passed on by...
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    Georgia State IR 50/50 3 Gun

    Catfish Shoot "Quigley" Pekaar's post pretty much tells the tale. We will be having the 15th Annual Catfish Shoot this Saturday. The brown truck has dropped off a box of great looking plaques-Peak's Unlimited, of Wewahitchka Fla., has done it again. The fish are already caught, and the...
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    Al State IR50/50 3 Gun at Gene's Rimfire

    Thanks Gene! Thanks for puttin' on a great match Gene. The food was great, as well as all the bull shootin' that went on. It was good to see all those guys again. Thank your wife again for the food. Congrat's to all the winners!