
One last post from me. Gary is now out of the hospital and in rehab, trying to talk, progressing well.I know he's been greatly moved by the heartfelt well wishes.
How about if the next post up here comes from him, hopefully sooner rather than latter.
Tim, that's good news. Oops, Gary was supposed to be the next post! Guess he better hurry up and get back!

I have not been able to get to post until now, computer problems I suppose, but tell Gary hi for me and my prayers are with him. I pray for a speedy recovery and sure hope to see you both in June and July. Bob
Haven't been on the site in a long while and, when I do, I find this. How upsetting. Marcy and I love Gary. He always makes us laugh and his attitude is the best. He is now in our prayers daily for a full and speedy recovery.

Ben & Marcy
Well I was not planning on another post but since there's been several querries kindly indulge me.
Gary is now homeand seems to be doing pretty good, still issues with speach, fine motor skills, reading, but all in all doing OK and hopfully back to speak for himself. Speech theropy, etc. just beginning.