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  1. G

    Scumbag Supplier

    Thanks all, but I'm not in the market for any scumbags. Have enough around here already. ;):D Roger
  2. G


    Hmmmm. Guess I should read the descriptions better. I missed that, and it looked like it had just the digital timer. Thanks for the correction of my oversight. That makes it all the more attractive. Roger
  3. G


    Thanks, Al. That sells me on one of thiers. Heat would be nice, though. The price is much more attractive than the "better" ones with the stainless housings, and a "take me home" price a whole lot higher. Roger
  4. G


    Mr. Nyhus; Would you care to share with us how long you've had that in use? I've been wanting an ultrasonic, but am a bit leery of H-F's electrical stuff. Thanks.....Roger
  5. G

    Question requiring expert information

    Maybe one should ask as to what, exactly, is the rifle make and model? That way, someone with more expertise than I can suggest whether it's reasonable to set back the barrel for re-chambering. Just my thought.....Roger
  6. G

    NRA Lawsuit

    WOW! It's a shame that this thread has degenerated into personal attacks against each other. All four of you should be ashamed of yourselves. :o One has opposing views from the other three, and those three are attempting to silence him. Those are the tactics of leftist anti-gunners...
  7. G

    NRA Lawsuit

    OK, you two. Personal attacks don't belong. Let's not make a moderator stomp on anyone, ok? Just sayin'.....Roger
  8. G

    NRA Lawsuit

    Seems this thread is headed down a path that will intercept with the book "Unintended Consequences", by John Ross. Some of the thought processes that went into certain portions of it are being iterated here. Just sayin'.....Roger
  9. G

    NRA Files for Bankruptcy

    Ain't it interesting how, no matter what group, agenda, or form of media, this seems to be the case? Every one of NRA's mailings to me also include a plea for more money. Also the mailings from the SAF, and others, are about generating income. I happen to contribute to the USA Olympic shooting...
  10. G


    Sorta like the guys who seem to think it's smart to make a pistol in a rifle cartridge chambering. BATFE then has different rules concerning pistol calibers and rifle calibers that apply to the ammo. And in the end, there is absolutely no production of the "wildcat" configuration, but the new...
  11. G

    Shipping costs:

    Welcome to a post-Ebay and post Corona economy. Ebay sellers started this crap by overcharging on shipping in order to increase their "profit" margin. The retailers saw it, and decided it was a great cash flow tool. The pandemic helped it all by boosting the on-line sales arena. And the end...
  12. G

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Lockdown stress? Borrowed from another board I frequent. Author unknown. Enjoy.....Roger Lock down Just be careful because people are going crazy from being in lock down! Actually I've just been talking about this with the microwave and toaster while drinking coffee and we all agreed that...
  13. G

    Corona virus

    Here's a question for thought; How are we to know that this isn't mother nature giving up on us? What we might be seeing is the end of the humanoid on this planet. I'm sure the dinosaurs weren't expecting a nuclear winter from an asteroid strike, but it happened anyway, and caused the end of...
  14. G

    This sheltering in place SUCKS!!!

    Because the votes of the stupid Lemmings in the big city get to overpower the votes of the more urban and rural voters. Roger
  15. G

    Danger in AL sludge??

    Agreed.....start using gloves. Harbor Freight sells boxes of nitrile gloves at a nice price, and they're quite handy to have around. Aluminum powder is quite explosive in the right conditions. Roger
  16. G

    Something new to read about

    Once you are connected to the page that you wish to provide a link for, go to the top, in the browser window, where it starts with "http" or "https". Place your curser in the box, right click, then choose "copy" in the window that opens. That will copy the address to your notepad in windows...
  17. G

    Hypothetical Question (I Hope)

    *********************************************************************************************************************** No, it's not a joke. It's that camel's nose that "they" want to get stuck under the edge of the tent. If they can get that little step done, then they can turn up the heat...
  18. G

    Hypothetical Question (I Hope)

    Break it down, pack it into a PVC pipe, sealed container, with at least a modest ammo supply, and drill a hole to bury it in. As you refill the hole, drop an old brake drum or rotor in about a foot above the "safe", and finish the fill. Roger
  19. G

    Hypothetical Question (I Hope)

    And sometimes we have to write a Declaration of Independence. I see Missouri is working on that as we speak. Roger
  20. G

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    The Anniversary It's 5:30 am, on her twentieth wedding anniversary, and she wakes to silence from the bed next to her. Wondering where her husband is, she dons her robe, and checks the bathroom, then the study, and finally finds him in the kitchen, staring sadly out the window, at the just...