Recent content by degmon

  1. D

    Not such a Bad Day.

    Bench rest baptism Francis, you are one of a kind. You, indeed, were guilty of infecting me. Just not in the delivery room. In fact, I took the dare to go to Raton partialy because you had mentioned you might be there helping. Your absence goaded me into the Michigan trip. And I regret...
  2. D

    Not such a Bad Day.

    Turmoil Jim took me under his wing in Raton several years ago. Mike Ratigan was a "God Send" at the BR School. I was bitten, but detoured through Dr. offices and hospitals since. I allowed my membership to lapse in the meantime, but have not lost my zeal for accuracy. Will renew membership...
  3. D

    Not such a Bad Day.

    Sissy I'm with Jim.
  4. D

    Veterans thank you

    Veterans Many thanks. Happy birthday Marine Corps. Dennis
  5. D

    Categories problem

    Categories access I'm getting the "Server Error" message. Is there something I can do. Using Chrome. Dennis
  6. D

    Accurate 2230 in 6PPC???

    2230- c Ramshot customer service replied to my question on load data for the C which is no longer listed. They said to use their current data for 2460. I have had good results in 222, 223, 6X47(222 mag), 6PPC, and 250 Savage. Dennis
  7. D

    Ivy Rods

    Designer, knife maker, and my reloading mentor of 40+ years passed last week. Clarence Ivy was a true credit to the shooting/reloading community, and will be missed. Dennis Egmon
  8. D

    vias muzzle brake

    I have a Vais on a 300WM Sendero and a 25-06 Sendero. Works as advertised, and I'll do it again when the need arises. Dennnis
  9. D

    Rapture, the next day....

    LOL....repeat, LOL.... Perhaps the rapture occured, and we are still here... Hmmmmmm
  10. D

    what is really the most challenging benchrest style to shoot?

    I wouldn't mind having a penny for every bullet that Jackie has shot just to get to the record. Dennis
  11. D

    Benchrest friendly ranges in Houston, TX?

    Range El Campo Rifle and Pistol Club, Inc. Located appx halfway between Houston and Victoria. 100, 200, 300, 50, 25 + pistol range. Concrete tables, covered concrete firing line. If interested, you may email me(listed in my profile). Dennis
  12. D


    Doug What? NO Flatulence later? Dennis
  13. D

    WD 40 -- Any Uses?

    Rust Prevention (preventative vs preventive.....irregardless is the one that bugs me). "Rustprufe" works like a charm. Body salts (as in fingers) won't penetrate. Hard to find these days. This is my preference for storage of firearms. I use WD40 almost interchangeably with LPS1. LPS2 is...
  14. D

    reloading help

    Tumblers And cleaning primer pockets-----If the tumbler cleans the primer pocket, then you will have to use a manual tool to remove media from a good many flash holes. MP is right about using a manual tool to clean primer pockets after decapping. If/when you get to BR quality brass prep, you...
  15. D

    MUZZLE BRAKE on 300 win mag

    brake I don't shoot 1000 in competition, other than friendly. I have a Vais on my Sendero 300 w.m. and really like it. If and when a rebarrel is needed, I'll take it to San Antonio and get another one. Also have one on a 25-06 for distant varmint work......same story, get to watch the...