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  1. D

    Results of the Isabella County Sportsman's Club 100 Yd Score Shoot 6-10-2017

    Another fine match at ICSC. We've had good turnouts this year and the shooters seem to be having fun. Isn't that what's it all about? A few notes... Jim Dyke's 250 X 23X score was excellent as were several others. Conditions were O.K. when we started shooting. As time passed we were treated to...
  2. D

    My new benchrest rifle...

    This is the best picture I have so far of the completed gun. Anybody coming to the ICSC match tomorrow will see it. The flash washed out the color a bit on this one. The actual color is like the pic of the rear half of the gun above.
  3. D

    Isabella County Sportsman's Club 100 Yd Score Shoot This Coming Saturday, June 10!

    Another view. Gotta clean the gun and load the car. Match is tomorrow. I'll be fireforming so don't expect much.
  4. D

    My new benchrest rifle...

    The completed rifle in it's rests.
  5. D

    My new benchrest rifle...

    That would be a lot better, wouldn't it?
  6. D

    My new benchrest rifle...

    I got this pic from Chuck Grace Sunday. The gun is completely together and is now on it's way home via UPS Second Day. (Don't ask what that cost.) We have a match at the club Saturday so I am going to be really busy as soon as it gets here. Right now I'm lighting candles, making sacrifices...
  7. D

    Isabella County Sportsman's Club 100 Yd Score Shoot This Coming Saturday, June 10!

    Half done... When I get the gun Wednesday and mount the scope, I figure the project will be half done. From day one this rifle was intended to shoot in matches. I test fired it in the pattern stocks last year and was extremely happy with the results. So far so good... I made the pattern stocks...
  8. D

    Isabella County Sportsman's Club 100 Yd Score Shoot This Coming Saturday, June 10!

    I just got this pic. Chuck Grace put my new bench gun together today. He will ship it second day air tomorrow. I should have it Wednesday. I plan to shoot it in Factory Class at the match Saturday... Zimmer, watch out. Gonna be a couple of very busy days Thursday and Friday. Dick
  9. D

    Isabella County Sportsman's Club 100 Yd Score Shoot This Coming Saturday, June 10!

    Anybody needing special bench arrangements, please call Matt and let him know. Example... Hutch and Gage always share a bench because they only bring one set of flags. That's fine as long as we know up front. Matt's phone number is on the match schedule. Dick
  10. D

    My new benchrest rifle...

    The fore end before checkering was complete. All done and set to go now. There's an escutcheon that covers the hole.
  11. D

    My new benchrest rifle...

    The work is completed. Chuck Grace sent me this and said the gun will be assembled and sent out Monday, the 5th.
  12. D

    Jim Hutchison wins WWCCA 7.16.16 VFS

    Matt, If you shot BR in Michigan, you get used to being beat on by Hutch. Dick
  13. D

    Brian J. Albee Has Passed Away

    Francis, you said that exactly right. As Brian's disease progressed and it became apparent that he would need help to shoot, we took to reserving the bench on the far right end of the range for him. He was a RH shooter and Helen could stand beside him and load without bothering anybody. I'm...
  14. D

    Results of the Isabella County Sportsman's Club 100 & 200 Score Shoot April 18, 2015

    It sure felt good just to get out of the house and into some warm weather. I didn't shoot but the conditions I saw looked tough. When 100 yd. VFS is won with 16 X's you know it ain't easy.
  15. D

    Isabella County Sportsman's Club 100 & 200 Yard Score Match Saturday 4-18-2015

    See you there.... Matt, If I don't have compay that day, I'll be there. Dick
  16. D

    6 mm talldog

    Tommy, How you doing? I miss you guys now that I'm not shooting much. I'll think of the good ole boys while I'm not at the Shamrock. I wish I could be there.
  17. D

    6 mm talldog

    I don't know if anyone mentioned it... but Freddie won the Super Shoot with his Talldog. I think it was in 1994. I shot a Talldog for years and it always shot better than I could. Of course... Dick
  18. D

    Harrison Sportsman Club match schedule 2015

    Brian, Billy really should have a match on May 9th also. A lot of shooters will be at Kelbley's on the 23rd. We always had a group match on the second Saturday in May as a Super Shoot warm-up. Somebody needs to tell him and it ain't gonna be me. Jeff said you are going to shoot this year...
  19. D

    Tuner question (not for real......) :) maybe?

    The problem with washers... would be holding them in exactly the same place on the barrel.
  20. D

    OT How to build a a chicken shed

    Sure looks like a GTO... They said on TV yesterday that a real one sold in 2013 in a private sale for 72 million USD. Any time you think you are good at something a guy like this comes along... Dick