folks fleeing Kalifornia. Wonder why?

Unfortunately New York State has already gone through everything the article discusses. High taxes, no jobs, industry ran away south, expensive schools, Liberals, gun grabbing dems, very tough gun laws, bankrupt cities, massive public programs, crooked politicians, huge state debt on and on and on. Oh and many lost dreams. Truly a sad state of affairs. But, we are still free!:(
Unfortunately a lot of these people are moving to near by states and taking a lot of their liberal values and agendas with them. I see where they now want to put serial numbers on ammo in Arizona. That's because of immigrants from CA. Watch Colorado, Arizona, and Utah become more and more like Kalifornia is now.
Kali is dire condition right now!! Glad I do not have any exposure there! Going to get worse before it gets better no doubt. Have read reports that a further 21% to 30% drop in property values are expected this year depending on your location. Don't feel sorry for them one bit as the land of fruits and nuts has gotten exactly what it deserves. Just wait until summer when the blackouts start but maybe that will not happen this year with the mass exodus of the population and the cutbacks in business operations.

Might think of buying property on the east side of the fault so when the big one hits I will have some beachfront!!:) Did not see any of the Whack Jobs crying when the property valuations were soaring now did you? With all of the new taxes that are going to be levied Kali is about as popular as a dose of the Clap! Run don’t walk away from that state.:(

I ain't afraid, i have pretty thick skin and that might bend the nails. Just trying to throw people off the track about Iowa, if you know what i mean. Things aren't getting any easier here though, tomorrow i will go to a meeting with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. They are trying to pass rules where, if during dewatering, any nitrates(as in zero) come from my quarries, i will have to have some kind of treatment plant to comply. They will not even allow 1ppm of nitrates, even though any nitrates in the water come from farm fertilizers and manuers that migrate through the soils. Limestone has no nitrates. Hell, the Huggers will be happy if we obtain all our drinking water and limestone products from China. I read an article in a newspaper in Iowa titled: Turtle Creek water quality improving:Brown Trout Spawning. They talk about how all the efforts to improve water quality on this creek seem to be paying off. One thing that they forgot to mention is that there is a Quarry operation that has been legally de-watering their quarry into this creek for the last 40 years.

I could rant on rules and regs for hours. Fines too.

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Can't fall in the sea fast enough...

They expect the rest of us to bail their butts out. It is too bad they don't use the fence they were going to put along the Mexico border along the California border. My state has recently been discussing toll roads. I say put a toll booth on the border and give them a token to leave. The carpet baggers come south because they like it here and the first thisng they do is try to change it like where they came from.

North Carolina population has grown 8 fold in the last 50 years. I like it was before.

The movement out of California has been going on for decades. I think the politicians in California planned it that way. They wanted more room for the illegal aliens that were sure to keep them in office.

Back when Northern California wanted to secede from the lower or lesser half, I thought they were going in the right direction. That Movement was in the 60's. Too bad it didn't happen.
Unfortunately a lot of these people are moving to near by states and taking a lot of their liberal values and agendas with them. I see where they now want to put serial numbers on ammo in Arizona. That's because of immigrants from CA. Watch Colorado, Arizona, and Utah become more and more like Kalifornia is now.
Along with their crap political opinions they bring their crap driving habits...they are spreading like a disease.:mad:
Kalifornia state cant break off and fall into the ocean soon enough for me.