Search results

  1. rpollock

    LAPUA 220 Russian cases down the drain?

    I don't think short range BR is a fairly large shooting sport, although I wish it was. it is a drop in the bucket for most manufactures and vendors.
  2. rpollock

    LAPUA 220 Russian cases down the drain?

    How about the market is very small compared to those other cartridges? There are manufacturers of 6ppc brass ie Norma and Sako, you can always use those. The problem for manufacturers is that almost no one in short range BR uses the saami 6ppc cartridge, so manufacturers say why bother? What we...
  3. rpollock

    LAPUA 220 Russian cases down the drain?

    Why would it meet specs for a 6ppc when the headstamp is 220 Russian? Just asking. They aren't making this brass for BR shooters. It is for the European market of 220 Russian shooters. It just happens to be useful for blowing out to a non Saami 6ppc chamber.
  4. rpollock

    Priming the pump

    From our Heavy Iron shoot at Rosebud in 2012.
  5. rpollock

    Priming the pump

    Midland 2011
  6. rpollock

    Priming the pump

    Phoenix 2012, enjoy!
  7. rpollock

    Day 1 East/West

    I didn't get the second page. Sorry about that. My understanding is there are about 80-90 shooters.
  8. rpollock

    Day 1 East/West

    Courtesy Dan Opel:
  9. rpollock

    Anyone results from Michigan State Championship

    Results courtesy of Vicky Duncan: Ted Heinselman, Dale Dillingham, Peter Smith, Kevin Hovis, Lowell Hottenstein, Larry Feusse, Joe Hynes, John Petteruti Joe Hynes Bob Scarbrough jr, Joe Hynes, Peter Smith
  10. rpollock

    Clayton Martin passes

    Here is the Precision Rifleman article about Clayton in 2012:
  11. rpollock


    I heard from Melesia. She has been very helpful and got the invites. Thanks for the help. Now we can look forward to thawing out!
  12. rpollock


    Thanks Lawrence. I will try Ryan.
  13. rpollock


    There is a gaggle of us Canucks looking to come down as well. So far I have been unsuccessful in contacting anyone at Berger in response to a match invite request, which proves very helpful when crossing into the US. Could use some help here. Rick
  14. rpollock

    2014 Rattlesnake

    All I have so far:
  15. rpollock

    Juenke Spinner-Wanted

    Larry, I would like to buy it. PM me or e-mail
  16. rpollock

    Scope checker

    Todd check your e-mail. Rick
  17. rpollock

    Nationals Competition Sponsored by Bruno's Shooter Supply

    Thanks Lester. And thanks Gary for organizing.There will be 8-10 Canucks there vying for this! Looking forward to it! is it too soon to leave for Phoenix? Cheers Rick
  18. rpollock

    Canadian shooters being harased at boarder

    Your own State Department issued the visas to the hijackers, they flew direct to the USA, months before the attack. If you want to blame someone, blame the State Department. Hearsay and widely reported meant nothing in the days post 9/11, and still mean nothing. Shoddy journalism and lazy...
  19. rpollock

    Canadian shooters being harased at boarder

    Good grief Pete, get your facts straight. The idea that the 9/11 hijackers came through Canada has been proven false time and time again. Your own commission said this in 2004.