Scope checker

Yes, with one additional piece of information that the picture would not have shown you by itself. The three Allen head cap screws serve a dual function. Depending on which holes they are in they serve as jacking screws to slightly spread the female dovetail, to make it easier to get on and off of the base, and in their other position they are used to clamp the checker on the base. The rest of your observations were correct.

Ahh, thanks for that little tidbit. Not being able to see full on the end of the base I assumed the three screws held a side plate to secure the base to the action. Neat concept. Taking a better look at the picture I can now see the slit cut into the base to allow it to spread slightly. Well, I've got a full size mill (10 X 54 table) not getting much use now and this looks like an interesting project for it.
You don't have to have the scopes adjusted to the same point of impact.....just something you can see well.
You don't have to have the scopes adjusted to the same point of impact.....just something you can see well.

Good point Wilbur, thanks for pointing that out.

I think the reason many shooters resist using a scope checker is because they think it's too complicated and difficult to use. By dedicating my frozen Leu 36 to the task and leaving it semi-permanently installed on the Hood scope checker, I can test a customer's scope in a matter of just a few minutes. It sure gives you a good feeling to know that your scope is rock solid.


Gene Beggs
Here is a scope checker that I made back in the 90's and still use it now and then. Only bad thing with mine is that it puts the scope's a little high but still it does a good job of testing scopes.


Old thread I know, but I have a Hood scope checker I don't need anymore (actually never used it)
Someone make me a reasonable offer for it.
Mike Ezell is now making them. He is selling them for $150 + shipping I believe. His phone number is 270-792-1436.
Ezell/Hood Scope Checkers!!

Mike Ezell is now making them. He is selling them for $150 + shipping I believe. His phone number is 270-792-1436.

Thanks James. Yes, after speaking with Charlie Hood about producing his scope checkers and getting his blessing to do so, I am now offering them. I just shipped the last of the first run out today and have some more in the works. They are an extremely small market tool but are well worth the few bucks to check your scopes. It's amazing how many seem to have some amount of movement! The checkers are a definitive way to see what's going on.

I have been shipping them out on a first come, first served basis and as mentioned, sold out of the first run but have already started the next batch. I'm gonna guess it'll be 10 days to two weeks when the next ones are ready to ship out. The price is $150+$8 shipping CONUS. I can be reached here but prefer for everyone to just call me so that I can get all your info and start a work order. They look and work just like the original Hood model and are being produced on a Haas CNC mill. My cell is 270-792-1436 --Mike Ezell