OT How to build a Ferrari............in a chicken shed

Sure looks like a GTO...

They said on TV yesterday that a real one sold in 2013 in a private sale for 72 million USD.

Any time you think you are good at something a guy like this comes along...

Them damn ducks and chickens are the whole show - the car's a nice one too. Imagine having the know how and tools to do that.
Car looks incredible, his work is unbelievable and I hate to be critical but he put the steering wheel on the wrong side!
Car looks incredible, his work is unbelievable and I hate to be critical but he put the steering wheel on the wrong side!
lol, funny thing is for driving in the US he puts the steering wheel on the wrong side but since the Ferrari in the video is being driven around New Zealand the steering wheel is on the correct side............Suppose you could say it depends where you come from as to your perspective.:D
Actually Ian for a performance car the steering wheel should be in the middle.

Hmmm not sure Ferrari agreed back in the 50's-60's most cars back then were front engine rear drive, which would put the gearbox or drive tube in the middle. Sitting straddling either of those would raise the roof height a bit.

Things have certainly changed since then........I would prefer a Jag XJ13 over the Ferrari myself. Don't know the price but I read that Tempero's built 8 or 9 of them.
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Hmmm not sure Ferrari agreed back in the 50's-60's most cars back then were front engine rear drive, which would put the gearbox or drive tube in the middle. Sitting straddling either of those would raise the roof height a bit.

Things have certainly changed since then........I would prefer a Jag XJ13 over the Ferrari myself. Don't know the price but Tempero's built 6 of them, four of those 6 went to the USA.

I guess that I disagree with you. I had rather have a Yugo than a POS Jag u were.
I guess that I disagree with you. I had rather have a Yugo than a POS Jag u were.

Butch I've worked on Jags and yes I would agree with you about the road cars but the D types etc that Temperos have built certainly are in a better class than an original MkII
Jaguar Story.......Long


I lived in Edmond,Oklahoma for about six years. Edmond is just North of Oklahoma City.

In 1984,I bought a 1978 Jaguar XJ6 sedan(Brown) from an elderly lady who lived in Enid,Okla. She just about gave the car away. Butch knows all the Towns in Oklahoma.

My Wife and I drove up to Enid and picked up the Car. I noticed a big puddle of oil on the garage floor when I backed the car out. I asked the seller about it. She said that the car always leaked a little oil.

The sale price was a steal,,so I figured,,well ,I can get it fixed and still be ahead.

I made it back to Oklahoma City,in my new status symbol. It was the most comfortable ride I’d ever experienced. Found out later,when I took it to a new car Jaguar dealer for a diagnosis, that it had six shock absorbers. that explains the soft ride..

The Dealer told me it would cost $2,500.00 to fix the oil leak. A lot of money in 1984. It just so happened that a Lawyer friend of mine had the exact same model Jaguar. When I told him what it was going to cost to fix my new Toy, he chuckled.

Said he had the same problem, He related that he had converted his Jaguar from a six cylinder to a Chevy V8. And that he had solved all his engine problems. He gave me a card for a Jaguar Conversion Company in Dallas,Tx, “Johns Cars”, I didn’t waste any time getting on the phone with John ,the owner.

I ended up buying the Conversion kit for $800.00. I found me a used Chevy 350 engine at the junk yard. The one with the 2.02 heads and four barrel intake. I had the engine rebuilt by a local reputable builder. Now I was ready to replace that oil leaking Jaguar engine.

I looked all over Oklahoma City and surrounding Communities, trying to find a mechanic to do the conversion. I couldn’t find anybody that was willing to tackle the installation job. Everybody said, well we never did one before and we can’t guarantee the work.

I finally found a guy that said he would do it. He was located in a small Town Southwest Of Oklahoma City, called Chickasha. I drove the Jaguar down to Chickasha,Ok. About 40 miles SW Of Oklahoma City. Had my buddy follow in his pickup truck with the engine and installation kit. I found the shop, hidden back in the Welfare section of Town. There was one car in front of the shop ,sitting on blocks with no tires and one car that looked like it had been in a wreck with a train.

The owner walked out from back of shop, He looked like he had been swimming in a pool of oil. I started to tell him that I was at the wrong place. I got to thinking about how nice that Chevy 350 was going to sound in my Jaguar and went against my better judgment. I left my jaguar ,Engine and install kit with this guy and waited. I waited a Month. Finally get a call from the install guy in Chickasha. The Car is ready. Got my wife to drive me down to Chickasha to pick it up.

Got there. Looked under the Hood. I kid you not. it was the worst installation I had ever seen, There were wires going every which a way. The mechanic knew by the look on my face that I was not overly pleased with what I saw in the engine bay.

It started right up. The sound was beautiful, The installer told me, for the next 200 miles, don’t, drive at a steady rate of speed. Speed up ,slow down. According to him, it helps with the break in.

I left Chickasha. Got on the interstate and headed to Oklahoma City. Speeding up and slowing down. As instructed. About half way to Oklahoma City,the car ran hot. I pulled over to the side of road and popped the hood. Steam and coolant going everywhere. I had a bursted water hose. A Tow truck from Chickasha came and took the car back to the installer. I finally got it working Ok. Kept it about six Months and traded it for a new Pontiac.

There is a lesson to be leaned here. It can be described in Two word’s…..”DUMB ASS”

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...wow !

Gawdang , those old GTO's are some of the sexiest metalcraft to ever roll down any road ...or track , for that fact.

What an artist . . . . beautiful stuff