Tuners...just the results


New member
We have been working on a couple of non-traditional benchrest .22's, here are some measured results. I would really like to learn more about how to maximize our results with a tuner.
1.Shooting a Savage BTVS with a know good lot of Lapua M+ with a von Ahrens tuner (now set with 5 oz weight and 3.0 on dial). The only rifle mods to date are re-crowning the barrel and a reworked trigger. With these mods, the average of (15) 2-shot groups w/o the tuner was about .210 (missing notes). All shot indoors at about 46 yds. With the tuner, same range, rifle and ammo the groups now avg .172. Next test will be after bedding work and some other planned mods. I will try and re-shoot after each change to measure the impact of each. My goal is a (15) 2-shot avg of .110-.120...might be a streach!

2. Shooting a Kidd 10/22 w/20" .920 barrel with a 3.0-3.5 oz 2nd stage trigger pull. Using the same Midas+ lot shooting (15) 2-shot groups the avg was .190. With the vonAhrens tuner (have to check the weights and dial settings) at the same range and same M+ lot, the Kidd the avg 2-shot groups is now .142. Next I shot the USBR Target at the same range and using the same M+ lot. The (3) target avg went from 239 (w/o tuner) to 243 (w/tuner). We are out of ideas for improving the preformace of this 10/22...got any?
Woops...USBR Target results with the Kidd went from 235 (w/o tuner) to 243 (w/tuner). These improved results may have been slightly impacted by the trigger being adjusted about 2 oz lighter when the tuner was tested.
Are you loading that 10-22 one at a time or feeding from the mag? Best way to improve accuracy is to avoid the bullet shaving from mag feeding. bob
I have not tried the single load, all the shooting has all been with ten rounds in a magazine. I will give it a try and see what happens. Great idea...thanks!
if your bolt on the 10/22 has not been reworked have that done

Two shot groups will tell me nothing about the shooter & the guns ability. Try this, shoot 1 shot per bull across the target for 5 bulls. Then repeat that process 5 times, for a total of 5- 5 shot groups. Then tell me what you have.
nothing beyond what he did no...your going to be very lucky to ever shoot a 250 with a 10/22 been there done that, dont go to far trying

Fred J,
I agree that your suggested test method might be an improvement over my method of using the average of (15) 2-shot groups. However, I am reductant to change as I have build up a base of 100+ targets as a baseline with the 10/22. I only test with one variable and I am the only shooter using the same indoor range for each test.
I agree that shooting a 250 avg on (3) USBR targets is not going to happen with a 10/22. I do believe a USBR 245 avg might be obtainable....haven given up yet! :D
Fred J,
Forgot....for what it is worth, every time my average group size has decreased, the avg score of the (3) USBR targets has increased. For me, the USBR score trumps groups.
Sorry if I haven't been clear. I shoot the USBR target regularly and currently can shoot a 3 target avg of 243 with the 10/22.