Things You Should Avoid Doing When You Are Over 70.

I just wrote this to a friend.... "Golden Years" is a joke that's never funny. When we're younger it sounds like something special but when we're "Golden" we discover that the term was a big joke and it ain't funny. I suppose it is, but you have to say it and laugh really fast.

Wilbur, There is a better term, instead of Golden Years they are the Metallic years, silver in your hair,gold in your teeth and lead in your a**. Fits much better IMHO. :) It still beats the alternative !
and electronics in the ears/chest, bits of plastic/glass in eyes, plastic/metal in knees, .............
And to add to the "Metallic Years", titanium in the hips.

I'm lucky I don't have any hip issues. I do have titanium in my neck from three operations and one in my lower back, but I can't really complain. I can walk a reasonable distance with little or no pain. Right now life is pretty good.

ohh heck, take a high speed grinder to it and it will look like new..well 70.
alright....maybe not.
glad to see ya back together
Was walking in a walk-in beer cooler and bumped into a pallet slightly out of line with others holding cases of beer. Emergency room @ 1a.m. no stitches and no pain meds. It's been 10 days and still hurts like crazy.View attachment 22370

That is pretty ugly....can't believe they didn't do something to close that up. Hope you have enough beer to hold you over.

superficial laceration. in other word not deep enough to require stitches. Pain is likely more from impact- bruising looks to be fairly deep. or perhaps you are on blood thinners which makes look worse than it really is.

Yeah, don’t ever tell them you passed out first. That’s another set of tests and another doctor or three. You’d never know it to look at my pretty face but I’ve had over a hundred stitches in it from my hockey playing days. Scars heal up better than you think.
The reason we get hurt as old timers is because we’re doing things the way we used to do it and we can’t think as fast as we used to and the reflexes aren’t as quick as they used to be.

The problems for we old fellows are many: bifocals may cause us to miss a step, some have numb feet (no feedback for balance), we are weaker that before but gravity is just as powerful as ever and it waits for us to slip. When we fall we may not have enough neck strength to keep our head from hitting that curb (killed a friend of mine recently). Get a walking stick, hold onto hand rails on the stairs, Climb into that deer stand like a sloth, take your time making the shot and climb down carefully. Enjoy every day...
Wow is all I can say. I guess you should be VERY thankful someone was near to drive you or it was probably 911...
Wilbur, There is a better term, instead of Golden Years they are the Metallic years, silver in your hair,gold in your teeth and lead in your a**. Fits much better IMHO. :) It still beats the alternative !

Speaking of metallic years. I recently had 4 titanium=platinum coated stents installed. Makes a total of 8 stents.
