Things You Should Avoid Doing When You Are Over 70.

jackie schmidt

New member
Yesterday, I was looking through our material supply, and somehow tripped over a piece. I could not avoid the fall and landed on a piece of steel, putting a 3 inch long gash in my forearm. I knew emmediatly that this was going to take more than a band aid.

Anyway, my brother wrapped a rag around my arm with duct tape, rushed me to the local urgent care, they cleaned it and stitched it it.

I may be getting dumber as I get older. One miss step and now I gotta put up with this for a couple of weeks. The doctor quizzed me, wanting to know if I had possibly passed out, fainted , or what ever old people do.

I said no, I just went brain dead for a second.

I guess I have to be more careful.


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This is when we start paying back for back when we were fit & our bones didn't creak hardly at all.

As hard as I landed, I am surprise I didn’t sustain a fracture. The X Rayed it and the bone looked ok.

Considering all of the things I have done to myself through the years that resulted in being banged up pretty bad, it would be rather anti climatic to die from a bump on the head because I tripped over something.
And for us old dogs, they don't worry about making pretty stitches. Dr. Frankenstein made nicer stitches than that!
Boo Boo..... lol.....

Yesterday, I was looking through our material supply, and somehow tripped over a piece. I could not avoid the fall and landed on a piece of steel, putting a 3 inch long gash in my forearm. I knew emmediatly that this was going to take more than a band aid.

Anyway, my brother wrapped a rag around my arm with duct tape, rushed me to the local urgent care, they cleaned it and stitched it it.

I may be getting dumber as I get older. One miss step and now I gotta put up with this for a couple of weeks. The doctor quizzed me, wanting to know if I had possibly passed out, fainted , or what ever old people do.

I said no, I just went brain dead for a second.

I guess I have to be more careful.

Glad your going to be ok Champ:cool:........
Yeah, don’t ever tell them you passed out first. That’s another set of tests and another doctor or three. You’d never know it to look at my pretty face but I’ve had over a hundred stitches in it from my hockey playing days. Scars heal up better than you think.
The reason we get hurt as old timers is because we’re doing things the way we used to do it and we can’t think as fast as we used to and the reflexes aren’t as quick as they used to be.
we can’t think as fast as we used to
Speak for yourself. Hereabouts, you can't get your driver's license renewed if you have type 2 diabetes & are on meds without a letter from your doctor. But if you don't take them the day you apply, you can honestly say your treating yourself diet only ...........

You don't get old by being conformist.
Damn, Jackie....glad you didn't break your arm. You're likely more pizzed off about it than anything! ;)

Good shootin'. :) -Al
Yeah, don’t ever tell them you passed out first. That’s another set of tests and another doctor or three. .

Yeh, the attending doctor was hinting that perhaps she should schedule a MRI. I said politely as I could that was not going to happen.

I'm not ready for the "big three" just yet.

Depends, catheters, and walk in bath tubs.
I'm in my 75 th year

and I've noticed every time I visit a Dr I am asked if I've had any falls. I haven't in a long time but I found a few years ago if my heels get up against something solid my body automatically wants me to fall backwards. Had that happen several times before I figured out what was going on. I''ve also noticed I am terribly uneasy on ladders of all kinds. I still climb them but my sense of coordination isn't very good on them. I am able to walk fine and have no hip or knee issues.

I think there comes a time when we simply need to realize we need to stop doing a lot of things we use to do and let the "New Order" do them. A friend has nearly killed himself twice ( big Hospital time both times) trying to do what he use to do. I realize the guy in our heads still thinks he's 30 something but that guy is a liar. There are things I could still do that I pay others to do because I know I shouldn't be doing them any more. I want to be able to keep my driving license for as long as I'm safe to drive and give the medical community no excuse to alter that plan.

Also my manual dexterity is waning. I can still wrench things but being able to start nuts and screws in the blind is challenging now. AND How it came apart, FORGETABOUTIT! Smart phone cameras to the rescue but it's disheartening.

My advice; accept ones condition and situation in life and acct appropriately. Realize we are nearing the end and find things we can safely do and let go.


P.S. I've been retired about 10 years and it's been the best ten years of my life. Every now and again I think, I could get a little job but I know I am not fit to do anything I would like to do for work so I turn to my workshop and do something for me instead, even if it is useless. When I was about to retire, I asked my financial adviser when he thought the right time to retire was and he said, "The Minute you can". I think it was darn good advice.
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Speak for yourself. Hereabouts, you can't get your driver's license renewed if you have type 2 diabetes & are on meds without a letter from your doctor. But if you don't take them the day you apply, you can honestly say your treating yourself diet only ...........

You don't get old by being conformist.

The first law of life is that you don't get old by being stupid.
big three

Jackie, I had to use the big three for a while and I was 38. Thank God, I don't need to anymore, just the walk in shower with a seat. I aint tough enough for that cath deal. good luck, Doug
Went over backwards in the shop some three years ago and split my head open on the concrete floor. A ride in the ambulance, seven staples later, a slight brain bleed, concussion and a stay in the hospital and I have never been the same since. Memory loss, concentration abilities and migrain headaches have been the lasting results. Along with numerous brain scans since and they cannot figure out why those effects haven't yet gone away. It has also affected my competitive shooting abilities and the loss of concentration probably being the worst. So be careful out there a good bump on the head just isn't the same as when one was a bit younger and quite typically not a real big deal. Jackie I hope you get better soon and I have you in my Prayers.

Good to hear you are ok.

Got to Boise night before last. We were flying into Houston from vacation when the storm hit, and we were forced to land in New Orleans. Getting home turned out to be a circus.
Our luggage is still in Houston.....Hey whatever.

Take care of yourself.


When we got to New Orleans they said you folks were getting hit with golf ball size hail.
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Getting old is not for the faint of heart.....

Was walking in a walk-in beer cooler and bumped into a pallet slightly out of line with others holding cases of beer. Emergency room @ 1a.m. no stitches and no pain meds. It's been 10 days and still hurts like crazy.leg2.jpg


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At 74 years I was helping sort cows back in October and was kicked on the upper thigh.

Lucky no broken bones, but it really, really, really, really hurt for a month.

I am now 75 and I am much smarter.
At 74 years I was helping sort cows back in October and was kicked on the upper thigh.

Lucky no broken bones, but it really, really, really, really hurt for a month.

I am now 75 and I am much smarter.

Do I have to wait till 75 to become that smart???? God I hope not.