Professional Shooting League, Calfee

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I think what Bill C. meant that if you have a bad round and get a zero on one target, you are not out of the match. You could still potentially score a 2400 on that target. If you have a zero from a bad round in IR 50/50 and end up with a 240 24X, you are out of the running for the target as well as the entire match. It does not matter how good you or your gun are, a bad round kills you and there is nothing you can do about it.
The target appears to be a best edge version of an ARA target but eliminates anything lower than a 25. I don't know if the spacing of the bulls is the same as ARA, but if it is, I bet you could overlay the targets and get the same score as long as you don't shoot anything below a 25.

I see what you are saying. ARA is already like that, I thought Bill saw something new. As far as IR50/50 or RBA, you don't have to shoot a zero, an eight will put you out of the running. While the ARA target is acknowleged to be harder to score a perfect score, it is more forgiving of a bad shot. No bad shots tolerated in the other games.

As for winning scores, I'm betting you will need 2300+. The dot is about the same as an x on the 50/50 target. Lately, you need a 250-21x to win a big match. That equates to a 2300 on the new target. You may be able to scrape by with a 2150 if the wind is blowing hard and switchy.;)

After shooting quite a few of Dan's targets I predict there will be good scores shot. It was somewhat strange at first where to hold off in certain conditions with a bull that small in relation to what we are use to looking and shooting at. It's different, challenging and a hoot to shoot.

Take Care,

I left something out, the knock on the ARA target is that theoretically you could shoot a 2500 and not ever touch the dot(I do not believe that will ever happen, but it could). That would be a 250 0x which as you said would probably not be good enough in a big match. The PSL target combines the X count as well as forgiving for one bad round. I do not believe the perfect target will ever be created. Every shooter has their personal preferences and reasons they prefer a certain style target. I do not believe you could ever make a target that would please everyone. I believe the knock on the PSL target is that in windy conditions you do not have a reference point very far out from the dot for holding off. Time will tell.

Basically, it does not matter what target you shoot. If you just hit the dot, you will be OK:D

Thanks, I think I just discovered what is wrong with the targets I shoot. The dots just aren't big enough!

I wish you success with the new league. Hope the turn out is good at all the matches. Gonna be some travel involved for those shooting for the championship.

Too many Dots

My problem, is I see spots that appear to be the same size as the dot on the target. Picking the right one is my biggest challenge. Selected the wrong one more than once.

Keep warm.
The PSL is not affiliated with any organization so copywrite would not let them use their targets.

Thanks, I think I just discovered what is wrong with the targets I shoot. The dots just aren't big enough!

If the dots were bigger then they would probably be scored as in USBR...You have to take out the whole thing....Which is tougher than just having to touch it.
So far

The target in question, has only been used in practice. No head to head. The final count is all that's important when it comes to money, regardless of which target is used.
During the era when professional shooting was a major sport, the preferred measure of accuracy was string measure. Any reason why one would not use this for a professional tour event?

It is, w/o question the most discriminating measure of accuracy and precision.

During the era when professional shooting was a major sport, the preferred measure of accuracy was string measure. Any reason why one would not use this for a professional tour event?

It is, w/o question the most discriminating measure of accuracy and precision.


I think string measurements were used on group shooting. Please explain how that would work on a score target.
String Measurement was a very ingenious method for determining a shooter’s skill at hitting a target before the advent of scoring plugs and other precision measurement tools used in modern times.

It assumes the POA is always the desired POI and is simply the sum of the distances from the POA to each bullet hole. Originally a string was used to gather the distances, hence the name.
string measurment

I guess I don't understand. It would seem to me on a score target, the sum of distances from the center of each bull (POA) would be lower for the higher scored target. And scoring is much simpler than measuring the distance from the center to each bullet hole center and give the same winner. I guess if a shooter scored a 2400 with one shot missing the bull by 10 inches they might have a higher score but higher string also, highly unlikely.
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