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  1. G

    Cutting fluids

    That's amazing! Just goes to show you that sometimes we just hit on a magic combination that works! Do you suppose the solar eclipse had anythiing to do with it? :rolleyes: Good for you Gary Gene Beggs
  2. G

    This is a hard post...about a friend & shooter passing

    Lou, thank you for informing us about Tom Libby. I know that was hard for you. The news hit me like a ton of bricks. Tom and I started benchrest about the same time. I always looked forward to seeing him and Carolyn at the matches. Tom Libby was one helluva' man and will be greatly missed...
  3. G

    Stu Harvey Passed Away

    A great loss. It was such a disappointment to learn of the passing of Stu Harvey. What a guy. :) I am so thankful for the time and conversations shared with Stu. He will be greatly missed. Gene Beggs
  4. G

    Gene Beggs?

    Yep, I'm still alive and well out here in the wilds of West Texas. :p The world must be turning faster every year because I find myself having more and more trouble keeping up. You don't suppose I'm just getting old, do you? :eek: Thanks for the concern. Gene (Grandpa) Beggs:)
  5. G

    Building custom benchrest rifle from savage 110: caliber and twist ?

    Good Advice Try to get acquainted with those that are active benchrest shooters. Find out who the best BR gunsmiths are and you'll be in good company. Gene Beggs
  6. G

    Building custom benchrest rifle from savage 110: caliber and twist ?

    Damn Shame Danyboy, I know how hard exporting has become. It's ridiculous! :mad: With the election of President Donald Trump, we here in the USA have renewed hope for the future of our firearms freedoms. Maybe things will improve now that we have a true American in the White House. It...
  7. G

    Building custom benchrest rifle from savage 110: caliber and twist ?

    I'm quite sure Bob White at Shooters Corner can ship parts and complete rifles to Canada. Give him a call. He always has a good inventory to choose from. Be a lot easier than trying to build a benchrest rifle on a Savage action. The fact that Jewell triggers are not available for Savage...
  8. G

    Source of runout on chuck

    Hi Jerry Glad to hear you're becoming more familiar with your lathe and Bison adjust-tru chuck. I still don't think you are on the right track and strongly suggest that you don't make any cuts on the lathe spindle or on the chuck until someone who is familiar with it has looked at them. You...
  9. G

    Building custom benchrest rifle from savage 110: caliber and twist ?

    Priceless Advice ! Right on! :) Gene Beggs
  10. G

    Hood scope checkers

    Yep, you sure did Jackie, it's still on there and removes all doubt. I still use it out at the tunnel quite a bit. GeneBeggs
  11. G

    Source of runout on chuck

    Jerry, let me strongly suggest that before making any cuts or modifications of any kind to your lathe or chuck, get someone to help you with it, someone familiar with both the machine and the Bison chuck. I don't have time right now to come to you but if you'll drive out to Odessa soon, I can...
  12. G

    Adjusting a Set-Tru chuck.

    Jerry, sounds like you are trying to make something hard out of this and getting ahead of yourself. If your chuck has three 'bolts' as you say on the backplate it's a D1-4 camlock. These aren't bolts, they are camlocks and have nothing to do with dialing in the chuck. If you can't find...
  13. G

    Inside neck reaming??

    Yes, what Jackie said, but before you do anything to new Lapua cases that have been fired only once, load and fire them at least one more time. Lapua cases are tough and one firing is not usually enough to fully blow out the necks. Gene Beggs
  14. G

    Adjusting a Set-Tru chuck.

    Jerry, I have a six inch Bison chuck and was also a bit confused about the spacing of the adjustment screws. I still don't understand why they made it like that but I'm sure they had their reasons. At any rate, I love the chuck and have done my best to wear it out during the past few years...
  15. G

    We Haven't Had A Good Car Thread In A While...........My '67 Chevelle

    Jackie, I hope you will leave your '67 Chevelle just like it is. I've heard you talk about making more additions and mods but in my opinion, that would be a mistake. If not for the alloy wheels, it could easily be mistaken for completely stock. It's just beautiful! With all that power, is...
  16. G

    We Haven't Had A Good Car Thread In A While...........My '67 Chevelle

    Jackie, your '67 Malibu reminds me of the first new car I bought when I got home from the Army. It was a SS-396, same color as yours. Back in those days I would have never dreamed of owning a car with an air conditioner and an automatic transmission so it was a plain Jane by todays standards...
  17. G

    Grind shop

    Lee, your best bet would probably be either JGS or PT&G. What you are describing sounds remarkably like their range rods. Can you share with us what you plan to use these for? :eek: Sounds interesting. :) Gene Beggs
  18. G

    Beggs Wind Probe Damper Rod

    Yep, that's the way to do it. Just be sure it's dry when you re-assemble it. Use a clean, soft, dry cloth to wipe the piston. Gene
  19. G

    Beggs Wind Probe Damper Rod

    Dick, thanks for the kind word of confidence. Between getting old, having the flu and being lazy on top of that, I haven't been very good at answering mail. Guys, I have plenty of replacement dampers for both the full-size and mini probes. I also have plenty of reference scales, support arms...
  20. G

    Scope checker

    Good point Wilbur, thanks for pointing that out. I think the reason many shooters resist using a scope checker is because they think it's too complicated and difficult to use. By dedicating my frozen Leu 36 to the task and leaving it semi-permanently installed on the Hood scope checker, I...