Wonder why there are fewer jobs in the USA?

you too need to open your eyes...
the us economy sucks....
we no longer have streets paved with gold...
what we have is massive unemployment...large welfare lines, lower valued dollar...
the buying is being done on credit not cash...
why are home loans at 3% and credit cards at 18-24%.....because there is a demand for credit cards...and none for houses..you can qualify for a cc but not a house.
the jobs left because the labor cost was too high because unions knew no end to thier greed..and now we all pay for it.
you should look at your own backyard..the oil industry .relative low labor cost but a high priced product.....because we are willing to pay it...
it is called business for a reason....you build what they will buy....gasoline is near resession proof....in the usa.....
mike in co

Mike...the only way to reduce those numbers is bring the jobs back..Nationalism can help...being involved in a worldwide ecomony means we have to lower our living standards to meet the rest of the word...which I believe is a big mistake...
I too have lived thru the post war 1950s and the 1970s..
You do NOT have the only or correct opinion on this website...my eyes are open I just see things differently than you...doesn't make you right and me wrong..!
Thats the differance between the "unionized" american worker who wouild have a difficult time getting fired for inferior work.

Joe I had to laugh at that.......you should try employing people in NZ, even if you catch them stealing from the employer you can't fire them.........9 times out of 10 the employee would win a wrongfull dismisal case.......Kiwi
Joe I had to laugh at that.......you should try employing people in NZ, even if you catch them stealing from the employer you can't fire them.........9 times out of 10 the employee would win a wrongfull dismisal case.......Kiwi


I hear that ! The UAW here stands by their union "workers" in the same fashion.
On the other hand, I too was a union member in the construction field for 42 years. Now then, If I had made a "pattern" for roof rafters by which to cut the others from, and I proceeded to cut all the rest of them only to discover the pattern was short by an inch, not only would I have been fired, but they would have helped me pack my tools.
My "union " ? All we did was pay dues. I have not seen my union back up any employee in all those years. Never. Furthermore , the word "seniority" does not exist in the construction industry.
I'm a simple man with simple answers. I've learned after 20+ years of teaching HS economics that you need to keep it simple. Excessive taxation, regulation and labor costs are the three primary reasons industry has left our country. I don't believe in pontificating nor do I discuss anything with ideological zealots, by nature they're unreasonable people. You can imagine being an educator how lonely I am in school;)

OHhhhh vinny, you're my Hero Of The Day :) Yeahhh, you're a raisin in a loaf of white bread....an island on Lon gisland


The majority spoke....and they voted for all the "free stuff" they can get.......can't win against the guy running the candy store giving out free stuff. J.C. Himself would have lost against the current Santa Claus....... Debt?...... that's overplayed cuz' the Pres. and news guys and gals say That's a problem only for the long term. I JUST DON"T CARE ANYMORE......IMHO we are going into a very bad place.....very soon.
I'm trying not to care anymore but just can't seem to get it done. I keep saying the best thing I can do at my age ( and to find inner peace) is to quit reading EVERY thing. The only tranquility it seems...would be to move to a place where the natives still throw spears at helicopters...
What's really sad is the neurosis or excessive anxiety that's present in the minority.

The cure ... move to another country with poor living standards, dirt roads, and armed bandits and perceptions will change. :D
What's really sad is the neurosis or excessive anxiety that's present in the minority.

The cure ... move to another country with poor living standards, dirt roads, and armed bandits and perceptions will change. :D

WHEN the bottom falls out, you'll never touch another drop of kool-aid again.
"I'm a simple man with simple answers. I've learned after 20+ years of teaching HS economics that you need to keep it simple. Excessive taxation, regulation and labor costs are the three primary reasons industry has left our country. I don't believe in pontificating nor do I discuss anything with ideological zealots, by nature they're unreasonable people. You can imagine being an educator how lonely I am in school "

Spoken like a true zealot. One needs to only look at where our schools languish on the international scale. List the simple reasons for that.

All this began long before most of us think. In the years after World War Two, Ford began using Japanese steel for their cars. The early '50 Fords were real rust buckets, too. Bear in mind that old Henry was one who believed in doing everything "in house". Ford owned Rouge Steel, the coal mine and the iron mine, as well as the lake freighters to haul the raw product. So why Japanese steel? When machinery was delivered to a Ford plant, it was the Ford millwrights who installed said machinery, not iron workers. Years later when the federal regulations detated that these machines needed more safeguards, old Henry or his sons had all those safeguards put in place "in house" rather than my the manufacturer of the machinery. I sat for the jury for three months on a liability case vs Rockwell Machine when an inspector was injured on a machine after Ford insisted that they install the new safeguards. Corporate greed is what I see as the problem in America today. It just isn't in the manufacturing industry either. One needs to look only as far as the top executives on Wall Street, in National Banks, and at the paper pushers. Bottom Line.

Spoken like a true zealot.

Corporate greed is what I see as the problem in America today.

Just, wow......

I had to save these quotes, they're right out of the mainstream news!

We're in trouble here guys!

Greed = the new buzzword for class warfare, of which very few among us don't hold jealous feelings towards those much better off.......It's a very EASY sell. So, let's make it so that the RICH no longer find it desirable to live or invest HERE, and get them to MOVE elsewhere......MAN, now that's a REAL plan to get this dynamo of an economy to BOOM again........and all aspects of life in the USA would become FAIR once the playing field is leveled..........What flavor ya want? grape, orange, or strawberry?
What business is it of ours who earns what?.........unless....we pay their salary...or we have a vested interest in their business. Let's make it fair and post everyone's earnings on the internet to follow that line of thinking.
So really, at what point is it determined that a employee is compensated too much.......the BOD apparently did not think so...and they are held accountable ( by the stockholders and to some extent the customers)....so what IS the number?
Ever see the Milton Friedman interview with Phil Donahoe about "greed". Friedman devastated Donahoes argument - purely based on EMOTION - explaining in logic so simple that left Phil with no challenge to Miltons argument.....because it was completely logical and factual.
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Do any of you own stocks in these companies??? 401k's... etc. You have a say every year and it goes back to VOTING. I use to own Ruger stock and a couple others. As a former share holder, I will say, that companies owe it to the share holders to make money. Hostess is a great example of the disconnect between general labor and management. If the employees owned shares of the company, they could voted to not give the Ceo's, CFO's and etc... all that money. Has anyone ever bothered to look at it this way??? Nope......
If the employees owned shares of the company, they could voted to not give the Ceo's, CFO's and etc... all that money. Has anyone ever bothered to look at it this way??? Nope......

Can you spell United Airlines? The worker "owners" got screwed. The executives did OK. The lawyers and bankers got a lot richer. Ask Gene Beggs, he was a pilot (thankfully not for United).

Most of us seeking regulation are really only trying to get an uphill playing field, you know, where you can still sort of play. Won't help too much, because God still fights on the side with the most lawyers. Don't expect level, just a slight chance.
Spoken like a true zealot. One needs to only look at where our schools languish on the international scale. List the simple reasons for that.

Well being you asked, Liberal policies/teacher unions are destroying our education system as well as our country. I know how inconvenient the truth and facts are for Liberals but on a global scale we have the highest corporate taxes, labor costs and regulatory burden. Theses are facts and not the CNN or MSNBC opinions where many of you like minded thinkers get your talking points from. :)
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From an article by Bill Moyers, not talking points, just Govt. records.
In 1952, the corporate income tax accounted for about one third of all federal tax revenue. But, over the years, U.S. multinationals have devised increasingly complex tax avoidance schemes, far beyond the ability of the IRS to credibly monitor or enforce. Although the corporate tax rate was also lowered significantly in 1986, tax avoidance is one of the primary reasons why corporate taxes supply less than 9 percent of federal revenues today.

Corporate profits are currently at the highest percentage of the GDP since records have been kept (increasing by 18.5% in the third quarter), while wages are at their lowest. Private sector wages used to always account for at least 50% of GDP and now stand at 43.5%
"Theses are facts and not the CNN or MSNBC opinions where many of you like minded thinkers get your talking points from."

Spoken like an Economics teacher, almost. I believe your sentence should have read, "These are the facts and not the CNN or MSNBC opinions from which many of you like-minded thinkers get your talking points.
I can't speak for the others but, I am neither a Liberal nor am I a teacher.
Liberal policies/teacher unions should be separated by more than a slash. Liberal policies seem to dictate that everyone passes to the next grade regardless of their grades. Let the next teacher correct the errors of the previous year. I dare to say that if it wasn't for your teachers' union, you would be trying to teach, control, discipline 50 or 60 students instead of the 35 as is the norm in Michigan. In the Detroit Public School System, in the sad state of affairs it is in, the system is top heavy and teacher light. Is this the norm? I don't know. Our children graduated from the Port Huron Public School System and received a better education that they would have received had we stayed in Detroit. Our four children are doing very well in the public sector.
As this is way off topic, if you care to continue this discussion, send me a PM or e-mail.

You're correct and I thank you for the correction. Do teacher unions do some good? That answer is up for grabs, matter of perspective I guess but I thank you for behaving like a gentlemen and am happy to hear your children have done well. In most cases a good home is the key to good academic performance! Good luck
Corporate profits are currently at the highest percentage of the GDP since records have been kept (increasing by 18.5% in the third quarter), while wages are at their lowest. Private sector wages used to always account for at least 50% of GDP and now stand at 43.5%

Does this mean the US corporate taxes and decent wages ARE NOT the reason for all this Move to Communist China event? Horrors!!!
From an article by Bill Moyers, not talking points, just Govt. records.
In 1952, the corporate income tax accounted for about one third of all federal tax revenue. But, over the years, U.S. multinationals have devised increasingly complex tax avoidance schemes, far beyond the ability of the IRS to credibly monitor or enforce. Although the corporate tax rate was also lowered significantly in 1986, tax avoidance is one of the primary reasons why corporate taxes supply less than 9 percent of federal revenues today.

Corporate profits are currently at the highest percentage of the GDP since records have been kept (increasing by 18.5% in the third quarter), while wages are at their lowest. Private sector wages used to always account for at least 50% of GDP and now stand at 43.5%

REPLY TO THE LAST SENTENCE IN QUOTE ABOVE. With all the people working for the govt, i am suprised the private sector accounts for 43.5% of the GDP today. There is no way it will EVER get back to near 50%, it will go the other way.

Another thing, how many of you folks sign a paycheck on the front side and actually hire employees? Here in the part of Iowa i live in there aren't many people actually looking for a job. They all want big wages and to not get their little hands dirty. Also unemployment pays too good and no one will take a job below what they consider "their level". I'm only talking about the experience i have in my area here, not anywhere else.

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Dave you are right, in 1974 Unemployment was $75 Dollars a week in N.Y. Now its $400 dollars. Why work? I never wanted to belong to a union but it was a closed shop. Only thing they ever did for me was they kept me from advancing in the work I was in, because seniority ruled. Had to wait till they died, retired or quit.

Joe Salt
Joe Salt, Did you ever work at a non-union shop where the boss announced on Friday that "Hey guys, I am adding a new deck on my house this weekend, stop by and help if you have time", and you made darn sure you showed up and worked all day because you knew you wouldn't have a job for very long if you didn't?