Yet Another Chamber Cleaning Question



Since I don't have easy access to a bore-scope I am in hopes someone here can answer this question. I have read online on two different forums where it is claimed a nylon bore brush with solvent short stroked in the chamber will remove the lead/carbon ring, true or false ? I have also read that you can use a bronze brush short stroked in the chamber area to accomplish the same thing with only solvent, I was always told to never reverse a brush in the bore so I am curious here if either of the methods will in fact work. Thanks in Advance.
You heard right, don't reverse a bronze brush.
You can do this with a nylon brush and you might consider the ones made by IOSSO which are blue and considerably stiffer than the garden variety.
Once you wear out your bronze brush keep it to chamber clean.
You want a fixed rod.
Stick it in the bore and turn it clockwise. With solvent.
Thanks Tim I will get some of the Iosso brushes and try them
Just asking. Why should you not reverse the bronze brush while cleaning your barrel? As bronze is much softer than stainless steel what is the thought behind not reversing direction? I understand you would not want to pull it back into the chamber area as it would deposit some crud.
Reversing the brush while it's still in the barrel will damage the brush. It's perfectly acceptable to push it out the end and then pull it back through. Spinning the brush in the chamber and pulling it back out with a continuous spin is acceptable as well.
Thanks Wilbur

Reversing the brush while it's still in the barrel will damage the brush. It's perfectly acceptable to push it out the end and then pull it back through. Spinning the brush in the chamber and pulling it back out with a continuous spin is acceptable as well.

There are a lot of Bad rumors going around & if the people listen to them then that is their fault.
I think you said it all in your post! :D
"Black Ring"

VFG "Super Intensive Pellets", felt with fine brass wire, and a bit of Iosso bore cleaner will remove the dreaded black ring with only a few short strokes. A short rod is best, like a 11" Dewey S.S rod. you will need the special VFG adapter. All available in Brownells cat.
Thanks Mr Wilbur. I don't reverse them but was just wondering what the thought process was about reversing them. I personally only use one a couple of times, then dispose of them.
In my opinion, you're changing brushes too often. If you have to push a bit on the rod...the brush is still good for what it does. Use a little shot of spray carburetor cleaner on the brush and wipe the rod with a rag before you put it away.
Ive been using a bristle brush for all barrel cleaning. I never seemed to like plastic brushes and have a quantity of brass brushes.

I once had a couple stainless 'brushes' and read some stories. I threw the stainless brushes in the can. Dont ever put one down a barrel of mine.