Professional Shooting League, Calfee

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4 bucks a shot. 25 shots at 50 yds on your targets with your scoring method. 25 shots at 200 yds at my targets and measured distance from center for score. Your Calfee gun against my 120 yr old Winchester. 7-8 June. You can find a way. It's too far for me to drive for just shooting against you, so 7-8 June or come on up here. Your choice. We can easily get a little grudge match in on Friday night, 6 June or either of the other days.

Come on. Your Calfee gun will shoot rings around mine, so you have a huge advantage. I just want to see what one of those rigs can do.

Seems like this thread has drifted a long way from Bill first post.

Seems like this thread has drifted a long way from Bill first post. :confused:


Friend Dan Killough:

My friend Mike Sherrill sent me a target that the PSL will be using....

Dan, I have mixed feelings about a professional, rimfire, benchrest league.....what I mean is, it may turn out to be the best thing for our sport, ever, or, it might kill it.........the school is out.....I really don't know what to expect from it, good or bad....

But, friend Dan, if ever there was created a target for me, and the way I build my guns, you've done it...

I love the target, I mean I simply love it........

We, in rimfire benchrest, are held hostage to our ammo......we can't do much to change that......

So, to finally have a target that eliminates the limitations of the ammo, and, allows the gun to do its work, is awesome!

Thank you my friend.

And, good luck to the PSL.....

Your friend,

Bill Calfee
Yup, Fred, if I'm going to learn something on this forum, it is always from a Calfee thread :)

I must say this has been an entertaining thread! I feel like i should have bought a ticket- or something!!

If you guys are thru for today- can Calfee re-barrel a computer, you guys have shot this one out today, lol!!
thanks... joe:D
Damn! Joe, someone here really DOES have a sense of humor. I'd have never guessed :) :)

Sure would like to see one of Bill's guns shoot.

Damn! Joe, someone here really DOES have a sense of humor. I'd have never guessed :) :)

Sure would like to see one of Bill's guns shoot.


BrentD, ok since this thing is about ready to spin off the planet and since it seems you never got a comprehensive answer, let's try this. While your benchrest discipline is very informative, challanging, etc. etc., the first reality you either accept or not is the fact that at present, .22 benchrest, as shot in the vast majority of instances,in sanctioned matches is a 50 yard/meter game, shot on a variety of targets as specified by a number of sanctioning organizations. These organizations and their targets are all on the homepage of this site. The common ground between all of them is that they are primarily score targets and that given today's equipment, ammunition, and shooter proficicency, the measure of these scores is often less than the diameter of a string let alone the span of a string. I hope this puts this in some perspective.
Brent Duh,

You come on here, try to talk about something you know nothing about, try to tell everyone how smart you are, and can not apparently read a post and comprehend anything at all.

You insulted my sport...I did not insult yours...but you apparently can shoot off your mouth better than a gun. Come and play my game that you think your smart enough to change. But first you had better go back and reread some posts....maybe you should start with a Dick and Jane book to get warmed up.

Wilbur, you can kill this thread anytime you want. He knows when and where I'll be and why.

Bill...sorry for the direction of the thread.

Outa Here
Kevin Hovis
the measure of these scores is often less than the diameter of a string let alone the span of a string. I hope this puts this in some perspective.

Tim, I could not have made a more eloquent argument for the utility of string measure (which does not, contrary to your notions, use a ball of string).

You hit the nail exactly on the head.

Hov, June 7-8 or will you be coming up here? I'm not afraid to shoot against you regardless of your attitude. And I'm not at all insulting your sport. I am rather in awe of it, but puzzled by the lone primitive holdover from lesser games. Ring score.

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As I understand the thread so far....That tool is for the sport of "bowling" as it's done in the UK - where closest to the target ball wins - and would indeed be a tool for measuring the same sort of cumulative deviation, on a very much larger scale than what benchrest involves.
I don't see the String Measure method replacing ring value scoring in rimfire benchrest anytime soon. But it could make breaking a tie much much easier. And ties in a Professional money game is not what people come to achieve..or to watch. A "String score" of less than 0.250" for 25 shots would probably be a good place to start as far as placing expectations. Which means that each shot would be, on average, 0.010" from dead nuts center...every time. Which on a USBR target would get you a 250-25X - To break tie scores of that level would require some measure with more resolution...Like the String measurement method.
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Since everyone already thinks this thread has reached the status of a terminal illness and no one even bothered to investigate what “String Measurement” is, I have no qualms in furthering it.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t the center of a .224” bullet hole located .062” from the center of the .100” Bullseye be a 10x and wouldn’t 25 shots X .062” be equal to 1.550” for the “String Measurement”?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t the center of a .224” bullet hole located .062” from the center of the .100” Bullseye be a 10x and wouldn’t 25 shots X .062” be equal to 1.550” for the “String Measurement”?

Sounds right. Working from memory, I thought the center ring was a bit larger than 0.100" - so I estimated on the side of more extreme cases.

Besides...Can't most of you guys shoot better than that anyways? :D

Best I ever did on that target was a 221-3x
Tim, I could not have made a more eloquent argument for the utility of string measure (which does not, contrary to your notions, use a ball of string).

You hit the nail exactly on the head.

Hov, June 7-8 or will you be coming up here? I'm not afraid to shoot against you regardless of your attitude. And I'm not at all insulting your sport. I am rather in awe of it, but puzzled by the lone primitive holdover from lesser games. Ring score.


A single strand of string, not a ball. Measurments as in .001's. How small are your fingers?
Tim we routinely use calipers that measure to 0.0005". Are you really having trouble understanding this or just looking to stir a pot?
puzzled by the lone primitive holdover from lesser games. Ring score.



Is it a prmitive holdover or just the choice. I like basketball and I notice that there is no penalty for a "junk" basket and no premium for a bottom of the net basket. That's because the game is to get it in the hole regardless of how pretty it looks. That's the game we play in BR score. Get it in the hole. Doesn't matter if it's center as long as it's in there.
My dear friends

My dear friends:

Tomorrow morning, if friends Wilbur and Dennis don't stop me, I'm going to punch this thread out.......

Your friend,

Bill Calfee
Berntd,I am a bit curios about your statement on calibers that measure to .0005.I was a aero space toolmaker for 25 years & all of our personel tools were sent to be calibrated every 6 months,Calibers were not considered,they are not accurite enough.We never measured any thing with calibers,they were for bull work. You guys post these measurements & i doubt if you really know what a tenth really is,A good tool grinder will grind within a tenth & only the very good machinist know how to measure this close & get it right,& it will not be with calibers. BILL
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