Georgia: River Bend Gun Club 2016 Public Match Schedule

Aug '16 Match Report

We had 15 shooters at the 100/200 yard UBR match at River Bend; 12 in custom class and three in factory. The temperature in the shade was about 77° when we started shootin’ and about 83° when we finished. All of you who missed today's match missed a nice day to shoot.

The shooters included long-absent Charlie Hood (at least for the club matches) and Nick Bauer (it's good to see y'all back -- don't stay away so long next time), and Jack Perry, who was shooting his second club match with us (thanks for shooting with us, and we look forward to you joining us again).

Scott Dittman, shooting in the custom class, had the high score of the day (504), holding off Dave Rabin (503); I assume Scott took home the most money.

See for information on next month’s registered match..

By popular demand, full results are attached. :)

View attachment River Bend Aug 2016.pdf
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Thank you for the warm welcome back. I'm always humbled by the amazing shooters at River Bend. I look forward to many more opportunities.
Charlie Hood and Roger Avery are up to something! Don't know what but watch out for those two.
Jim or whoever: What is the format for the S.E. Regional shoot next month?

Looks like UL/SP200 Thursday and UL/SP100 Friday, then then the usual LV/HV 100/200 Saturday and Sunday.

For me this screws things up. I would Rather the UL/SP be on Monday Tuesday AFTER lv/hv.

Oct '16 Match Report

We had nine shooters at the 100/200 yard UBR match at River Bend, including new-to-River Bend shooters Scott and Bethany Boothe from South Carolina -- and I think they brought some of the hurricane wind with them. The temperature in the shade was about 69° when we started shootin’ and about 79° when we finished. All of you who missed the match missed a nice day to fly kites.

Bill and Scott Dittman were the lead dogs, with Bill winning the 100 yd agg and Scott winning the 200 yd agg. Scott won the grand agg and Bill was second -- with a 498 and 490, respectively. I assume Scott took home the most money.

See for information on upcoming River Bend matches this year; feel free to come shoot with us. BTW, Wilbur might be there next month to coach/mentor a new-to-benchrest shooter who is considering coming down from IN.
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Nov '16 Match Report

We had twelve shooters at the 100/200 yard group, club match at River Bend today -- all shot in custom class. The in-the-shade temperature was about 51° when we started shooting and about 64° when we finished. All of you who missed today's match missed a nice day to shoot -- a bit windy, but nice.

Jim Andress paid money to the winner of each match. New-to-benchrest-shooter Dave Martens, who took advantage of his personalized coaching from Wilbur, shot the small group in three of the ten matches -- including three of the last six. The other small-group shooters were: Roger Avery (2), Joe Bougard (1), Bill Dittman (1), Scott Dittman (1), Charlie Hood (1), and Dave Rabin (1).

Joe Bougard won the 100 yard agg with a .3018; Scott Dittman won the 200 yard agg with a .3205, and he won the grand agg with a .3391 -- beating Roger Avery by .0012 in the grand. I assume Scott took home the most money for having won the grand agg.

It was nice to have Dave and Wilbur join us, and hope to see them both again sometime soon.

We're shooting UBR next month on the 10th -- come shoot with us.
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Dec '16 Match Report

It started COLD last Saturday for the 100/200 score match at River Bend -- it was in the teens when I arrived. We had only six shooters, including Joel Danzig, who was shooting in his first short-range benchrest match; regrettably, the weatherman scared away the warm-weather shooters, but he didn't deter the six Men of Steel. The temperature was about 32° in the shade when we started shootin' and about 48° in the shade when we finished.

Bill Dittman and Jim Andress were the lead dogs (Scott was absent), with Jim winning the 100 yd agg with a 250-21x and Bill winning the 200 yd agg with a 248-8x. Jim won the grand agg with a 498-28x and Bill was second with a 498-27x. I assume Jim took home the most money.

We'll be shooting 100/200 yd group the second Saturday of January; come shoot with us.
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