One of my better investments


e publius unum
Bought a bunch of this stuff a number of years back, seems to have done a little better than the stock market---






dump the coin!!!

You got's the evidence (niiice pix BTW) and you right now have a rare chance to actually make money on the stuff......then you can honestly say "one of my better investments." :)

Depending how far the USD plummets


Here is my opinion: If things get so bad that Gold is the only currency left, who is going to buy it from you? And remember, you can't eat it.

If the great finacial crash that many doom and gloomers predict ever comes to pass, a can of Pork and Beans will be worth more than a pound of gold. And you better be invested in a good 12 gage shotgun and plenty of shells. Because if things get that bad, someone will kill you for the can of beans, and leave the gold.
Great photos. Good timing although it would be wonderful if somebody could articulate why silver is up so much[ most don't realize it is actually not a precious metal]. Two thoughts, the dividend thing is very valid, imagine if you bought Apple!!!
If time's get really bad! Is gold as good as lead for fish sinkers, or lead head jigs
Gold is the only real money.

Every country has been buying literally tons of it and can't get rid of dollars fast enough.

University of Texas just bought a Billion dollars worth of it.

Ron Paul said that every citizen should buy some to protect themselves from the govt.

Throughout history almost every fiat currencies has been rendered totally worthless and the few remaining are racing towards the trash bin due to the money printers our founding fathers warned about a couple hundred years ago.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Thomas Jefferson

Former President Garfield called it right when he said that whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.

"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance."
President James Madison

"When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes... Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain."
Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815

Grandpa told me 40 years ago a silver quarter would always buy a gallon of gas. How much gas do you get if you pay with your newfangled quarters Lol- seriously? Dollars were devalued 95% just in the last 2 generations and your not worried? hoping history doesn't repeat? and this time it will be different than the last 5000 years?

Wanna buy a bridge?
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Will there come a day when the Chinese currency will be the World Currency? As long as the $100 bill is the World currency I don't think we have a lot to worry about. It comes down to where one wants to live I guess. I spent 4 days in Canada a few days ago. Can't say I would want to move there. Couldn't afford to.
Makes the $.50 an hour that I made with my first job in the early 1960's look a little better. Believe it or not but 2 silver quarters are now worth $14.70 in current "money".

US silver coins in 1964 and prior contained .71 ounces of silver for every face dollar. It didn't make any difference if you had 4 quarters, 10 dimes, or a 50 cent piece and 5 dimes; any combination containes .71 oz per dollar.

The 50 cent piece below contains .3505 oz of silver and it will buy right at 4 gallons of gas. Some things remain constant.

The 50 cent piece below contains .3505 oz of silver and it will buy right at 4 gallons of gas. Some things remain constant.


Great pictures. Years ago a coin collector told me that in 1880 you could buy a Colt SAA Pistol for a $20 gold piece and today you still can! Rings true to this day.

Great photos. Good timing although it would be wonderful if somebody could articulate why silver is up so much[ most don't realize it is actually not a precious metal]. Two thoughts, the dividend thing is very valid, imagine if you bought Apple!!!

Silver typically has about a ten to one ratio in price per ounce compared to gold. Whether or not we are in "classical times" is hard to say. When the price of gold accelerates beyond this ratio, silver often moves to catch up. Even tho not a precious metal, silver has many more practical applications than gold. Also, the odds of picking Apple out of thousands of stocks is quite low, where a play in generic gold or silver is less of a needle in a haystack if the timing is right.
If things go bad

I bought a reasonable amount of 60% Kruger ( African gold) back in 1989 just before their Govt stopped all gold leaving their country. Invensted it with HSBC in Hongkong at a nice rate. Sold it when the price for this type of gold reached an unrealistic price. Glad I did because if things get really bad food and water will be the only real currency.
I'm with Jackie & Andy on this one I'll keep my food and guns thank you. Maybe you could make bullets out of the silver The LONE RANGER DID!

Joe Salt
Here is my opinion: If things get so bad that Gold is the only currency left, who is going to buy it from you? And remember, you can't eat it.

If the great finacial crash that many doom and gloomers predict ever comes to pass, a can of Pork and Beans will be worth more than a pound of gold. And you better be invested in a good 12 gage shotgun and plenty of shells. Because if things get that bad, someone will kill you for the can of beans, and leave the gold.

This is where the rubber meets the road. In a societal collapse, brought about for whatever the reason, food will the the real currency.
Excuse me?

As long as the $100 bill is the World currency...

Not to put *too* fine a point on it, but a U.S. $100 bill is pretty much impossible to spend in much of the world.

The U.S. sold printing tech and hardware to the Shah of Iran and his successors sold it to North Korea. They attempted to counterfeit enough $100 bills that no one in the world would accept them. They basically succeeded.

As a newly retired guy who will be doing more than a bit of traveling pretty soon, I've been researching this question far more than I ever thought I would. From what I can find out, in most of the world a U.S. $100 bill is assumed counterfeit by just about everybody. Even where they are accepted, only the most perfectly new and crisp ones are widely usable. (And, yes, this varies widely by location. Europe is less of a problem. There's so much U.S. drug money floating around in parts of South America that it's not a huge problem, with some countries actually using the dollar for their own currency. But in most of Asia, eastern Europe, and nearly all of Africa, the bills are simply rejected outright.)

The situation has also gotten better since the newest designs started coming out.

Still, I got a big smile from the idea that anybody could possibly think that "the $100 bill is the World currency." As far as I've been able to find out, that hasn't been true for a long, long time.

Any world travelers with recent, hands-on experience out there? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
MColeman is right.
Look at what we do in America in parts of the country that has snow storms in the winter. As soon as the weather report comes out that we have a severe or just a moderately severe storm coming, what does everyone do? They go to Walmart and buy every loaf of bread, milk and all other necessities as if they will never ever make it out of their houses again. Can you imagine a spoiled well fed society like ours if it comes down to not being able to pay for food! We will kill each other for a loaf of bread! Gold, silver or worthless paper money ain't going to get you much.
Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Dave T