Search results

  1. Jim Andress

    Brady Knight Memorial at River Bend Gun Club - CANCELED

    Due to a family medical emergency, I will be unable to host the Brady Knight Memorial scheduled for next week, therefore I must with regret cancel it. I apologize for the last-minute announcement, but I had been hoping that I could find some way to work around it; that has now become...
  2. Jim Andress

    2021 Brady Knight Memorial

    Fall is fast approaching in the South, which means it’s once again time to go to Brady’s memorial party and maybe do some shooting too. This year the dates are: October 9-10, with range practice on October 7-8. Lunch of some fashion will be provided each day, with the traditional spaghetti...
  3. Jim Andress

    Wilbur survives a 5-bypass open heart surgery by the grace of God!

    Great News! God bless both of you, Wilbur and Elmer!
  4. Jim Andress

    Spring NBRSA Match at River Bend Gun Club (April 8-19) Cancelled

    The rapid spread of the COViD-19 virus and its consequences to a majority of our number make it necessary to cancel the spring NBRSA match at River Bend Gun Club in Georgia, originally scheduled for April 18-19. Please accept our apologies and keep yourselves safe and healthy. Hopefully we can...
  5. Jim Andress

    Prayers for Manny Garcia

    Manny - please hang in there! We ALL love you - you are definitely the best of us!
  6. Jim Andress

    Brady Knight Memorial Tournament at RBGC

    Time to start planning to attend the fourth annual Brady Knight Memorial shoot at River Bend Gun Club in Georgia ( This is an NBRSA tournament for LV and HV classes at 100 and 200 yards, being held on September 14-15 2019. The range will be open for practice/tuning on...
  7. Jim Andress

    New type of contest? (Poll) Group vs. Score Shooting

    Just a little "thinkin' drinkin'" to stave off cabin fever during the cold months... There have been many arguments over the years as to who are the better marksmen - group or score shooters - and which is the more difficult sport. I've heard folks from both sides say they wouldn't even lower...
  8. Jim Andress

    Brady Knight Memorial / SE Regional 4-Gun Results & Equipment List!

    Thanks to everyone who attended and made this such an enjoyable event; we really have a great Benchrest family here in the Southeast! Congratulations to Jeff and all the winners, and thanks to everyone who pitched in to help feed us all! Please plan on coming back next year!
  9. Jim Andress

    Save The NBRSA?

    Fun at matches The four-day (registered) match we just help helped me clarify some of the thinking that had me start this thread. No doubt, common rules and records are required, but so is scheduling; not just local matches but regional and national matches as well. Otherwise, it's just...
  10. Jim Andress

    Save The NBRSA?

    Whoa! This thread has gotten off-topic in a big way. Here are the facts as I see (and due to several completely reliable sources with first-hand knowledge, KNOW): The NBRSAs (or SOMEONES's) role in keeping common rules, records, and schedules, is essential for keeping group shooting alive...
  11. Jim Andress

    Save The NBRSA?

    Fewer people attend club matches because they are only one day, and the travel isn't worth it; you might lose a few because of backers or records or such. I believe we might actually get more local shooters who won't shoot a registered match if we did everything the same way, but just didn't...
  12. Jim Andress

    Save The NBRSA?

    I have many good friends in the NBRSA, and do not want this post to be considered to be critical of any individual or group. But this whole issue has got me to thinking: WHY save the NBRSA? What are the organization's goals? What do we, the shooters, get from the organization? From version...
  13. Jim Andress

    A warning for all NBRSA Members

    My Two Cents (exactly what it's worth) I only have two things to say about this whole matter: 1. Freedom of speech is a double edged sword, except (supposedly) where government is concerned. The First Amendment guarantees that the government cannot control where and what you say, and cannot...
  14. Jim Andress

    Brady Kinght Memorial / SE Regional 4-Gun Match Schedule

    :cool: We will again be celebrating the legacy of Brady Knight at River Bend Gun Club ( this October, concurrent with the Southeast Region 4-Gun Championship matches. :cool: THURSDAY Thu AM: UL class 200-yard aggregate. 5 10-shot matches; first match of 15 minutes includes...
  15. Jim Andress

    Jeff Summers Wins Super Shoot 2 Gun

    Wow!!! Congratulations, Jeff!! Once again your mastery shows through in your consistency.
  16. Jim Andress

    Whose ready for Riverbend 3-11 is coming fast

    Match scheduling FYI: River Bend Gun Club is a large (~2000 member) operation that exists for the use of its members. River Bend Benchrest is generously limited to exclusive use of the main Benchrest range on the week of the second Saturday of each month. This is the limiting factor in all...
  17. Jim Andress

    Brady Kinght Memorial / SE Regional 4-Gun

    Match Schedule Follow the link:
  18. Jim Andress

    Brady Kinght Memorial / SE Regional 4-Gun Match Schedule

    Follow the link:
  19. Jim Andress

    Georgia: River Bend Gun Club 2016 Public Match Schedule

    Match Info Follow the link:
  20. Jim Andress

    Brady Kinght Memorial / SE Regional 4-Gun

    Time to mark your calendars: 1st Annual Brady Knight Memorial Tournament at River Bend Gun Club, Georgia USA This year we are using this annual event to contest the Southeast Region 4-Gun Championship. This will be a 100/200 yard contest of all 4 classes. UL/SP 200 will be fired on...