Which Primer Is Best?

1) He didn't offend me either...I never said anything like that. I honestly gave him the best answer I've seen here so far. Everyone except you has tried to convey that to him. My intent has been obvious to everyone except you.

2) ...Nobody except Wilbur & his moderators...and apparently you?

3) NUTS????? Coming from you????? Whoa! (Look at some of the other reponses on this and other threads.)

I won't be responding to you from this point on...*Sorry*

My appologies to all who have spent their Christmas Eve viewing this garbage.
I don't wake up everyday looking for this type of situation but guys have come on BR Central before lost and their question was answered. Dodge Man didn't offend me when I saw what he wanted. If somebody would have answered his question he would have been happy and let him know where the better Forum would be for future questions.
Nobody except Wilbur and his Moderators have the right to tell a guy they don't like his style in ansking a question. If you don't like a guys remark leave him alone. I knew where the guy was coming from gave him the info I had and he thanked me. For the rest of your comments Dave, NUTS.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR

Did you read the same answer and reply as everyone else.....must have not.

Merry Christmas to all !!! Be safe if your traveling !!!
dave short and hovis...the simple fix is to add the offender to your ignore list. you never get bothered by them again.

well i have to admit when i saw him posting on this forum, i was not happy...he use to just bother people on gunsmith forum

mike in co
dave short and hovis...the simple fix is to add the offender to your ignore list. you never get bothered by them again.

well i have to admit when i saw him posting on this forum, i was not happy...he use to just bother people on gunsmith forum

mike in co

I hear about this ignore list....where's it at and how's it work?

Hovis, click on your personal message box and look on the left side about halfway down and you will see edit ignore list click on that and enter the name you wish to ignore, seems pretty straight forward, I havn't used it, I can ignore them just fine without a list. Have a good Christmas, Steve
The ignore list:

Click on the persons name (upper left hand corner of their post). When the next display comes up, click on "View Public Profile". When that comes us, click on "User list". The last item (I think it is last) says "add to ignore list". Click on that, & confirm. Viola.

Next, don't quote so many people. Use "add reply" than than quote. When you use quote, we wind up having to read posts by people already on our ignore list.

* * *

& all of you, please don't send errant posters to the long range forum without a thought. We're competitors too, & don't want to answer guys who want a load for a .308 Winchester to hunt at 800 yards.

I can't think of a single serious competitor who would answer a "what's best" question except to say there isn't a "best".

Probably, send them to Factory or maybe General discussions.
I don't wake up everyday looking for this type of situation but guys have come on BR Central before lost and their question was answered. Dodge Man didn't offend me when I saw what he wanted. If somebody would have answered his question he would have been happy and let him know where the better Forum would be for future questions.
Nobody except Wilbur and his Moderators have the right to tell a guy they don't like his style in ansking a question. If you don't like a guys remark leave him alone. I knew where the guy was coming from gave him the info I had and he thanked me. For the rest of your comments Dave, NUTS.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR

Steve------your answer earlier in the thread was pretty abrasive and I take offense to it as do many others--- just because it is Christmas I will not tell everybody the background of your nickname “Pariah Perry”.:eek:
boss....shame on you.....lol
yes it has a history

mike in co
I went over and looked at the 600/1000 yard forum........turns out that Dodge Man posted his question there a few minutes after I answered him........but a few minutes before he proceeded to tell me off for suggesting he post his question there...go figure.

Not surprisingly, he got a number of good, thorough answers there. As a matter of fact, they all looked like good responses.....except for the one from Perry, wherein he whines about us beating up on him over here...again, go figure.

Dave, Joel Pendergraft has the patience of a saint. He'd probably even answer this kind of question on the short-range forum.

The thing is, a lot of us long-range guys ignored Dodge man, because it isn't a question relating to serious competition. When is the last time you gave a serious answer to "What is the best" question -- except in moments of charity when you tell them they have to do their own testing.

How about sending these guys to the Factory/Hybrid forum instead.
Dave, Joel Pendergraft has the patience of a saint. He'd probably even answer this kind of question on the short-range forum.

The thing is, a lot of us long-range guys ignored Dodge man, because it isn't a question relating to serious competition. When is the last time you gave a serious answer to "What is the best" question -- except in moments of charity when you tell them they have to do their own testing.

How about sending these guys to the Factory/Hybrid forum instead.

VERY Good point!
Dave, Joel Pendergraft has the patience of a saint. He'd probably even answer this kind of question on the short-range forum.

The thing is, a lot of us long-range guys ignored Dodge man, because it isn't a question relating to serious competition. When is the last time you gave a serious answer to "What is the best" question -- except in moments of charity when you tell them they have to do their own testing.

How about sending these guys to the Factory/Hybrid forum instead.

You make your point well, and I understand. Honestly, someone usually has already told the poster to try another forum before I even see their post. In this case, I gave an honest answer.....yes, I could have told him that either one should work just fine, or to try different primers and decide which one gives the best results. But no, I tried to send him where he'd get a real answer from a real 300 mag lover.

With the exception of the shooters I know personally or have seen in print, I have to wonder how many here actually have even shot one registered match.

I personally don't think it is a bad thing to answer the questions of just about anyone (unless completely squirrelly), because I have no way to know if they might be a potential new competitor.....and I believe most disciplines can use new blood. With that said, going forward I will think twice before I send someone over.

Merry Christmas!

This forum states: Centerfire Benchrest, Competition and Accuracy Related Topics.

Now, your reply, Dave, to my question is to send me to another forum, so say you.

I disagree with you, Dave. Other posters may have an answer to my question, so if you do not have an answer, say so, but allow others to answer.

Dave, you do not run roughshod over me, so it is best that you understand that now, because this is my first day on this forum. In the future, remember, answer the question, do not direct traffic.

Dodge Man
I don't shoot large rifle primers but I know a guy who does. He hangs out on the 1000 yard forum.

That would be an excellent question for the 600/1000 yard forum. The 300 win mag is a common round in the 1000 yd game.


I think Dave's answer was spot on.
If a guy came to me and asked about career fields in the Navy, wouldn't I be doing the right thing to direct that person to someone who knows about that or maybe I should send him down to the army recruiter?
I thought Dave's answer was polite and in no way did it seem to me that he was trying to ride rough shod over the forum.
I am not really sure what Dodge's problem is? I guess he was just looking for a reason to get his feeling hurt. But it did seem to me that Dodge was the one giving orders. I quote "In the future, remember, answer the question, do not direct traffic.
Dodge Man"

From now on, Dodge Man don't give orders on this board! Thats an order! Stand at parade rest when I address you! Quite fidgeting! Eyes straight!
Your dismissed Dodge Man. Next formation at 05:30 with full kit.

There how do you like that?
I have directed people to other forums where I thought they would find more knowledgable answers. Tactical scope questions, hunting bullet questions etc. It never was to insult or tell them what to do only to inform. Kind of like giving directions to the Dodge dealer down the road if you were new intown and needed a mechanic.
what the f.....

You all think you are better than some one else the guy is most likely new to shooting world and doe not know what question to ask yet so cut him some slack for the love of god
Well it looks to me that BRC has come back to life! This thread has everything in it from Traffic Control. to Fist Fighting!!!

Good Old Fashion Pissing Match it don't get much better then this:)
Well it looks to me that BRC has come back to life! This thread has everything in it from Traffic Control. to Fist Fighting!!!

Good Old Fashion Pissing Match it don't get much better then this:)

Y'ain't seen nuthin' yet..............wait 'till mid January!
