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  1. B

    Current top barrel makers.

    For a single point cut tube----Krieger...
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    New Toy for 2009 (Pictures)

    I sure do miss Stick & JD for that matter!! We had some good times in the past!! Good looking rifle---"Hausgemachter Kirchen Schnaps":D
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    Any hog hunters on here?

    Hmmm---that looks like a fake to me.. Somebody has been at work editing that one. Big ole pig---he is way to clean!
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    Copper based anti-seize lube

    Use for my barrel threads--trick I learned form Speedy. He had a 1 gallon container of it.
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    SHOT Show

    Lynn, Everything you need to know is here-- This is where you will see the GOOD STUFF!! All you need is lot's of money lol!! So many guns so little money to spend!!:D
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    SHOT Show

    Hey Butch and I may even go together! Look forward to seeing you there!:) Looked at one of the featured rifles on your site. Keep on practicing and in a few more years of practicing your work may improve to the point that I will commission you to build a rifle for me. The metal to wood fit on...
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    Barrel condition and carbon fouling

    Buy Iosso paste and brushes and follow the directions-----problem solved. That one was easy.
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    folks fleeing Kalifornia. Wonder why?

    Dave----my name is Dave as well and I think he means me. My skin very very tender LOL!!!:o
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    Trinidad State Junior College thanks the following:

    Butch hit the nail on the head and that is one reason I support the folks listed above whenever possible! Some of us pay attention to those who help the sport!!:)
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    SHOT Show

    The last few SHOT's were not very interesting to me but I do get to see a lot of my friends. This year several will not be there so the Reno Show which is the following week is my going forward plan.
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    Thunderbird 8208

    New stuff will be coming out very shortly so be patient everyone.:D Testing is complete and the manufacturing recipe perfected.:)
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    folks fleeing Kalifornia. Wonder why?

    Kali is dire condition right now!! Glad I do not have any exposure there! Going to get worse before it gets better no doubt. Have read reports that a further 21% to 30% drop in property values are expected this year depending on your location. Don't feel sorry for them one bit as the land of...
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    Sierra Match Kings on game?

    Tough to answer that---shot him quartering away at very short range a little over a hundred yards and the 150 7mm SMK mv 3390 dropped him like a stone. Round entered mid rib cage and exited the opposite rear part of the shoulder (shot this one for the wall and to get rid of not to eat) the exit...
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    Sierra Match Kings on game?

    Yet another victim of the 150 SMK!!
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    Kalifornia Gunsmith

    Pariah Perry has that name for a reason Butch so don’t let the old “Ewok Curmudgeon” ruin your day. He will want to move here after those Fruits and Nuts finish bankrupting that beautiful state that needs an enema. When and if he does move here he will understand what getting a “swirly” means lol!!!
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    Clarification of new IBS Proposal SC#4

    IMHO the rule change is a good one and makes sense.
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    Fire Forming 6ppc

    Jezzzz this wanna be has all of the answers. A shooter who this guy would not qualify to haul his dirty underwear fire-forms using Bullseye and wax and or a little cotton in the end. I have done thousands of rounds this way and Speedy (how many HOF’s have you been inducted into and how many...
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    Sierra Match Kings on game?

    You are correct and it is sad because the dog is only doing what is does naturally. Almost everyone who has not been around them in a non city or home environment will swear that “my doggie” would never do anything like that! Unfortunately they are wrong---I have seen packs with 25lb to 125lbs...
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    Sierra Match Kings on game?

    Simple----dogs come on our land they get shot period end of story. I have killed many over the years including this one that was chasing a doe and a fawn. It was a male and the collar had no tags btw and the dog was pretty matted up but that being said it does not matter---if we see them they...