Clarification of new IBS Proposal SC#4

at the meeting, quit treading around the LV HV in VFS and legitimize the LV as a class. Change the freakin rules to accomodate SSOY points in the same way the 6 power classes are and MOVE ON. What is so tough about that? It makes no sense to me to keep a seperate set of records for a class that doesn't exist.

As was also said at the meeting the reason VFS is not split into two classes is Precision Rifleman Points not SSOY Points. Most VFS shoots are made up of 12 to 25 shooters if you split HV and LV nobody in LV will ever get Precision Rifleman Points and few times will HV get any. Under the current situation many small club shoots can get near or slightly more than 20 shooters and have a chance at the PR points. And PR points are a lifelong quest not just an annual competition.


That is a pretty good point. Keeping records for a class that doesn't exist.

I suppose all of this is in the hope that the class structure for Varmint for Score will evolve into what is offerred in Group Shooting. As the IBS continues to move in the direction of being primarilly a Score Sanctioning Body, this might come to pass.

Personally, I thing the IBS made a dramatic move toward common sense in this latest ruling. It always seemed alittle obsurd allowing shooters to shoot more than once in the same class, choosing only at the end of the day which score they wanted to submitt.

Granted, we do not shoot IBS down here. But, many of us are IBS members, and we never know what the future might bring.

I am waiting to see how much responce we recieve from our Club Match, (score), at Tomball this year.


the folks who re-wrote the rule book as it pertains to shooting more than one rifle in a class have STILL allowed more than one rifle to be shot in the single Varmint for Score long a one is a HV rifle and one is a LV rifle. Each of those two different weight guns will count for placement and points. What a shooter can't do anymore is shoot to HV's or two LV's. I think you are right...all of this is being done to try and move toward a true Light Varmint for Score CLASS. --Greg
As was also said at the meeting the reason VFS is not split into two classes is Precision Rifleman Points not SSOY Points. Most VFS shoots are made up of 12 to 25 shooters if you split HV and LV nobody in LV will ever get Precision Rifleman Points and few times will HV get any. Under the current situation many small club shoots can get near or slightly more than 20 shooters and have a chance at the PR points. And PR points are a lifelong quest not just an annual competition.


I understand Dick. From my view, I personally don't see it as an issue. In the 10 years I have been shooting there has rarely been 20- 6 power rifles at any matches I have attended, large club or small. Sometimes now at Nationals there aren't 20 combined 6 power guns so for me it isn't much of an issue. I wonder sometimes if there will ever be anyone else who shoot 6 Power rifles who will qualify for the Bronze level. I don't think my life will be long enough.
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So tell me

The agenda item was amended to disallow the shooting of multiple guns of the same class. You can still shoot a LVS gun and a HVS gun as they are different classes. You cannot shoot 2 HVS, 2 LVS, 2 HTR, or 2 VH in the same match...However, there is a caveat. If a competitor wishes to shoot more than one HVS rifle, he can do so by not registering the 2nd rifle. It is up to the hosting club if they will allow this practice. This has always been an option to competitors. The unregistered rifle cannot be scored along with the registered rifles' on the line that day, and obviously doesn't qualify for SOY or PR points.


If a person is disqualified by mistakenly shooting on a wrong relay how is it ok to let others sit down and shoot willy nilly? The rule says something to the effect that one can not occupy a bench they are not signed up to shoot on. I assumed the purpose of the rule made to disqualify people was to prevent people from practicing during the tournament. How is it that we disqualify people who make an innocent mistake yet now are going to allow anyone to shoot whenever they want to? What's up with this? :confused:
If a person is disqualified by mistakenly shooting on a wrong relay how is it ok to let others sit down and shoot willy nilly? The rule says something to the effect that one can not occupy a bench they are not signed up to shoot on. I assumed the purpose of the rule made to disqualify people was to prevent people from practicing during the tournament. How is it that we disqualify people who make an innocent mistake yet now are going to allow anyone to shoot whenever they want to? What's up with this? :confused:

Thats just it Pete they are signed up to shoot , its just not in an IBS class .

A person wandering up and shooting on a bench that is supposed to be unoccupied is a horse of a different color.
That wasn't

Thats just it Pete they are signed up to shoot , its just not in an IBS class .

A person wandering up and shooting on a bench that is supposed to be unoccupied is a horse of a different color.

My understanding of how the conversation went. I stand corrected.