Barrel length vs velocity


I haven't seen this much venom since I ran over that rattlesnake on my last chukar hunt! I'm almost afraid to post....but it's just so fun to watch. How about a little experiment for those who Can see the bullet. Next time your at the range set up your gun so that it is tilted sideways 45 degrees to the right, you will find point of impact is now down and to the right at about the 4:30 location, now adjust your scope so that your crosshairs are on that point of impact, keeping the gun at 45 degrees of course. Now fire your next shot with the gun still at 45 degrees and you will see your bullet drop in from left to right. What's that you say, your don't like left to right, no problem, try the same thing with the gun on it's left side and they will drop in from right to left. You will see the same thing if you use offset scope rings and keep the rifle level. While there is certainly some spin drift involved it's not the only factor. I'll bet there is also a little torque during recoil that twist the rifle slightly to the left that makes the bullet appear to be going right. Oh, and yes I do shoot a few matches each year, you can look me up on the IR50/50 or USBR site, but I'm only a mid-pack kind of shooter but I get as much enjoyment from it as anyone.
Dennis DiFeo
i was asked to ask this question of marty.

"Martin, does the bullet fall at 32 fps; is that the velocity as it falls? Or does it accelerate towards the ground at 32 fps squared? Do you really know anything?"

i can say this. i never see the bullet all the way to the target, but in the instant before it hits the target i can plainly see it coming from the left to the right and into the target. i have seen it many times and have talked to another friend of mine about it.

it seems that there are many who have noticed the samething and for some reason others want to say it just doesn't happen when we have seen it happen. i also have a dog be gone video that is shot with high speed film. in certon scenes you can see the vapor trail coming off the bullet and it looks like it is cork screwing on the way out to the p.d.
But, if they can't see it, it can't happen, or your parallax is not correct.
Derek, look at it this way. if you are holding a fifth of jim beam in your left hand and in your right hand a double shot glass. with the jim beam being nearly full and the shot glass empty you drop them:eek: they will both fall at the rate of 32fps. it has been that way for 100,000 years. put another way, a .308 round and a .22 round leaving the barrel at the exact time both rounds will hit the ground at the same exact time. just the .308 will go further. as some of the Washington politicos are known to say these you-tubers are out there. there is some amazing things to learn about the mfg. of lens making. maybe in 2010 all these old wives tales will become history.
Derek, look at it this way. if you are holding a fifth of jim beam in your left hand and in your right hand a double shot glass. with the jim beam being nearly full and the shot glass empty you drop them:eek: they will both fall at the rate of 32fps. it has been that way for 100,000 years. put another way, a .308 round and a .22 round leaving the barrel at the exact time both rounds will hit the ground at the same exact time. just the .308 will go further. as some of the Washington politicos are known to say these you-tubers are out there. there is some amazing things to learn about the mfg. of lens making. maybe in 2010 all these old wives tales will become history.

I think you need to run down to the Penn State school of engineering and go to the library. You're wrong:eek:
Bean Counters

You quoted the entire paragraph, what portion warrants this re-admission?

Must be careful with these bean counters.
You quoted the entire paragraph, what portion warrants this re-admission?

Must be careful with these bean counters.

The quote is to prevent change of the original post. He'll figure it out.

By the way, hello Bill. See if you can find something dirty and underhanded going on there. Do you carry a star?
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Just wondering. Figured maybe you had the big white horse and all and went around singing the Beach Boys song to yourself.
Brian, here is the problem I think your facing with seeing the round the distance. the ao is set short, moving your head/eye around causes the x ring to float. hence a right handed shooter is off to the right of the reticule. however it is impossible to keep the eye/head in the same position. solution adjust the ao until a shooter sees the round at the target and moving the head/eye about does not cause the x ring to move about. one principle of scopes to keep in mind a scope can only focus at one distance at one time. when you are shooting tracers at 3000fps they are going to curve between 20 feet and 4000 yards. a 40 grain .22 caliber round shot at 50yards cannot be compared to a 50caliber at 1/2 mile. sometimes the reason flags don't move is because the wind doesn't move them and maybe something as simple as adjusting the parallax is the reason a miss was caused. sometimes a miss is right in front of your nose. it's just sexier to chase the updrafts and currents.

No need to worry what the wind is doing when your barrel and AO are tuned to the last micron?

There was a kid, a very smart kid, in a foreign country, India I believe, that swears a real cure for cancer exists, but when questioned or tested could not deliver.

If you REALLY believe no one here has a tuned barrel, does not know how to adjust his parallax, that your way is far superior in delivered results, no need exists for a full custom rifle and you can show every one here the result, then show up at a National and prove it.

If you don't plan to do just that, then I suggest you stop trying to sell everyone here some red (blue) shoes.
That expert ballistician's name was George Roberts and was called as an expert witness often in the Detroit Court System regarding ballistics.

George Roberts had two famous children: Tanya Roberts (the actress) and John Roberts (Chief Justice of the Supreme Court). His cousin is Kenny Roberts, the motorcycle racer. And his 2nd cousin thrice removed just passed. He founded a university, Oral Roberts.

Regarding Detroit, I hear that pilots can spot it from the garbage can fires. No need for air traffic control.
I believe what Martin is trying to say is the bullet starts dropping from the moment it leaves the end of the barrel and it travels in a straight line.

I have several 50 BMG's and when you fire a tracer at a distant target say 2,000 yards away the bullet appears to start out wide left makes a huge righthand corkscrew and then drops straight down onto the target.You see the huge rise because the scopes line of sight crosses the bullets actual path and gives you the rise affect.The coriolis affect from the earths rotation is included here and this is why the bullet appears to always go to the right.

On your long barrel I have no idea what you were seeing so I can't say what it was.It is common for longer barrels to give off less of a concussion affect because the pressure from a longer barrel diminishes with each inch of barrel length.In other words the shorter barrel spews more junk and prevents you from seeing clearly while the longer barrel gives you a better chance of seeing whatever it was you were seeing.

Yes, I know what he's trying to say. It's the classic "monkey shoot" demonstrated in college physics. No disagreement that the bullet would hit the ground at the same time all else being equal. But he essentially ignored what Mr. Nobody told him and for such a quasi-technical person to make such a fundamental mistake is somewhat amusing. And none of the physicists have picked it up. That may be more amusing.
You'se guys are FUNNY!

OK, "Coriolus Effect" theorists....... You state that the bullet "always goes right".........

Does this apply only to bullets fired in a Southerly direction? (Except for Ozzies....) Or is this pertickler "Coriolus Effect" just immune to directional changes?

Howsabout those fired East-to-West? All same-same??

BTW, I can see 223, 6mm and 30cal bullets in my scope all the way up to 3500fps..... parallax be-dawgged....... does this mean I can't adjust parallax or that I'm an alien?


Yes, I know what he's trying to say. It's the classic "monkey shoot" demonstrated in college physics. No disagreement that the bullet would hit the ground at the same time all else being equal. But he essentially ignored what Mr. Nobody told him and for such a quasi-technical person to make such a fundamental mistake is somewhat amusing. And none of the physicists have picked it up. That may be more amusing.

Hey, I did the monkey shoot for a demonstration speech in 8th grade! :)

I used a blowgun, a Panavise, an electromagnet and a car battery........

we have a spammer again!! look at the post above this one. you know what needs to be done fast!!!!