One of my better investments

Take what you want, ponzi what you think you can... is all the above a futile attempt to thwart destiny?
I never quote scripture but something has stuck in my head I remember from my grandma:
“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5).

One day will a can of pork and beans be worth more than a pound of gold?
It is a man's nature to try and and stop this verse but can it be done? .... joe

Who wants the earth?


Look at the debt clock's proof just how selfish and ignorant our generation has been and how far we have to go to straighten it back out for our kids sake.

If most people don't even know how money works and how the government steals from future generations by inflation were a long ways from any meaningful change.
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Gentlemen, we have now reached the age of "keyboard preacher". did'nt this used to be a shooting forum before Prof. Gailbraith here started the never ending lecture series?
Gentlemen, we have now reached the age of "keyboard preacher". did'nt this used to be a shooting forum before Prof. Gailbraith here started the never ending lecture series?

This is an interesting lecture about "forestry" in the appropriate section under General Discussion. Everyone seems to get it but, one- who cannot see the forest for the trees- ... joe
If discussing basic conservative values and stewardship and your basic rights on a gun forum is grating on you for some reason it's time for some serious introspection. There isn't much left standing between you and your firearms and you are doing just what the bad guys are counting on- nothing.
American Idol starts soon better get the popcorn........


- J.P. Morgan
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