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  1. B

    Sierra Match Kings on game?

    I have killed so many anmials with SMK's I cannot remember how many. The 142 in my 6.5 284 is verry effective also in my Warp 7 (150GR 3390 fps) has never failed. Here is a feral hog and a dog from earlier this month--killed a couple more but did not take a picture. These 2 were with a 150 SMK...
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    Can rifles be TOO pretty?

    That my good man is a stone cold fact!!;)
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    bronze brush life???

    A clean barrel is a happy barrel and brushes are required. My tubes (Kriegers and one or two others) are cleaned correctly and the crowns are not damaged. The bore scope does not lie....
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    Can rifles be TOO pretty?

    HAHA!!! Here is the blank that is only waiting on a tube before becoming a 280AI!! It is flat sawn btw so when it is turned it will be brutal!
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    Can rifles be TOO pretty?

    No Way!!! If they get whacked just fix them!! This is the blank that we are going to use for my Fred Wells switch barrel..
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    Sorry To Have To Post This

    Update! I did not think it could get much worse---this looks pretty bad but hey there is not much money left in MI now anyway so the UAW would have a hard time selling it..,2933,472304,00.html
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    Which Primer Is Best?

    Someone who is well groomed and bathes regularly:eek: and has a few points.. Now go back under the bridge you Pompous Windbag..:D Now leave me alone or I will be forced to taunt you a second time....:p
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    Which Primer Is Best?

    OMG---This is too funny!! Once again Mr. Malodorous :eek: opens foot and inserts mouth. He is a legend in his own mind. What a pompous azz even if some of it is true!!:D
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    Right bolt, right port and bench reloading "table manners".

    RBRP=one word YUCK!! At least for me and I am not a point blank guy save when I get to shoot with my point blank buddies the RP really slows me down and makes me concentrate harder while loading. Now if Jerry would just make the repeater Predators in RBLP those would be my Sporter actions of...
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    Best long range scope

    US Optics should be on the short list.
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    Sorry To Have To Post This

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    Sorry To Have To Post This

    From the bank same as everyone else.
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    Sorry To Have To Post This

    This issues touches the Firearms Industry in a big way. Ever wonder why Big Green has so many quality and cost issues?? Just something to think about..
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    My new hunting rifle!! photos

    Butch is correct on this issue in fact many stockmakers prefer non--fiddleback blanks because they are easier to work and finish.
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    Sorry To Have To Post This

    I for one do not subscribe to your logic because it is typical union, protectionist, liberal thinking. Now that the US is a participant in a true global economy we purchase components and even finished goods as a commodity to a large extent. This is done by the best value method while you may...
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    Sinclair bag wax

    Must say nothing beats having your "Bag Waxed" properly!!:D
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    Which Primer Is Best?

    VERY Good point!
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    Which Primer Is Best?

    Well you got closer to the right forum! To answer your question without going into more detail than you need to try and digest the 300 will most definitely benefit from the 215M. I shoot 1k BR and almost all of my rifles use the 215M’s from the match ones to the sporters. The 6.5x284 is as small...
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    Which Primer Is Best?

    Steve------your answer earlier in the thread was pretty abrasive and I take offense to it as do many others--- just because it is Christmas I will not tell everybody the background of your nickname “Pariah Perry”.:o
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    Sorry To Have To Post This

    Sorry To Have To Post This (Updated) This is why my money is not spent on products built with Union Labor when I can help it!! This makes me sick!!:(