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  1. L

    JRP benchrest bullets

    I bought some 56 gr and 62 gr flat base 6 mm bullets under these initials. They are VERY well made and shoot nicely. Does anybody know who JRP is/was?
  2. L

    Lapua 6mm BR REM headstamp

    Yes. This Lapua gold(brown) box 6mm BR brass has "Rem", not NORMA on it's headstamp. . I bought 2 Boxes. They are 1.555- 1.557 in case length, so they were not made for Remington's initial 6mm BR chambers. All their measurements are same as current Blue Box EXCEPT their necks are thicker and...
  3. L

    Tubal 3000 gone BAD!

    I had some 20 TAC and 223 AI rounds loaded with this powder. I pulled all. The powder kernals were stuck to the inside of cases and was difficult to remove. The case was greenish but bullet base was not corroded. Dumped powder did not smell like jug powder. Don't think I'll buy any current...
  4. L

    Tubal 3000 gone BAD!

    Original jug and lid. The 1/2# was in a more recent Vhitavouri container. I smell checked other powders adjacent to the Tubal 3000 and they are good. I will iventory/ smell all containers soon.
  5. L

    Tubal 3000 gone BAD!

    Almost 5 years ago I asked about Tubal 3000 as i bought an 8# jug cheap. I shot some in my 223 and 6 BR and it shot well. A few mentioned there were reports of this powder going bad, even accused of a house fire. I haven't shot any in 2-3 years. Today I got the jug out and noted a slightly...
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    Dyna-Tech Bore Coat

    This Mr Burch seems to be a straight shooter. The product is advertised to reduce cleaning time, not to improve accuracy. Interestingly though, the first bullet out a treated bore often goes somewhere on the target, while the rest go where your scope is aimed. I'll usu shoot first at center...
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    LT-30 loads for .22 BR ?

    Hammered a ghog at 321 yds today with 55gr Berger, 22BR. No wind so I put the sightron's tgt dot on his chest and BANG..SPLAT! His weight...7# soaking wet. At 3700 fps that bullet gets to target really quick.
  8. L

    LT-30 loads for .22 BR ?

    I have tried LT30 in my 12 and 14 twist 22BR . 55 gr bergers in the 14 twist over 28.8 gr shoots very well, groups are .25 and occ smaller. MVs are impressive...3700+ fps! Bolt lift is sl stiff and I suspect primer pockets will loosen in time, but are still tight after 2 firings. I planned...
  9. L

    Redding Dies leaving ring around the bullet on 22-250

    I very often have this happen with new brass or fired brass that is neck sized too much. New brass ,even after neck sizing and neck expanding, may do this as the resistance of the smooth inside surface of the neck against the smooth bullet' s surface is great and more seating pressure is...
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    Dyna-Tech Bore Coat

    A few years ago I read the article by Mr barsness about dynatek bore coating and it's ability to reduce cleaning time, so I tried it in my guns as well as a few of my shooting buddies. We were very was easy and quick. I noted the patch used to coat the bore would become...
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    The Hawkeye Bore Scope /Methodolgoy

    Getting it in focus is a little tricky. I have the right angle eyepiece and after seeing slightly blurry, I detached it and cleaned the lenses that I thought would not need cleaning as the eyepiece was not removed...WOW! Such clarity! Know what your looking at and what it should look like...
  12. L

    62gr FB .750

    No RS. 7 ogive is there. Bearing surface is somewhat short.
  13. L

    62gr FB .750

    I had to check...bought 500 62 gr bullets off the 6mm br marketplace . shot them in my 6x45 and they one holed from the get go. Would occ shoot in the zeros. Made by Brady knight on .750's on the box. Now I understand why, and now I'll shoot them sparingly.
  14. L

    Borescope reviews?

    Hawkeye!!! I use mine every time I clean to be sure the carbon ring is gone. A friend paid big bucks for a fancy factory .223 with 5 lands. Short freebore and it would not shoot. I took a look and THERE was the main problem...The chamber was cut ?crooked? The lands started at different...
  15. L

    blending n133 and n140 to get performance of n135?

    no worries now. i found 5.5# of an 8#jug, production date 2001 and i'm the fourth owner. it smells right and looks right, so it should work. thanks for the advice.
  16. L

    COW method of fire forming

    COW method of firforming i had the exact same problem as alinwa...cooked COW stuck to the inside of the shoulder and it is a bear to get out. i still use the COW method but only fill the case 2/3 with COW and the rest with shot buffer and a cotton plug. DO NOT use only shot buffer as it will...
  17. L

    blending n133 and n140 to get performance of n135?

    my supply of n135 is LOW and it is very hard to find. i have a lot of n133 and n140. i recall reading SOMEWHERE? that some were blending the above to get n 135 performance. i really do not like the idea but if it has been done and is safe, i'll see if this combo works until i can find real...
  18. L

    What is the Magic Cloth?

    magic cloth there is the "krazy kloth" sold by sinclair...$3.95. it will polish brass,etc to a brilliant shine.
  19. L

    Tubal 3000 powder use?

    i have almost 8# of the above and based on it's burn rate i think it will do well in a 14 twist 6 BR with light bullets. i believe it was once a 6 PPC powder. i appreciate any history, good or bad, and suggested loads. i have some of the berger BR bullets...62 euwins, 65 WEB and 64 columns and...
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    Accidently mixed powders

    once did this loading a 25-06 with 100 gr smks. h4831 was what i was using but i had dumped a LOT of something with a faster burn rate. the first 4 firings were VERY loud and VERY difficult to extract. the primers were gone and i suspected something was amiss. pulled bullets and found ball...