Has anyone hunted wolves?

Wolfs do not belong in montana or idaho. where i live they have almost killed of all the moose i can kill a bear a deer a mountain lion abig horn sheep elk white tail deer mule deer off my back porch i see 30 or more elk every week in my back pasture. the wolfs have push the elk out of the high contry and down on the flats to have there calfs.I have a pack of ten wolfs be hind my place last spring they ran my horses though a fence and one of my horse's got cut up. We would lose a hound every now and then running cats and bears now the wolfs kill a few hounds every year. five years ago i saw 7. seven by seven bulls behind my place this year i saw theree bulls the bigest was a rag horn 5 so far this year i have 5 spikes in my back pasture no mature bulls at all.
IF Not There, Then Where?

Wolfs do not belong in montana or idaho.

So...Where do they belong?

Wolves have been in Alaska since day one (They were not re-introduced because they were never eliminated). Despite this, moose, caribou, sheep, goats and Sitka black-tails still co-exist with wolves (and bears).

The Boone&Crockett number one Alaska-Yukon moose was shot a few years ago in eastern Alaska, and others in the top 20 were taken in recent years. Wolves do not eliminate big bull moose in the North.

I shot a 42 inch Dall Sheep in the heart of wolf country several years ago.

Some of the best moments of my Alaska hunts have been seeing wolves or hearing them howl. Wolves belong in the North Country and hunters should celebrate their presence, not try to get rid of them.
When any animal gets to over-poulated the need to be culled, for their sake as well as any other. Oregon does not have a population to speak of... no sence to shot the few we have. If you follow rabbits in the high desert are of Oregon, and we do have one, you can see the spike of rabbit and coyote follow the same lines. The coyote takes care of the excess rabbit and disease from the over-population of rabbit takes care of the spike of coyote. Nature works well when you let it. Wolves that come to town will be killed for the sake of the people and pets of that town or village...just naturally happens since the bible times.. at one time there was a species of wood bison that made the trails the eastern Indians followed all through this country. There was a hard wood forest from the eastern coast to the great plains, and some of the bulls reached 2500 lbs. The wolves keep them in check for tens of thousands of years...now, not so many.
Vicvanb there have been wolves in Alaska and Canada for ever and they will always be there. and that's where they should stay. i think at one time they where trying to get rid of the wolves in Alaska by shooting them from a airplane. a friend of mind had three bull moose on his place. the wolves killed all three of them last winter. The bull moose in are area are not that big they are a nice size but not the size of alaskan moose some people where i live think they put the wolves in are area to stop hunting I no one thing you don't see big bull elk any more. and i am in the woods at least two or three times a week.between me and my neighbor we have at least 80 head of elk. when the rut starts in September we will see if there are any big bulls left
That picture was reportedly taken in Sun Valley, Idaho? People who claim it's photoshopped just don't know. There's a wolf pack near a friend's farm in Southern Idaho - about 2hrs below Sun Valley - and he sees them every day. Says they're big and dark and about the size of a deer. He also has a house in Sun Valley and even the tree huggers there are starting to not like wolves.

There are one or two lightning deaths each year in Utah.
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That picture was reportedly taken in Sun Valley, Idaho? People who claim it's photoshopped just don't know. There's a wolf pack near a friend's farm in Southern Idaho - about 2hrs below Sun Valley - and he sees them every day. Says they're big and dark and about the size of a deer. He also has a house in Sun Valley and even the tree huggers there are starting to not like wolves.

There are one or two lightning deaths each year in Utah.

Still ain't buying it! It's one of those things I'd have to see with my own two eyes to believe that photo wasn't enhanced.

Lou Baccino
Still ain't buying it! It's one of those things I'd have to see with my own two eyes to believe that photo wasn't enhanced.

Lou Baccino

Then don't buy it. Makes no difference. Chances of seeing it with your own two eyes may be zilch, depends on where you are. Next time in Idaho it would be easy enough to stop by my friend's place and have him find me some, if it were that important. But I don't know so much that automatically everything's fake just because I haven't seen it.

A friend has two Leonburger dogs that size. Holding them like that, they'd look the same. Newfies are that big also. The guy holding that wolf could be 5-5 or 5-6 for all we know.
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Wolf photo

Then don't buy it. Makes no difference. Chances of seeing it with your own two eyes may be zilch, depends on where you are. Next time in Idaho it would be easy enough to stop by my friend's place and have him find me some, if I cared. But don't I know so much that automatically everything's fake just because I haven't seen it.

Didn't mean to raise your dander it's just that I'm very skeptical of photos I see posted on the internet. It's kind of like a famous Reaganesque quote regarding the strategic arms treaty; "trust but verify".

Lou Baccino
It's kind of like a famous Reaganesque quote regarding the strategic arms treaty; "trust but verify".

Lou Baccino

Yeah right.

Funny how every time a photo is posted, the ex-purts all come out and say it's been doctored. Sometimes it has been, but not necessarily. It's just some people know so damn much even when they don't, that it has to be not true because they haven't seen it.
Yeah right.

Funny how every time a photo is posted, the ex-purts all come out and say it's been doctored. Sometimes it has been, but not necessarily. It's just some people know so damn much even when they don't, that it has to be not true because they haven't seen it.

It's known as a healthy skepticism.

Lou Baccino
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Didn't mean to raise your dander it's just that I'm very skeptical of photos I see posted on the internet. It's kind of like a famous Reaganesque quote regarding the strategic arms treaty; "trust but verify".

Lou Baccino

Here's exif data that follows all pictures unless they have been altered and renamed. Appears to have been taken with a cell phone.

software M6550B-smkrs-4330
date- 2009:05:16 16:39:58
date digitized was the same
normal mode
auto exposure

Gps was not activated on the phone or that info would be there as well.
Click on the picture and save to desktop.
Open picture in desktop.
right click on the image and choose properties.
click on EXIF DATA
all info will scroll out about the picture including gps if the phone/camera is gps enabled.

The pic this thread is about was taken with a cell phone by an annomous person who posted it on the web. There are other pictures but they are not available on the net. The guy was hunting bear over bait, they were video filming a bear hunt when the wolf came in to the bait, hunter shot the wolf with a 30-06. The video will be released on wild TV next season. The wolf was shot near Edson Alberta. There are several photos of this kill under the glass counter at Trophy Book Archery in Spruce Grove Alberta. This is a real wolf. I doubt it weighs 200 lbs, more like 140, poor quality wide angle photos a from cell phone may appear to make the wolf appear larger than it actually is. It hadn't shed its thick winter coat at the time which adds to it's large appearance.
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I live a couple hundred miles north of Edson and have no problems believing that pic is authentic. I can produce an almost identical pic with a women holding the same size black wolf. She shot it. She is about the same size as the man in the pic. The one she shot was just over 100 lbs and it was huge. I don't have much trouble believing a wolf can hit 125 or so but after that I start calling BS.
Wolf photo

O.K., maybe I'm wrong and that photo hasn't been doctored. I'll be the first to admit when I'm wrong and concede the photo is possibly authentic based on the responses that provided some credible documentation. It's not in my nature to buy everything I see posted on the internet as fact; a healthy scepticism describes part of my M.O.. My job and vocation require me to have hard verifiable data, specifications, and information when I tackle a problem. My work is scrutinized, challenged, and questioned; it's the nature of the industry I work in. That methodology carries over into the way I operate. I didn't mean to ruffle feathers but one must admit that picture, at first glance, looked way out of proportion. I challenged it's authenticity which, I believe, is well within my right to do. Some credible evidence began to come in that caused me to re-evaluate my original assumption.

Lou Baccino
Chino69 i good friend of mine is a taxidermists in salmon Idaho and fish and game bring in the wolfs that are killed in that area and he weighs the wolfs and measure them he said where a lot of people miss judge the weight on wolfs is because they are ferry long.the biggest wolf so far weigh 134 pounds.if they open the season on wolfs this year i will kill the big black one. in the pack that hands out by my place then i will hang him in the barn and get a tape measure and measure him and fine out just how big they really are. The said thing is i don't think they will have a season on the wolfs this year they tried last year and it did not happen from what i was told last week that there are 17 law suits waiting to be filed against hunting the wolfs.
Wolf population on my farm/ajoining farms last year...5 Population this year...0 Landowners, neighbors and farmers very happy about that!!! Why don't the goverment ask the land owners and livestock owners if they want wolves around or not...

All those who say "leave the wolf along". Please send a check for 5500.00 to me immediately and then I'll bill you for every cow and calf killed by them from here on out. Goverment releasing is a lot differenet when the cost isn't coming out of your pocket.

wolf size

Chino69 i good friend of mine is a taxidermists in salmon Idaho and fish and game bring in the wolfs that are killed in that area and he weighs the wolfs and measure them he said where a lot of people miss judge the weight on wolfs is because they are ferry long.the biggest wolf so far weigh 134 pounds.if they open the season on wolfs this year i will kill the big black one. in the pack that hands out by my place then i will hang him in the barn and get a tape measure and measure him and fine out just how big they really are. The said thing is i don't think they will have a season on the wolfs this year they tried last year and it did not happen from what i was told last week that there are 17 law suits waiting to be filed against hunting the wolfs.

If I were a livestock farmer and there were wolves of that size lurking about, I would definitely be concerned. That is a huge canine! I'm curious to hear from other people who can verify they've seen wolves that size. I was hunting coyote in Vermont several years ago in the Green Mountain Range around the four corners region between Danby and Pawlett. One of the farmers told me of a coyote pack that would gather in a corner of his farm and howl. Every once in a while, coming from the top of the mountain, would come the howl of a wolf. The coyotes would stop their howling while the wolf howled. The farmer never set sight on the wolf but was certain it had migrated down from Canada.

Lou Baccino
No offense but I'm not buying it.

Lou Baccino

I believe that photo was taken when the guy performed the Heimlich on the wolf. It had swallowed a fully grown wolverine, getting caught in it's throat. Wolf returns about every 2 weeks with fresh flowers as a gesture of thanks and asking about red riding hood.