Wonder why there are fewer jobs in the USA?



I just received a Callaway FTiz fairway wood and headcover in the mail. This is a brand new item with all the labels attached. Bought it on ebay for $66, a far cry from the original suggested retail price of $250.00. A great deal!

Want to know where it was made? The label reads that the head was made in China, the shaft was made in Vietnam, and the assembly of the components was accomplished in Mexico.

Thanks a lot Mr. Callaway and company, for at least being up front, on where you've sent the jobs to.

Anyone want to venture a guess, as to what the actual costs were to produce it? And, what the gross margin or profit was?
There are a lot of reasons for why companies send jobs over seas, but the biggest is the cost of labor. I would seem that the American work force has priced itself into unemployment. I am no economist, but I would look to the unions for most of this. Unions started out with a great idea, but somewhere corruption came into play.

Look at the cost of building an American made car or truck. With benefits & wages costing almost 90.00 per hour vs. about 43.00 for the foriegn auto makers, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. I do believe that the over seas workers are under paid, and most live in poverty, but what are you going to do.

I try to buy American when ever possible. I have never bought a Toyota, Nissan, Kia, or any of the other Asian vehicles, but I have looked.

Even my industry of two-way radios, has gone 99% over seas & I sell Kenwood, but all of it is from the Pacific rim.

This little episode in Michigan will prove to be good in a few years.

My 2 cents worth.

Hostess is a superb example of union lunacy. Many are now out of their jobs but the union bosses who led these people to disaster are still sitting pretty, collecting their high pay, looking for their next group of victims and funneling dues money from the regular working stiffs to the political party which claims to be the "champion of the oppressed american worker". Lord, gimme a break!!
Danny, I "HAM" it up with a classic TS 830S Hybrid Kenwood radio, still a wonderful Radio!

Eli Calloway used to have it's Ti heads cast at the Ruger facility in Arizona, unfortunatly, Eli is gone now and so is any self respect that the company had!

There are a lot of reasons for why companies send jobs over seas, but the biggest is the cost of labor. I would seem that the American work force has priced itself into unemployment. I am no economist, but I would look to the unions for most of this. Unions started out with a great idea, but somewhere corruption came into play.

Look at the cost of building an American made car or truck. With benefits & wages costing almost 90.00 per hour vs. about 43.00 for the foriegn auto makers, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. I do believe that the over seas workers are under paid, and most live in poverty, but what are you going to do.

I try to buy American when ever possible. I have never bought a Toyota, Nissan, Kia, or any of the other Asian vehicles, but I have looked.

Even my industry of two-way radios, has gone 99% over seas & I sell Kenwood, but all of it is from the Pacific rim.

This little episode in Michigan will prove to be good in a few years.

My 2 cents worth.

I try to buy American when ever possible. I have never bought a Toyota, Nissan, Kia, or any of the other Asian vehicles, but I have looked.

My 2 cents worth.


you need to broaden your education..those "asian" cars all have plants in the usa.....employing americans

there are very few "american" cars...go look at thier content...made elsewhere..assembled somewhere...seldom here.

just my 2 cents worth
unions and politics will be the end of this country.
as was said , unions had thier place, have gone beyond and now they rape the workers worse than the employers.
an example...
us company, east coast union, west coast plant...three yr contract.
6000 employees in the union, $30 per month to the head office per employee.
$180,000 per month, $2,160,000 PER YR, $6,480,000 per contract.
the union sends ONE LAYWER to assist in negotiations....
reccomends strike....
strikers get nothing for the first week, and $40 per week there after if they walk the line.
company informs union that they will hire replacements...and do....
lawyers says wait it out.....lol.....
companiy continues to hire replacements....strike colapses.
some strikers are not recalled till ONE YEAR LATER......NO STRIKE NO PAY FOR A YEAR....
I try to buy American when ever possible. I have never bought a Toyota, Nissan, Kia, or any of the other Asian vehicles, but I have looked.

This little episode in Michigan will prove to be good in a few years.

My 2 cents worth.


So...you say you've never bought a Toyota, Nissan, or Kia. Well I now own a Toyota Tundra; made in San Antonio, Tx. The engine is made in Alabama, the glass comes from Penn. Before this vehicle I owned a Ford F150, made in Mexico and a Mercury Grand Marquis made in Canada. Makes one think what's the American made vehicle??

And I wonder if Art would have bought the golf club for over $250 if it was made in America? Will he enjoy it less with the "foreign" made stigma attached to it? Don't think so....

I try to buy American when ever possible. I have never bought a Toyota, Nissan, Kia, or any of the other Asian vehicles, but I have looked.

I also try to buy American. After a little research, I bought an American made Honda rather than a Mexican made Ford. Go figure.

I agree the Unions have hurt the America in some ways,...but companies also are taking jobs out of the US to bring those goods into the US for sale at BIG profits and it hurts us in America by removing the job base that provide the economy we need...In my opinion any company that "makes a product outside the US should have to sell it outside the US" and lets see what their profits would look like then...the US purchasing power is what every country wants to target...and we should limit goods NOT made in the USA...I guarantee the jobs would come back overnite...!!!
I would gladly pay more for products made in the USA if the jobs came back..
Eddie in Texas
you too need to open your eyes...
the us economy sucks....
we no longer have streets paved with gold...
what we have is massive unemployment...large welfare lines, lower valued dollar...
the buying is being done on credit not cash...
why are home loans at 3% and credit cards at 18-24%.....because there is a demand for credit cards...and none for houses..you can qualify for a cc but not a house.
the jobs left because the labor cost was too high because unions knew no end to thier greed..and now we all pay for it.
you should look at your own backyard..the oil industry .relative low labor cost but a high priced product.....because we are willing to pay it...
it is called business for a reason....you build what they will buy....gasoline is near resession proof....in the usa.....
mike in co

I agree the Unions have hurt the America in some ways,...but companies also are taking jobs out of the US to bring those goods into the US for sale at BIG profits and it hurts us in America by removing the job base that provide the economy we need...In my opinion any company that "makes a product outside the US should have to sell it outside the US" and lets see what their profits would look like then...the US purchasing power is what every country wants to target...and we should limit goods NOT made in the USA...I guarantee the jobs would come back overnite...!!!
I would gladly pay more for products made in the USA if the jobs came back..
Eddie in Texas
Get used to it guys. The US of A is being wound down....a planned and orchestrated event!

If you don't know why, you need to wake up and find out.

In the meantime it is still We the People!!

A-If you voted for any incumbent in this last election you are part of the problem!!!

B-If you didn't vote, you should have.
the jobs left because the labor cost was too high because unions knew no end to their greed..and now we all pay for it. mike in co


I would suggest that you read this: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/01/27/3395890/percentage-of-workforce-represented.html

Labor Unions only represented 11.8% of the entire U.S. workforce, and ONLY 7.6% of the private-sector workforce in 2011.

Jobs were shipped overseas to maximize profits for owners, and to drive stock prices skyward for the benefit of shareholders who demand higher and higher returns on their investments.

Labor Unions aren't the bogeyman, greed among the rich is! Always has been. That's why unions were formed in the place. To protect workers from being exploited by wealthy owners.

Studying union history is eye opening. As work conditions improved, membership dwindled to the point of where it is today.

If the wealthy shared profits on a more equitable basis, unions might even cease to exist.
Of course we should worry not how many small businessmen/local shops shutter their doors because of how many folks don't think of supporting them when "everythings cheaper on ebay".
You're right about one thing, unions were formed to protect abused workers so many years ago. Somewhere along the line many forgot about a growing global economy, quality control, and a fair days effort. If we're talking equity could you be kind enough to explain again why the head of the local Teamsters unions and UAW chapters deserve $200M a year again? You wanna B**** about something how about your dues going to their summer homes.
Get used to it guys. The US of A is being wound down....a planned and orchestrated event!

If you don't know why, you need to wake up and find out.

In the meantime it is still We the People!!

A-If you voted for any incumbent in this last election you are part of the problem!!!

B-If you didn't vote, you should have.

Another disgruntled 48 percenter who keeps kicking the dead horse.

If you really want to blame someone or something, blame the GOP's nominating process for the poor selection of candidates it put forth. That was the "entire" problem!!!
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Since we are trying to compensate our two part-time employees in the same way we compensate full timers for health insurance (we pay 65% of the cost of insurance), we had to run the numbers. Turns out it costs us, "the company," $2.67 per hour worked for our portion of each employee's heath care insurance.

(The Blue Cross Blue Shield group plan precludes including part-timer employees, defined by them as anyone working less than 30 hours per week.)

Most other countries --certainly China and Vietnam mentioned in the first post -- have single-payer (government) health care, so any businesses there don't have that expense. $2.67 per hour is a significant cost, a 17% out-of-pocket mark-up for labor that can't be touched by any efficiencies.
I'm a simple man with simple answers. I've learned after 20+ years of teaching HS economics that you need to keep it simple. Excessive taxation, regulation and labor costs are the three primary reasons industry has left our country. I don't believe in pontificating nor do I discuss anything with ideological zealots, by nature they're unreasonable people. You can imagine being an educator how lonely I am in school;)
I also try to buy American. After a little research, I bought an American made Honda rather than a Mexican made Ford. Go figure.


I cannot stay out of this.
I waited 62 yrs. to buy my first new vehicle. A '98 Dodge Caravan Sport , their best.. Made in America...by Americans...right ? It went through 3 inspections before it went out the factory door,
So tell me. How and more importantly......why...is the seat belt on the passanger side installed DOWN SIDE UP?
If that van were a Honda or Toyota built over there OR here, it would have been right to begin with. Thats the differance between the "unionized" american worker who wouild have a difficult time getting fired for inferior work.

One more thing gentlemen...

As far as our "work" being shipped overseas... Have any of you asked yourselves this question?
How was that ARRANGED ? And why ? Answer..."good old fashioned American greed ! Prices for a shirt at Farm & Fleet have not been reduced, commensurate with price of cost.
Don't you get it ?
The Japanese did NOT have to come here and spend hundreds of millions to build high tech auto plants and put OUR people to work in a fine envirement, with a respectable wage.
Yes. It is much better in India, where they make garments to be shipped to US and I suppose other countries. Oh wait. Wasn't there a fire that killed 211 last month because the workers were lock inside the plant. No. I suppose the doors were locked to keep others from coming in to work for $0.35 perhour.

You seem to forget something.
Who ARRANGED for those goods to be manufactured in India ? If you really think about it, American Manufacturers kept on looking for a cheaper way. Not only India, but MOST of the 3rd world countries. Greed Fran...American greed.
I too, miss the good ole' flannel "Big Mack" shirts and what not. So my friend....why are they NOT being made here still ?
Another disgruntled 48 percenter who keeps kicking the dead horse.

Er, Uh, that was just 47%. according to Mitt the Millionare..

If you really want to blame someone or something, blame the GOP's nominating process for the poor selection of candidates it put forth. That was the "entire" problem!!!

Theres more to it than that, look up Neoconservative. That is a bunch of Russian and Eastern European origin that came into this country about the turn of the 20th century. For example look up Irving Kristol, father of Fox News wonderful and loving Bill Kristol!!

They started in the Democrat Party and during our so called "cultural revolution" (the 1960's) some moved to the GOP.


Neocon notables, just to name a few:





In this case, the 48% refers to those who voted for Mitt, and haven't gotten over the loss yet.