That strikes entirely too close to home as I've had to deal with this sort of thing multiple times on my own property.....really. I've got a "Riparian Waterway" on my property and have been asked to grant access for college students looking for native artifacts, a noxious/invasive weeds study, an "indigenous flora" study and a flow study as well as having to fend off a suit from a homeowner 3mi away on an adjacent crick (he THINKS his waterway originates on my property)
I've also been repeatedly asked to cede my rights for money in a "land trade" where they "set aside" small sections of my personal property so that they can extend town boundaries in a town 6mi away...
I'll get calls like "we'd like to be able to take teams through your property for the purpose of establishing contiguity of habitat" and such.
To make matters even worse I've access to an open pit mining operation using a small section of my private drive so the EPA gets their smutty fingers into the pie.....or tries to.
I was recently "served" with a subpoena from the largest 5-Name law firm in Portland OR which started with "You are required to attend a meeting at the riparian crossing on your drive on (date) at (time) with your representative(s).....present will be (a list of 7 people) for the purpose of establishing.......etc etc...." to which I replied "I think NOT you miserable hack, you are hereby cordially invited to take a flying #$% at a rolling donut. If, in my travels I see you or anyone else at that site without my written permission I WILL take it as an invitation to shoot you for trespassing illegally. In simple fact I WILL NOT be at this "meeting," there will be no meeting on my property and you may consider this letter written notice to yourself and others to that effect..... I may well be conducting illegal acts on this property including but not limited to human trafficking, opium farming, puppy milling and or the milling of endangered hardwoods and I DO NOT WANT TO BE BOTHERED! On top of that we shoot guns and blow stuff up. A LOT...sometimes naked"
I went on like this for 5 pages gradually working up to an abusive rant which ended with "may I restate clearly, IF I EVER SEE YOU ON MY PROPERTY.....etc etc"
One of the 5 names hissownself (#3 I think) called me from said law firm to inform me that "this isn't an acceptable response to a subpoena" and I said "so sue me" and hung up on him.
I came out to work on my road with the 6ft grapple mounted to the front of my tractor and a chainsaw in the scabbard on the scheduled day and time and......lo and behold, perfect peace and tranquility. Ner hide nor hair of any trapessers were observed that day
Government meddling in property rights is just part and parcel of living in The West. And when I say "give 'em an inch and they'll take your property" its based on the FACT that I've watched several young naive landowners lose not only their properties but their life savings over arrowheads and newts...these idiots couldn't find a dog at the pound and they spend millions "setting traps" and "taking surveys" and "sampling" in an attempt to "document" things like the Pacific Giant Salamander and the Rubber Boa which wander about in our yards of an evening.
....and don't get me STARTED on water rights.
rant OFF