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    40X Test

    40x HG Glad to hear it,i also love to hear about great shooting 40X's! Mine is a Hongisto and i could not be more happy with my choice! It would be nice to have one from each great smith but........ Colt.45
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    Beginners Question

    Preferred...... Generally where i shoot it seems that most prefer the flags to be at about bullet flight line height.Since your bullet is traveling there it seems logical to have flags there too. If we have several out we might have a high one also? I generally only use 3 flags and one of them...
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    Great news Tim! Tell him hi for all of us. Colt.45
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    10/22 no one seems to like em here pics?

    Kind words............ Hey Brad,........don't go thinking anyone likes you[they were just closing ranks against "the duece shooter"] HaHaHa. Just kidding amigo[i crack me up]:D Colt.45
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    10/22 no one seems to like em here pics?

    A spelling bee.......... Beau I love that movie.........."I'm your huckleberry". Colt.45:D
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    10/22 no one seems to like em here pics?

    10-22 TexasJoe It's basically like all the boys said.........some of us have 10-22's and i love mine.Is it accurate? You bet! Is it benchrest accurate...........not hardly! Before i had an actual benchrest rifle i [thought] a lot of different rifles were accurate. A very good buddy of mine has...
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    Words are on the way to the Man up Stairs. God Bless. Alan
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    The Parallel Node, Calfee

    Just you......... Jetmugg There are at least two of us............ Colt.45
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    Hawk Hill............

    Hawk Hill Thanks Bob,and you will see me there.It's my favorite place to shoot! Alan
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    Hawk Hill............

    Hey Steve,Bob,Emmett,Roger........someone... Is Hawk Hill having any shoots this year??? Hoping so! Colt.45
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    Thanks Joe Besche ARA Match Director Jefferson City MO

    Jeff city Charlie I "heard" they moved Jeff City?:D Hope to shoot with you this season. Colt.45
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    Why Does Eley Ammo Cost So Much

    Chipmonk I'm with you on the issue.Some folks can afford to pay the $1,000.00 + per case for ammo and i am happy for them but i can't so i wish we had a domestic alternative also. And yes i know that everything has gone up,gas,heating fuel,food ect. but if i "have" to cut out something because...
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    New Lapua ammo cost, grab your knees

    I offer my apology to the Benchrest Central members,long ago i decided to never get in a battle of wits with an unarmed individual but in the case of Shorty i forgot that fact.So..again i'm sorry and ready to discuss something that matters. Colt.45
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    New Lapua ammo cost, grab your knees

    shorty If you want to politically correct and Kiss A** on your country's enemies...go right ahead. I will just despise them! Colt.45
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    New Discussion.....So lets hear your BR related plans for 08.

    Well............... Charlie Guess i'll go next. I have the same ole Hongisto 40x as last year.already have a mid barrel tuner and the late model Hoehn with bloop tube but........i do have a set of Roger Ahrens weights on the way to play with this season. Got the same ole SK Standard as last...
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    New Lapua ammo cost, grab your knees

    Shorty Sorry,you misunderstood,i was making fun of you. Colt.45
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    New Lapua ammo cost, grab your knees

    Well Thank you Shorty.:D Colt.45
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    New Lapua ammo cost, grab your knees

    Bohica Charlie Boy you got that right!! Unfortunatley there will be some that buy into this "priced to the point of stupidity ammo" race.People seem to be having a problem realizing that as long as you indicate that the price is not too high [buy the grossly over priced ammo] then it will...
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    ARA Results from El Dorado, California

    Winter shooting... gpscory I started to say........"Wow,must be nice to get to shoot matches in Feb." but then i thought.....hmmmmmmmm shoot in the Winter but have to live in Calf.? Guess not. So i guess i'll sit and wish for another 4-8 weeks.....:( Down to 9 deg. tonite with wind chill at -5...
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    Angelina Rifle and Pistol Club, Lufkin, TX USBRA Results

    Hafast......That is "SO" not RIGHT!!!!!!! Having a rifle match in Feb.! It got all the way up to 17 deg. today with wind at about 10mph and light snow. If we are lucky, might get to shoot by March or April......:( Colt.45