One of my better investments

I wasn't recommending that anyone go out and transfer everything in to metals but I think a percentage has a place in any thought out division of assets. I've had, and still have, assets of a number of different types, including those dividend yielding stocks alluded to earlier on in this thread. ;-)

Metals, especially the type metals I show in the posted pictures have and additional benefit. I'm a collector, it's my hobby in addition to an investment vehicle. Imagine selling your used rifles and other gear for 4-10 times what you paid for it. Such a deal!

Ok, so precious metals can be an investment vehicle, hobby, plus an insurance policy in case things go to s***. In my case, I get to dip yet another time since I make some money from the use of my coin photos.


Where does one buy fine coins without getting ripped off on the price? Either people claim it is worth more because it is in coin form, or they are asking way too much for the weight. What is a reputable source?
Alan Greenspan quote 1966:

"In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other good, and thereafter declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit would be worthless as a claim on goods. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.

This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard."
A problem with Hard Assets is, in order to realize a gain, one muxt sell them. A friend told me, in the past there were machines of some sort folks used to shave coins to pay for small things things. Perhaps they will come back into vogue :).
A problem with Hard Assets is, in order to realize a gain, one muxt sell them. A friend told me, in the past there were machines of some sort folks used to shave coins to pay for small things things. Perhaps they will come back into vogue :).

Dude you ARE old!!! Coin clipping machines???


Where does one buy fine coins without getting ripped off on the price? Either people claim it is worth more because it is in coin form, or they are asking way too much for the weight. What is a reputable source?

Buying gold and silver coins and bullion, like buying anything not mass market, requires some education. I don't think I would walk into a local pawnshop with no prior knowledge. There tend to be coin shows in most areas where you can walk around and see what's available. Or you can start safe and buy common types of bullion from one of the big online sellers and build from there. Gainesville Coin and Apmex are two large companies with excellent reputations. Apmex in particular has an excellent well laid out site where you can see the offerings and the actual price. They will also buy back. There are others, CNI and Tulving for example though Tulving had a very high minimum order. I've never ordered from one of these groups all over TV but based on their ads, I'm not going to. I don't need no stinking "starter kit", whatever the h*** that is. Makes me think there is more involved than gold, silver & Pt in my hand at a reasonable markup.
Source - Link ??

Do you have a source or link to that quote ? Thanks

"In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other good, and thereafter declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit would be worthless as a claim on goods. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.

This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard."
Yes Tom roughly 24.05 grams of Silver per Dollar, most think that a Dollar is 1 once, but far from it on the Troy Scale, the Govt. way of making a Buck!

I have used this site for my buying eyes, remember when checking this out it is at full value, something you should not pay and you will never get paid if you are selling, especially if at a Pawn Shop or Pay Day Loan Store. Most Jewellers will pay near melt near 5-10% lower than the prior days DOW close.
Yes Tom roughly 24.05 grams of Silver per Dollar, most think that a Dollar is 1 once, but far from it on the Troy Scale, the Govt. way of making a Buck!

I'm sure you know it but a clarification for some people reading this who may not. All 1964 and previous circulating silver coinage contained .71 oz of silver per dollar, as you mention. But in the 1980's the US Mint started the American Eagle program and started issuing Eagle Coins in gold and silver. These Silver American Eagles (we call them SAE's) do contain one full troy ounce of silver (31.10 grams). All precious metals are traded in troy oz, not the regular ounce that is used for everything else and weighs 28.35 grams.

Example of SAE's below. Very common and popular coins and would be a great way to start collecting. When it comes time to sell or trade or whatever, you want something that everyone recognizes. These coins commonly can be found for around silver spot price at the moment ($41.60 now) + $2-$4. Be very wary of someone wanting a bunch more.

Example of an American Gold Eagle (GAE) below that. They're selling for around spot + $50-$70 so one of these would cost right at $1900 today. Blows me away, I bought a bunch right at $500 in 2005.




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considering the u of texas is a public institution supported by the taxpayers of texas what are they doing with this sort of money on hand? seems to me they are just like all public supported things ran by a bunch of greedy liars.

reaking News on Fox:

“Solving a debt problem with more debt has not solved the underlying problem. In the US, Treasury debt growth financed the US consumer but has not had enough of an impact on job growth. Can the US continue to depreciate the world’s base currency?”
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Important update: breaking News on Fox:

“Solving a debt problem with more debt has not solved the underlying problem. In the US, Treasury debt growth financed the US consumer but has not had enough of an impact on job growth. Can the US continue to depreciate the world’s base currency?”

This message "excerpt" was sent in a newsletter to Goldman's Big Money clients and was intercepted yesterday and went on to recommend making money by "shorting" or betting against currencies. Remember all the Fed heads worked at Goldman Sachs in the highest positions and all know how they are destroying the dollar with Bernanke at the helm and were caught admitting it....and Goldman is making money by betting against your dollar that your govt. is devaluing. And they don't want you to buy gold to protect yourself and are raising taxes and margins on gold profits. You can't make stuff like this up nobody would believe you.

Just like how they sold all those bad mortgages to pensioners and school board trust funds for teachers pension plans then made a fortune betting against them and had record profits during the collapse. And then the Fed (ex-Goldman president) gave Goldman 800K in Tarp. And all these same people are still running the country while Bush and Obama were being handled/silenced by the bank lobbyist's $$$.

Do you actually have ANY idea what you're talking about? Spend less time on the computer and enroll in a community college Economics 101 course will ya.
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This is all public knowledge and already admitted to by Goldman. I know watching the Kardashians is tempting (and I even peek once in a while) but broaden out a little.

I'm guessing you never bought any gold like Ron Paul told you to? Never read financial history? never watched Fox News? You took Econ 101 and didn't hedge your currency risk by buying a little gold/silver during the largest monetary expansion and currency debasement in world history? You don't have to track the M-1 money supply figures to figure this one out just track the price of bread when paying in U.S. dollars and do the math. Remember a silver quarter still buys a gallon or two of is your paper currency holding up Professor?
The University of Texas, where they have professors teaching Econ 101, recently bought a bunch of gold to hedge against the declining dollar. I couldn't help it Lol.....

And they bought it from "Kyle Bass (Bear Stearns employee) , who made a fortune shorting sub-prime mortgage securities on the eve of the financial crisis." you can't make this up...

Between commercials check out Forbes for some fun facts:

When you eventually learn how JP Morgan and the boys shorted silver prices for a decade to suppress the price to keep the dollar ponzi scheme going it will be more clear to you who was doing what and why. You won't believe how far up this goes.
FDR didn't ban gold ownership in 1933 cuz he was trying to help the citizens but turns out it was quite the opposite..... look what happened to the price of bread ever since.

New York Times:

FDR/Fed ban gold:

35% tax on gold vs. short term 15%:
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Is any currency worth anything

What is anything worth. It's completely open to how society interpretats it. If an economy breaks down badly enough so that any form of currency can't buy food and food itself becomes so scarce that a population begins to starve then food also becomes worthless because it becomes a commodity not a currency.

What then becomes more valuable than anything would be an accurate rifle and some ability to use it in order to stay alive. In this respect I think a BR shooter might have an advantage in being able to put food on the table.

This is all public knowledge and already admitted to by Goldman. I know watching the Kardashians is tempting (and I even peek once in a while) but broaden out a little.

I'm guessing you never bought any gold like Ron Paul told you to? Never read financial history? never watched Fox News? You took Econ 101 and didn't hedge your currency risk by buying a little gold/silver during the largest monetary expansion and currency debasement in world history? You don't have to track the M-1 money supply figures to figure this one out just track the price of bread when paying in U.S. dollars and do the math. Remember a silver quarter still buys a gallon or two of is your paper currency holding up Professor?

Right. You know what a market maker is? The difference between an agent and a principle? You have plenty of studying to do including what the primary reserve currancy on the planet still is which might be why they're still out there buying good old Treasury bonds 24/7.
Deny facts and history at your own peril. Any fool can see what happens when they dilute your currency with endless printing..... don't need a PHD for that.
Gold is up almost 300% in 5 years since Ron Paul gave you the heads up on what the Fed was gonna do with your how is that 1.2% treasury yield treating you Lol. Your just sour grapes and obviously missed the boat.
Deny facts and history at your own peril. Any fool can see what happens when they dilute your currency with endless printing..... don't need a PHD for that.
Gold is up almost 300% in 5 years since Ron Paul gave you the heads up on what the Fed was gonna do with your how is that 1.2% treasury yield treating you Lol. Your just sour grapes and obviously missed the boat.

Copper is up 450% there Ron Jr. & you better take another look at how Tsy's have done the last 5 I said econ 101.
Copper is up 450% there Ron Jr. & you better take another look at how Tsy's have done the last 5 I said econ 101.

Actually I have more in treasuries, and by a significant margin, that I do in physical gold and silver. And what gold and silver I do have is split into two categories, coin collection stuff and investment stuff. I consider the bullion to be an important part of my holdings.

Also actually it is a fact that in summer 2008 as the mortgage security thing was coming to the verge of collapse, Goldman Sachs was aggressively pushing the securities to its' investors while simultaneously shorting the devil out of them. Turns out that by US law, your broker can legally recommend investments to you that he fully and demonstrably knows are worthless, and make lots of money doing so. Certain financial entities have no fiduciary responsibility to you when giving investment advice, meaning they can lie and legally screw you.