Sorry To Have To Post This

Union "workers"

Boss Hoss 540: Same thing happened to the Steel industry in Pittsburgh, in the 80s'. I had loyal union members brag to me how they would punch the time clock, sneak out the back door and spend the entire shift at the "bar across the street". At that time East Carson St., where the mills were located, had 3 & 4 bars in every block. This country is self-destructing, and yes, to at least some degree, the "workers" are to blame.:(
This makes me sick!!
Who do they think they are??
WALL STREET employees!
Tom R
Don't blame all unions because of the UAW.
But don't expect to change anyones opinions with examples from the Steelworkers, Teachers, Teamsters, Railworkers? ummmm...

Volunteers weren't even allowed to help the cleanup in NYC years ago cause they might have taken away some rate pay work.

Which Union are you referring to?
But don't expect to change anyones opinions with examples from the Steelworkers, Teachers, Teamsters, Railworkers? ummmm...

Which Union are you referring to?

The BR Ring Score Union. :D (That's a joke son, ya' know, humor and such..)
This makes me sick!!
Who do they think they are??
WALL STREET employees!
Tom R

Or all government employees. the two strongest unions in this country are the American Bar association and the American Medical Society. Yet me never hear any voices complain about them? One wonders why this is?:confused:
To answer your question

But don't expect to change anyones opinions with examples from the Steelworkers, Teachers, Teamsters, Railworkers? ummmm...

Volunteers weren't even allowed to help the cleanup in NYC years ago cause they might have taken away some rate pay work.

Which Union are you referring to?

Not one non union company offered to help in the clean up - recovery process in NY. The union Ironworkers were the very first to offer and help in that process. I worked there for 2 weeks. And you??? How many volunteered hours did you supply? I am not a member of the unions you mention, and therefore can't honestly respond.
I work in a grey iron foundry and I'm a member of the USW union and I'm not a union wheel. I've got 43 years+ in now and you can count the days I've missed work on one of your hands. What gets me is that our local postmaster retired at 55. Two teachers at our school just retired at 55. I'm 61 and I can't retire.


Art: Management in the steel mills knew it was going on. Their responsibility is to keep the mills running, and they knew the unions could and would "shut-em-down" with a strike, if they attempted to stop the so-called "workers" from spending their shifts at the bar.
F d shuster

They finally got the bargaining chairman of UAW local 402 for doing what BossHog540 video showed the union doing. And he never got back on, the company had a lot on him, and they said that they were willing to go to court. And forced him to retire. So I know they can put a stop ot it, if they do it right. Just every one wants to play unions and companies, and no one wants to do their jobs.
Art: Thanks for the update. After watching the video, I wondered if they still had their jobs. The whole work ethic has changed in my lifetime, ( born in 1938). Try to get a kid in the neighborhood to cut the grass. He'll usually sneer & tell you, "why should I, my mom gives me $30 a week allowance". He too will grow up thinking the world owes him a living.

yes i am a member of usw. at our plant and in my department there sre 27 people on the verge of loosing their job because of call offs. but we are not a strong union. a good union will police their own.young kids hired today have no mechanical ability or just dont care never ask questions except where is my check or when can i go home. thanks for the rant
I am not an UAW member, I belong to the IBEW (electrical workers), I am so glad that this post starts with why I don't buy union. I am sure that we are alone in fleecing America. I think that the politicians in this country have the best work and retirement benifits, only because they are our employees, we are the union bosses to them and have lost being managment. Union members by a whole make negociated wages (fair) have health care and retirement, all the things the government wants to furnish. You probably don't remember when the UAW gave in to company demands and to get them the companies had to put UAW members on the board of directors, and now wonder what went wrong.(this is not rocket science) We as a people and greed reap what we sowed. We demand our retirement plans make money, but then complain when they buy oil futures with our money. We take profit and dividends and invest them in foriegn products and wonder why so many jobs are shipped to China. The Chinese gov provdes haelth care, retirement, utilities. Of course when we want all of those things provided, we will live like the Chinese citizens. WONDER WHAT DAY THE GOVERNMENT WILL LET SHOOT, WITHOUT PUTTING ON A UNIFORM. Thanks for starting this post it is a GREAT CHRISTMAS POST
I for one do not subscribe to your logic because it is typical union, protectionist, liberal thinking. Now that the US is a participant in a true global economy we purchase components and even finished goods as a commodity to a large extent. This is done by the best value method while you may not agree however; it is the way of a Capitalist Society! If you cannot produce goods and services that are competitive in the Worlds Global Economy the result is simple --- you perish. The fat, corrupt, bloated, unions and greedy, spineless management have pushed this country to the brink of economic ruin and are now getting and will continue to receive their collective just rewards.

There is no easy fix here-----labor is one of the largest commodities that exist on the planet and why spend $165.00 (loaded) an hour for something that can come from overseas at $20.00 (loaded) or a non union shop that will enable your business to stay viable and in turn generate employment rather than shutting down like so much of the Midwest and Northeast is seeing right now.
Well said.....You are correct in that soon we will not manufacture anything here, we will only have a service industry economy, the only companies that can afford to hire me now are the government, utilities, medical,....In the early 60's when I was an apprentice, an old Electrician told me that only companies that deserved a Union, got them. 40 hr week, weekends. If you paid fair wages and benifits, there was no need for a Union. When you see a utility co. truck, in the Summer, with several (what may apear to be too many workers) Think of the ice storms, the pay dosen't go up and you must maintain a work force based on worst case application.
Or all government employees. the two strongest unions in this country are the American Bar association and the American Medical Society. Yet me never hear any voices complain about them? One wonders why this is?:confused:

These are not unions.
Ever hear about the Detroit mayor? He's in jail. He used to get kick backs from his body guards, from their overtime. They were just reg. cops.

Europe and Mexico it's called a bribe. Here it's called a building permit.
It's hard to change something that is 500 yrs old.
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I live south of Detroit. A guy I work with said his friend worked at a steel plant. Got fired. He missed too much time. Thought the union would protect him. He was wrong. Had an easy job, too.
My grandfather and his 8 brothers worked there. All gone now.
They went to work everyday.

Boss by the way. The story was about the "Union Managers". Not the avg. worker.
Keep buying Walmart. And the only good jobs will be washing the windows of trucks. The truck drivers will be Chinese and Mexican. :mad: