Wonder why there are fewer jobs in the USA?

Andy in that case I would be looking for another job. Back in the 1960's if you didn't like the job you had you could get another one the next day, there were that many companys looking for workers. And what I'm seeing today is there is a lot of work out there if you look. There are people looking for someone to do work on there homes, and if your out to make an honest living and not rip to people off, you can do quite well!
Theres a plant not far from me that has always been none union and I know a lot of guy,and women who have retired from there. And never had problems if they done there job. That is the key, when someone sees your doing a good job they don't want to get rid of you. And you don't have to be a suck a$$!

Joe Salt
Oh! I forgot you could advance ahead of your fellow workers by taking tests and showing you could do the pay grade ahead of you, my friend did it and was at the highest pay grade in the mill! I would have liked that chance.

Joe Salt
I had to catch up on this thread. I was surprised that I missed so much.

When I said that I have never bought an Asian vehicle, yes that includes the "American made" Hondas, Nissans, toyotas, etc.., because where does the profit from those plants go? I am sure that it doesn't stay here in the US of A.

One thing about an economy, money has to be spent to be circulated and where you spend it matters. The more money spent here in the US, the better the economy. I try to spend my dollars locally on goods that I need if possible. If the local hardware guy has a product that cost 10% more than if I bought it at Lowes or Home Depot, I will buy it from him to help preserve the local business, rather than send dollars to another state. Then the same goes for an American business vs. a foriegn entity like Target or Costco, ( both French I believe).
danny do some research before posting....
target is a us company..there isa french investment company that owns 5%...

costco is a us company with businesses outsde us borders,,,but again is a us company...

your car buying decisions and why are quite silly...ford has companies around the world, gm has companies around the world, chrysler had may still have companies around the world......what is this so called american car you think you can buy ???

mike in co
Hate to say it guys, I,ve always been a Chevy fan but I wasn't going to buy an OBOMA MOBILE so I got a Toyota Tundra!

Joe Salt

Just going by what I have read in business journals. I do know that Price Club, the first name of Costco was French. And I also kmow that the Big 3 auto makers have factories around the globe manufacturing parts for the American factories to assemble the completed product.
you are complestely WRONG....sol price and his brother started price club in san diego...never a forgien company. never the first name of costco..they were seperate companies.. once a joint venture with costco then absorbed by them...
your ability to research sucks
most "american" cars have significant forgien components or are made outside the us...canada and mexico......korea......etc

mike in co


Just going by what I have read in business journals. I do know that Price Club, the first name of Costco was French. And I also kmow that the Big 3 auto makers have factories around the globe manufacturing parts for the American factories to assemble the completed product.
I saw an interesting article on the history station a few weeks ago.
A "quality" pair of tennis shoes were made overseas, total time in the pair was 17.5 minutes!!! Materials might have been $4-5, and the will sell here in the United States for $100-120! "And then they wonder why"!
Hate to say it guys, I,ve always been a Chevy fan but I wasn't going to buy an OBOMA MOBILE so I got a Toyota Tundra!

Joe Salt

You did buy american really. I have several friends that work at the Toyota plant in princeton, IN. The tundra is made there and I don't know about now but a few years back, 84% of the parts were made within 250 miles of the plant. It shows the american workers can do the job. Everyone of my friends love working there.

While I was overseas on my last tour, I bumped into a Indiana National Guard unit there that just happened to be close to where I grew up. I was talking with several of the young soldiers and one of them had a very unique story.

The soldier had went through the Toyota hiring process(which is very long) and when you meet the next to final selection, you have to go in and work a free 8 hour day. The soldier did this on a friday and on the following monday, Toyota called and offered him the job. On Weds of that week, the soldier got a call from his NG unit saying that they were on a fast deployment schedule and would be leaving for trainup in two weeks. The soldier was scared he wasn't going to get the job now but he called Toyota and told them what was going on and they told him to come in on Friday like they said on Monday. Well, on Friday, he went in and they took him to a small office with no windows and just two chairs and a desk. He said he thought he was being kidnapped or something. After a little while a guy came in and introduced himself as the vice-president in charge of human resourses. When the young soldier asked if he was going to still have a job, the reply was "of course so, it might not be the one we hired you in on now but it will be close to the same with either matching or higher pay". He was very happy to hear this but there is more. The Vice-President told him that he was aware that the young mans fiancee was pregnant. He told the soldier that while he was deployed overseas, Toyota would pay him a 40hr workweek and that if he had any trouble out of the military in paying for the health bills for his fiancee, have her send them to Toyota and they would pay them with no co-pay or deductions. This about floored the young soldier. Talk about creating a loyal worker. Have you ever heard of another company doing this? The soldier had never even worked a payed day and Toyota had no obligations to him. No union.

Every time someone down there even mentions a union, they about tar and feather them. And yes, Toyota pays on par with UAW workers.

you are complestely WRONG....sol price and his brother started price club in san diego...never a forgien company. never the first name of costco..they were seperate companies.. once a joint venture with costco then absorbed by them...
your ability to research sucks
most "american" cars have significant forgien components or are made outside the us...canada and mexico......korea......etc

mike in co

"your ability to research sucks"....was/is completely uncalled for. There's simply no reason to maintain such a "combative" attitude when posting. "Do unto others...." comes to mind.
You did buy american really. I have several friends that work at the Toyota plant in princeton, IN. The tundra is made there and I don't know about now but a few years back, 84% of the parts were made within 250 miles of the plant. It shows the american workers can do the job. Everyone of my friends love working there.

While I was overseas on my last tour, I bumped into a Indiana National Guard unit there that just happened to be close to where I grew up. I was talking with several of the young soldiers and one of them had a very unique story.

The soldier had went through the Toyota hiring process(which is very long) and when you meet the next to final selection, you have to go in and work a free 8 hour day. The soldier did this on a friday and on the following monday, Toyota called and offered him the job. On Weds of that week, the soldier got a call from his NG unit saying that they were on a fast deployment schedule and would be leaving for trainup in two weeks. The soldier was scared he wasn't going to get the job now but he called Toyota and told them what was going on and they told him to come in on Friday like they said on Monday. Well, on Friday, he went in and they took him to a small office with no windows and just two chairs and a desk. He said he thought he was being kidnapped or something. After a little while a guy came in and introduced himself as the vice-president in charge of human resourses. When the young soldier asked if he was going to still have a job, the reply was "of course so, it might not be the one we hired you in on now but it will be close to the same with either matching or higher pay". He was very happy to hear this but there is more. The Vice-President told him that he was aware that the young mans fiancee was pregnant. He told the soldier that while he was deployed overseas, Toyota would pay him a 40hr workweek and that if he had any trouble out of the military in paying for the health bills for his fiancee, have her send them to Toyota and they would pay them with no co-pay or deductions. This about floored the young soldier. Talk about creating a loyal worker. Have you ever heard of another company doing this? The soldier had never even worked a payed day and Toyota had no obligations to him. No union.

Every time someone down there even mentions a union, they about tar and feather them. And yes, Toyota pays on par with UAW workers.


Don't forget why unions were created in the first place, to right the wrongs and injustices, inequities, and unfair treatment that was being imposed on the average work.

When all companies begin to care for employees like Toyota has done in this you man's case, unions will cease to exist.
"your ability to research sucks"....was/is completely uncalled for. There's simply no reason to maintain such a "combative" attitude when posting. "Do unto others...." comes to mind.

Indeed, his manners can be atrocious from time to time. Don't think he realizes how much he belittles himself when he does it.
HovisKM Yes I know those people are still working and thats what I tell people when they ask why I didn't buy a Chevy! Besides its a great truck ,every one that rides in in can't believe how nice it is, its The Platinum Addition! Unions would probably be fine if they weren't in bed with the Democrats. Never needed somone to tell me who to vote for.

Joe Salt
Unions would probably be fine if they weren't in bed with the Democrats.

Joe, Can you really picture them in bed with the rich ... the Republicans. The reason the unions aligned themselves with the Democrats is because the Democrats are the party of the people. It's the Joe Salts of the earth versus the Mitt Romneys. Always has been, always will be.
Joe, Can you really picture them in bed with the rich ... the Republicans. The reason the unions aligned themselves with the Democrats is because the Democrats are the party of the people. It's the Joe Salts of the earth versus the Mitt Romneys. Always has been, always will be.

Absolutely right...... especially the people that don't work, don't care, don't pay for stuff with their own money, don't have a green card, and believe with all their heart every bad decesion they ever made leading to bad outcomes is ultimately because somebody must have done something to them usually those rich folks.....you know the ones that pay 65% of all the taxes in this country. Also led by the guy that ran an entire campaign base on no ideas except making folks mad at the other guy because he dared to be accomplished. One week ago in the Wall Street Journal an enlightened op-ed piece written by a Harvard ecomomics professor no less explaining in great detail why we have two parties in the US.... the Republicans and the Europeans..... Alas sad but true.
wilbur says i was unkind to you, so i apologize....
but you are still wrong...costco/price club were not and are not french.....
there is a single major french investment company that owns FIVE PERCENT of costco......

mike the humble in co

"your ability to research sucks"....was/is completely uncalled for. There's simply no reason to maintain such a "combative" attitude when posting. "Do unto others...." comes to mind.
Wall Street Journal an enlightened op-ed piece written by a Harvard ecomomics professor no less explaining in great detail why we have two parties in the US.... the Republicans and the Europeans..... Alas sad but true.

And the Republicans were here all along?? Don't forget guys, it was Richard Nixon who opened up Communist China, it was Bill Clinton who reopened Communist China MFN (Most Favored Nation) status after it had been suspended because of the Tiananmen Square happening, then it was George W Bush who reopened Communist Vietnam after the Communists killed some 54,000 of our finest.

If you follow the flip-flops by both parties you will soon figure out we deserve better!!!

As to Rupert Murdock (WSJ), Roger Ailes (FOX), Sumner Redstone (CBS), Jeff Zucker (CNN), ad nauseam, we deserve better here too.
abintx: And what do you mean versus Mitt Romney, I voted for him! this fiscal cliff thing wouldn't be going on right now if he were president. all I'm saying is everyone should be on the same playing field for jobs, if your the best at what you do then you have the job, if not, work a little harder you might make it.