Results of the Isabella County Sportsman's Club 100 & 200 Score Shoot April 18, 2015



Results of the Isabella County Sportsman's Club 100 & 200 Score Shoot April 18, 2015

The Isabella County Sportsman's Club (Mt. Pleasant, MI) hosted a 100 and 200 yard score shoot on Saturday, April 18, 2015. An interesting combination of events created some nasty conditions. Winds and dust were the elements to battle most of the day.

A huge thank you to Harry and Fred Ross. Fred was the target detail, driving his trusty truck to and from the targets to the target shack. And a VERY HUGE thank you goes out to Steve Robbins for chasing down all the little requests, problems, and performing as the range officer. His voice sure does carry with that megaphone!
And to Dick Wright for scoring the 200 yard targets and providing color to the stories!

Ten shooters braved the Isabella Winds (brutal as they were). There was only one complaint filed and that was by Larry Gage. Larry was complaining that it was darn cold! (Larry just returned from Arizona one week ago - his blood has not thickened up yet). Funny though that Larry shot like he was here all the time. Both Larry and Hutch (Jim Hutchinson) were neck and neck all the way from the start to the finish - Jim ending the dual by outdistancing Larry by one X, 499-20X vs. 499-19X! Now that is a horse race for sure!

The 100 Yard event was won by Jim Dyke with a fine 250-16X followed closely by Larry Gage at 250-14X.

The 200 Yard event was won by Jim Hutchinson (shooting his trusty 6PPC) shooting 249-7X with Ron Breedlove coming in second place with the same score.

We all had a great time, seeing old friends emerge from the long winter months, and sharing what we did and did not do since the last match last year.

The next match at Isabella will be May 16, 2015. Further details will be forth coming.

Just the messenger boy......Matt Dardas


  • Isabella 100 YD SCORE MATCH 4-18-2015.pdf
    6.5 KB · Views: 257
  • Isabella 200 YD SCORE MATCH 4-18-2015.pdf
    6.5 KB · Views: 245
  • Isabella 100 & 200 Score Match Grand Aggregate.pdf
    72.2 KB · Views: 232
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It sure felt good just to get out of the house and into some warm weather. I didn't shoot but the conditions I saw looked tough. When 100 yd. VFS is won with 16 X's you know it ain't easy.