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  1. J

    Gas for 99 cents?

    Gas goes up every week end around here. Thursday morning I paid $1.41 for 87 octane, by 4 PM gas at the same station was $1.59. Monday afternoon once all the workers have filled up to get to work it will drop back down a bit, and continue to do so until Thurs. PM.
  2. J


    My rifle showed velocities to be quite close concidering as noted the lab used min spec test barrels. I`ve seen 100 fps difference in velocity just by changing the powder lot or temprature of the ammo with some loads. I drove the 120 gr Nosler BT 3041 fps for 10 rds with 49 gr and a Rem 9.5...
  3. J


    Made in Canada according to the lable, burns about like W760 IMO.
  4. J


    I like it in my 7-08 with 120-140 gr bullets. Strickly a hunting rig but sub MOA and very good velocity with these components.. Have not tried it in any other cartridges.
  5. J

    Ford's new automated plant

    I believe if you look the Sky gets 28 mpg from a 260 HP turbo .......:rolleyes:
  6. J

    Federal Premium Ammo powder

    Federal is owned by ATK, also the parent company of Speer, and Alliant powders. I`d suspect Federal might give Alliant a chance at producing their powders, if one of their blends matched Federals needs. I`ve heard the military uses R15 in the 7.62 in some bullets wgts. It might be a good choice...
  7. J

    Alaskan huntiing trip

    I hunted in Quebec a couple years back for Caribou with 5 others. We had two 243s, Two 270 Win, a 30-06 and a guy with a bow only. We left with 12 animals, all but one were shot kills (that one was dead on its feet but took another round, 270 win as it walked away). Most were hit broadside, and...
  8. J

    Ford's new automated plant

    Think Amtrak, no body here in the states wants to ride one, they prefer driving and having more control of their trip.
  9. J

    Ford's new automated plant

  10. J

    Ford's new automated plant

    Not quite true. The last 10 or so years new hires have started at ~$15/hr and taken 5 years to reach full pay. Benefits also are doled out over the same 5 years. GM for has also used temps extensivly the last 5 or so years with some working 3+ years with out getting a permanite job. Temps have...
  11. J

    Calipers - Advice

    I used a cheap set of dial calipers from Midway for years until the dog knocked them out of my hand one day. I`d take them in to work every so often and have one of the guys in the metrology (sp?) lab run a couple machinist blocks through them (0.25" & 0.50"), they always checked out dead nuts...
  12. J

    Questionable Chronograph readings?

    The blue sky is actually darker to the sensors then a cloudy overcast. The bullet doesn`t stand out as well against it and it is the prime condition where you should use the shades.
  13. J

    6.5x284 Norma Vs. Winchester

    The Norma is a touch longer in the body lenght Keep in mind the Norma has been accepted by SAAMI/CIP and there is a set std. I don`t believe the same exists for the Winchester version.
  14. J

    Copper Fouling in new Sendero

    How does it shoot? Does the copper degrade your groups?
  15. J

    retarded scales

    A dirty electric source will screw with the digitals too. Some times an appliance or other electric powdered gizmo will corrupt the power in that circiut causing the scale to act up. That`s why a warm calibrated scale will seem to change zero. The bad power supply will screw with it everytime a...
  16. J

    What would cause the velocity to go up at lower temperatures?

    Maybe the suns angle on the chrony sensors? light can play tricks on your chrony at times. This might have been one of them.....:confused:
  17. J

    6.5-284win VS. 260 rem

    I`ve both and the difference is like the 308 vs 30-06, 100 fps or so depending on bullet wgt. Accuracy from what I can tell tell at shorter range is similar. It probably depends more on the barrel then cartridge. The 260 will however have greater barrel life. This could be very important in a...
  18. J

    For you Model 70 lovers

    The latest issue of The American Rifleman has a write up on the new M70. The rifle never broke 2" avg @100 yds useing 3 different loads, and agg`ed 2.33" for the day. These were 5 rd groups not 3 shots, but still not what I`d expect from new tooling and suposedly better quality control. The...
  19. J

    For you Model 70 lovers

    With the money going to the Belgium goverment not staying in the USA. Browning is owned by them too, and a large number of US military arms are produced by them also.
  20. J

    260 rem. model 7

    I ordered a Remington M700 BDL when Remington 1st announced they were introducing the 260 cartridge in, as I recall, 1996. The rifle came with a 1/9" twist the same as they have today in the M7. I doubt they offered different twists in their various models.