Search results

  1. D

    Who is the 2016 National Champion?

    Here ya go Danny:
  2. D

    Who is the 2016 National Champion?

    This is what I found this morning: Relay and final results here: Hope all is good in your world Danny!
  3. D

    I need a piece of brass

    First, I am NOT a gunsmith. Second, Is it just me, or, can you explain to us how a 30 cal. bullet will go down a 6mm barrel? Third, if I am way off base just ignore this post...
  4. D

    Help with sonic case cleaner

    I use a Harbor Freight Chicago Electric Professional 2.4 pint ultrasonic cleaner with great results. Just looked and they do not offer that model now as I have had it 10 plus years. First, I NEVER put the cleaning solution in the machine "tank" itself, too messy to clean up. I have some 600ml...
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    Larry Jones passes

    Always enjoyed the fellowship with Larry. Super nice guy and good shooter as others have mentioned. He will be missed...
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    New .6 rule POLL

    Wow, a lot of pissin and moaning in the House. Or is it the Senate? Sounds like an election year to me. Just shoot and enjoy it for what it is or take up politics. This pastime of ours was supposed to be fun from what I remember! Damn...
  7. D

    Hawks Ridge 1000 Yd Benchrest Range Announcement

    Brandon, I can't imagine anyone not having a good time at Hawk's Ridge! Personally, the fellowship alone was worth the 700 mile round trip. Loved the two day matches! It would be great to see you folks get it back to where it once was. Don't think I will be able to make it up there for the...
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    Hawks Ridge 1000 Yd Benchrest Range Announcement

    Hawks Ridge? For anyone who has not experienced the pleasure of shooting at this range, you don't know what you have missed. For those who have shot there, I know what you are missing! Awesome setup... Restrooms for both the bucks and does, complete with showers. I could go on and on about...
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    .22 @ 1000

    The brothers you reference are Mike and Jimmy Harris. Both of their wives, Tina and Elizabeth also shot with them from time to time. Elizabeth won the 2000 Nationals LG group and also took down second place for the two gun grand aggregate.
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    Donna Johnson

    Donna Johnson was very active in the scoring shed up on the hill with the Hawk's Ridge Gun Club. She will be missed...But not forgotten... A traffic accident occurred on Friday, May 30, 2010 in Wilkesboro, NC. Sadly, this accident took Donna away from us. She and her husband Dennis were...
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    Still grinding that ax huh? Make no mistake about this...You are a little man with a big keyboard! Yep, the truth hurts. Guess you don't have any skeletons in the closet, that we are aware of. Probably got picked on in high school too... BTW Jeff in OH, what is your last name? Would like...
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    Bullet Pointing Die

    OK Jim, I'll bite...What is the real story?
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    Neck turn lube

    What Jay said... Have been lurking in the shadows here most every time I get on the web, figured it is time to post! :D I did 50 more cases with the ice water deal last week. However, I use a dab of case lube on the inside of the necks. Works great! Bob Crone enlightened me to this method...
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    North Carolina 1,000 yard shooters

    Thanks Rob! I will be on the lookout for the results...
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    North Carolina 1,000 yard shooters

    As referenced above, and on the NC 1000 website, a match was scheduled for August 1, 2009 in Butner. Did the match take place on this date? Just curious if it took place as scheduled and if the results are posted somewhere. I do not see them on the NC1000 or IBS websites...
  16. D

    Who is winning the "race" at the Ohio 1000?

    Did he win the drinking contest too? Seen him practice that a few times...:rolleyes: Good on ya Danny!
  17. D

    Who is winning the "race" at the Ohio 1000?

    Thanks for the replies...Looking forward to seeing the final results!
  18. D

    Who is winning the "race" at the Ohio 1000?

    I know it is only 5-ish PM somewhere :D...Wondering who is the top dog for now...