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  1. B

    Was it the Lapua?

    Thanks for all the input and suggestions. To sum it isn't the ammo, but do clean more often and clean carefully! Ben
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    Was it the Lapua?

    Bob, This 10/22 receiver will not accommodate the rod hole in the rear and the mussel mounted bore guide is out because of the tuner. My thought is to clean with the Otis cable pull system using a bore guide we will make to fit inside the von Ahrens tuner "tube". This way the mussel/crown should...
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    Was it the Lapua?

    Charlie, Thanks for your feedback. It appears I was way off on how often most were cleaning their barrels. It sounds like a 1-2 box cleaning cycle will likely provide more barrel life. Starting over on the ammo selection and tuner dial-in process is something I would prefer to not do often. I am...
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    Was it the Lapua?

    Theron, I have been cleaning about after every brick. As you know, lot's of opinions. Based on wear on this barrel, I am planning to cut the cleaning cycle in half. To date, a brush was seldom used...just wet/dry patched until clean. Now my thought is to use a nylon brush at each cleaning. What...
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    Was it the Lapua?

    I have been shooting a custom 10/22 for about 9 mo. During this time we have shot about 9000 rounds of which 8000 +/- were Lapua Midas+. After the gun, set-up and shooter got fairly dialed in, the gun could consistently average a 243 indoors on the USBR target. This seemed pretty decent for an...
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    Is there an impact on accuracy or POI of colder temps on the ammo and rifle? Like stored in an unconditioned area vs. at 70 degrees?
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    Tuners...just the results

    Fred, Sorry if I haven't been clear. I shoot the USBR target regularly and currently can shoot a 3 target avg of 243 with the 10/22. Ben
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    Tuners...just the results

    Fred J, Forgot....for what it is worth, every time my average group size has decreased, the avg score of the (3) USBR targets has increased. For me, the USBR score trumps groups. Ben
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    Tuners...just the results

    Fred J, I agree that your suggested test method might be an improvement over my method of using the average of (15) 2-shot groups. However, I am reductant to change as I have build up a base of 100+ targets as a baseline with the 10/22. I only test with one variable and I am the only shooter...
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    Tuners...just the results

    Nipper, Reworked beyond what Tony Kidd does? If yes, do you know what is done and have a "smith" you would recommend? Ben
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    Tuners...just the results

    Bob, I have not tried the single load, all the shooting has all been with ten rounds in a magazine. I will give it a try and see what happens. Great idea...thanks! Ben
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    Tuners...just the results

    Woops...USBR Target results with the Kidd went from 235 (w/o tuner) to 243 (w/tuner). These improved results may have been slightly impacted by the trigger being adjusted about 2 oz lighter when the tuner was tested. Ben
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    Tuners...just the results

    We have been working on a couple of non-traditional benchrest .22's, here are some measured results. I would really like to learn more about how to maximize our results with a tuner. 1.Shooting a Savage BTVS with a know good lot of Lapua M+ with a von Ahrens tuner (now set with 5 oz weight and...