Yet another surprise!

Pete Wass

Well-known member
I have believed all these many years that shooting in temps below 40* was a waste of time and ammo. Well, we shot our Tuesday evening UL 3 card match in the mid 30's yesterday and we had some pretty good scores. The two top lads had 749's with 55 x'es with the next lad having 745-40. All were shooting their usual ammo. Makes ya wanna say Huh, eh?

This was our second Club UL of the season. We shoot three UL cards and adjourn to the Pub for some great Hot Wings and sometimes an adult beverage or two; no more than 2! Our next evening match will be a Sporter SOTY. Let's hope the favorable conditions

The results are as follows:


1. Steve Page 249-18
2. Gary Hamilton 249-15
3.Klayton Hayes 247-11
4. Pete Wass 246- 12
5. Donna Grant 243-11
6. Joe Jerrier 240-9


1. Gary Hamilton 250-19
2. Steve Page 250-17
3. Pete Wass 250-13
4. Klayton Hayes 249-14
5. Donna Grant 244-10
6. Joe Jerrier 244-8

1. Gary Hamilton 250-21
2.Steve Page 250-20
3. Pete Wass 249-15
4. Klayton Hayes 247-7
5.Donna Grant 240-6
6. Joe Jerrier 233-9


1. Steve Page 749-55
2. Gary Hamilton 749-55
3. Pete Wass 745-40
4. Klayton Hayes 743-32
5. Donna Grant 727-27
6. Joe Jerrier 707-26

Thanks to all for coming and for all the help running the match.

Pete .
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That part of the fun

Thats part of the fun of Benchrest, just when you think you have it figured out, something changes.................. Keeps one interested.
Hello Pete,

Curious, were most using some method to keep their ammo reasonably warm? I know shooters at the R.R. Barn keep their ammo in insulated coolers ... some even using hand warmers to prevent the wax coating from becoming hard and difficult to chamber. I've heard many even keep several boxes of ammo in their pockets close to their body during colder weather. Very good scores across the board in those temperatures. John
One of em

Hello Pete,

Curious, were most using some method to keep their ammo reasonably warm? I know shooters at the R.R. Barn keep their ammo in insulated coolers ... some even using hand warmers to prevent the wax coating from becoming hard and difficult to chamber. I've heard many even keep several boxes of ammo in their pockets close to their body during colder weather. Very good scores across the board in those temperatures. John

warmed his on his dash with the defroster going. The Agg. winner shot his @ the temp they were, not heating them and Me, I kept mine in me pocket until I was ready to shoot them. I didn't see the others warming theirs but I didn't really observe them closely. Something I think I noticed was the rifle only shot well when it's barrel was warm.
