
333smitty: Thank you for the heads up on the Gunbroker sale. I will search that one out.

Bnhpr: I was one of the first folks in Montana to buy an XR-100 back when they first came out. Then when I went to buy a scope base for it none of the stores (5 of them) within 65 miles of my home had the correct base (Model 7 or XP-100!) for the XR-100. I looked for some time and even tried online - everyone was out.
So I took the Rifle down to my local pawn/sport shop and was double checking anything that "might" work - granted this is not usually a sound method of attaching a scope!
I did find that a Leupold one piece base for a short action Remington 700 fits just perfectly!!!
I wiggled and moved and inspected it with a magnifying glass and finally I bought it and screwed it down and have been using it ever since - with no problems that I can see?
I was shocked.
In fact I just went and fetched the XR-100 in question from my gun vault and sure enough the Leupold one piece base on it is marked "700 SA" on the underside! This base uses the two "front holes" of the XR-100 action and it appears to be using the one hole furthest to the rear at the rear of the action.
I am not kidding when I say I wasted 2 weeks and dozens of phone calls (long distance type!) and drove a couple hundred miles looking for the "Model 7" bases for the XR-100!
When all along the Leupold 700 SA one piece base lines up and works just perfectly!
And this Ben, are there SOME Rifle competition disciplines where it is not "legal" (within the rules) to have a forearm that is "FLAT"?
If you plan on using your Rifle in competitions then you might want to check the rules carefully before you "flatten" your forearm.
Anyway wishing you continued good shooting with your XR-100's!
Hold into the wind
I had a SA 700 base, but wanted to use all of the holes.

I had no intent to use it for competition or some discipline that requires round stock, etc. It also is single shot, and too heavy, and has too much scope for HBC.

Just target shooting and maybe some hogs or vermin.
I must have the last Gander Mtn .308

Nana nana boo boo! Just kidding! I know Glen at the Sugarland store. I also snatched the last Win Coyote 25 WSSM there for $350. :D
Bnhpr: Ben, I just had to look up your town there (Monroe) on MapQuest, as I had never heard that name before - in Maine anyway.
I bet its cool country and I see that "Waldo" is not far from you!
I have never been in the NE quadrant of the country. I hope to get there some day.
Do you have "hogs" (Woodchucks?) up there?
Yep your choice to put all the scope base holes in play on the 308 XR-100 would be a good idea.
In fact i think my first two XR-100's got the Leupold brand 700 SA one piece base treatment for their scope holding duty.
Again both are working fine but in 204 and 223 calibers.
Houston is another place I have not been as yet (been close though!). It must be a huge town (area?) to have 3 (three) Gander Mountain stores in it!
I have a close friend out in Puget Sound country (Washington state) that is also "HOT" for an XR-100. I told him about the Gunbroker lead and maybe one of us will get one.
Again wishing you continued happiness with the XR-100's.
Hold into the wind
Bnhpr: Ben, I just had to look up your town there (Monroe) on MapQuest, as I had never heard that name before - in Maine anyway.
I bet its cool country and I see that "Waldo" is not far from you!
I have never been in the NE quadrant of the country. I hope to get there some day.
Do you have "hogs" (Woodchucks?) up there?
Yep your choice to put all the scope base holes in play on the 308 XR-100 would be a good idea.
In fact i think my first two XR-100's got the Leupold brand 700 SA one piece base treatment for their scope holding duty.
Again both are working fine but in 204 and 223 calibers.
Houston is another place I have not been as yet (been close though!). It must be a huge town (area?) to have 3 (three) Gander Mountain stores in it!
I have a close friend out in Puget Sound country (Washington state) that is also "HOT" for an XR-100. I told him about the Gunbroker lead and maybe one of us will get one.
Again wishing you continued happiness with the XR-100's.
Hold into the wind

Monroe is a small, hilly, town of about 600 or so people about 10 miles from the coast of Maine. Lots of old farm houses, and a few working dairy farms. We don't have high speed internet, we don't have that many paved roads or industry. It's pretty quiet here, until tax bills hit from our communist governor.

Woodchucks aka groundhogs aka whistle pigs are plentiful. They are quite good to eat as well, kind of like rabbit, but better.

their favorite fare is garden variety beans. They keep their head down in my field/garden. I try to keep them at bay with my 22-250. I hit this one in the nose at 150 yards from my spare bedroom.


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Bnhpr: From whats left of that Wood Chuck I surmise that your Eastern Chucks are definitely darker that our Western Rock Chucks (Yellow Bellied Marmots and High Mountain Whistling Marmots!).
600 people huh!
Must be tough at rush hour? LOL.
Even MY small town here in remote SW Montana has 4,200 people in it!
Good for you though living in a real small town.
I tried to get the VarmintWife to move to a REAL small town here in Montana (Wisdon, Montana - population 110) but she would have no part of that (no hospital etc.).
Enjoy your "quiet" place to the utmost!
Hold into the wind
Scoped The .308 XR Yesterday

I got a Nikon 6-18X40 Buckmaster with the target dot reticle, sun shade and target turrets. It fit my budget at $288 delivered. I mounted it with a Dednutz mounting system and took to the range. To say I am happy with the gun is an understatement. I do plan to get a Jewel trigger for it as soon as funds allow.
Although the accuracy seems to be good with my .308, I will note that on all 3 of them I messed with, there is quite a bit of freebore. If I have a 168 smk touching the lands, it will not eject an unfired round. It's only about .025" too long, so that's where I set the seating die.
Talon1959: I at first thought you had mis-typed when I saw your reference to the "Dednutz" mounting system!
I did a search though and sure enough they sell rings and bases made of aluminum!
I just had never heard of them.
Now to your trigger plans.
I have several Rifles with Jewell triggers on them.
I love my Jewell Triggers.
But they are expensive.
AND, I personally would not shell out the bucks to replace the trigger in any of my XR-100's!
The triggers on those Rifles are REALLY fine!
No creep, consistent let off, no backlash, very crisp - I simply am 100% pleased with them.
Is your XR-100's trigger not pleasing to you in some way(s)?
If it is I suggest you do some "adjusting" on your own before you shell out the moola for the Jewells!
Either way I hope you get happy with the trigger which ever one you go with.
Hold into the wind

I think that I am going to invest in a decent rest before the Jewell. I have some money from a sale of some stuff and I really think I need a better rest before the trigger. I agree that the trigger is pretty damn good for a factory Remmy, but I keep hearing about these Jewell triggers.

My XR will not be a BR gun or let's just say I don't plan to become a BR guy. Way too intense for me. I want to play at this rifle game and learn to reload.

I still shoot some competitive skeet and that's enough pressure for me. I am somewhat newly married (3 years) and my new wife is not keen on traveling the skeet circuit. I have lots of land that I can hunt on and my step son is a hard core hunter so that's where a lot of my time is going. In fact we are heading to S. TX to hunt some yotes tomorrow.:)

Bnhpr: I am sorry that I neglected to respond to your PM. I did buy mine at Gander Mtn. in Sugarland TX on sale for $580 plus tax. It was on clearence and they had another 10% off. I had no idea it was a Gander exclusive; I just wanted a .308 and it looked cool. :D I want an XR in .223 because I don't have a .223 Rem. Just waiting on my bonus.
Put the crack pipe down.

I think that I am going to invest in a decent rest before the Jewell. I have some money from a sale of some stuff and I really think I need a better rest before the trigger. I agree that the trigger is pretty damn good for a factory Remmy, but I keep hearing about these Jewell triggers.

My XR will not be a BR gun or let's just say I don't plan to become a BR guy. Way too intense for me. I want to play at this rifle game and learn to reload.

I still shoot some competitive skeet and that's enough pressure for me. I am somewhat newly married (3 years) and my new wife is not keen on traveling the skeet circuit. I have lots of land that I can hunt on and my step son is a hard core hunter so that's where a lot of my time is going. In fact we are heading to S. TX to hunt some yotes tomorrow.:)

Bnhpr: I am sorry that I neglected to respond to your PM. I did buy mine at Gander Mtn. in Sugarland TX on sale for $580 plus tax. It was on clearence and they had another 10% off. I had no idea it was a Gander exclusive; I just wanted a .308 and it looked cool. :D I want an XR in .223 because I don't have a .223 Rem. Just waiting on my bonus.

I've tried lots of aftermarket triggers. There is no way I'd replace this trigger, unless I planned to go way below the low setting for some reason. Trigger is second to no factory trigger. You'll pay big $ to get better.

If you were to put some work in yours I'd suggest pillars and epoxy.

Maybe even set the barrel back to a shorter freebore.

3 b's Barrel, bullets, bedding.
Talon1959: I heartily recommend the XR-100 in 223! I have had mine a couple of years now and the 26" heavy barrel and the stock design simply "absorbs" recoil! I can see many of my bullets points of impact when I am Colony Varmint Hunting with this Rifle!
My 223 XR-100 shoots REALLY well - as I have expounded upon several times.
I found another XR-100 in 22-250 that is new and unfired back in Ohio and as we speak it should be trucking across country toward me. Its kind of an investment thing at $620.00.
I think they may have had some 223's:
Contact info: Ft. Woodbury Outfitters
901 State Route #541
Coshocton, Ohio
FAX # 740-623-2237
I am sorry I have missplaced their 1-800 number - when I find it I will post it.
Good luck in your search for an XR-100 in 223.
Hold into the wind
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The XR-100 is an extremely popular platform for F-class rifles in Western Canada. I own 3, 2 6BR and one in 6X47 Lapua. The actions - once accurized are superb and they accept up to a heavy varmint contour in the stock without too much trouble (removing a small amount of material of course). I swap the triggers for Jewells, but that's a personal preference.

The factory stock is way too short but easily remedied with an adjustable butt plate such as the one from David Tubbs' website.
The XR-100 is an extremely popular platform for F-class rifles in Western Canada. I own 3, 2 6BR and one in 6X47 Lapua. The actions - once accurized are superb and they accept up to a heavy varmint contour in the stock without too much trouble (removing a small amount of material of course). I swap the triggers for Jewells, but that's a personal preference.

The factory stock is way too short but easily remedied with an adjustable butt plate such as the one from David Tubbs' website.

I milled off the bottom of the stock on mine, and polished it. It is now much more stable in the rest, and tracks better.

The action has no cutout for a magazine, and is very short. This is a recipe for a stiff platform.

Are they bedding them? Or is there any need with the stiffness?
I took my newest XR-100 (22-250 Remington with Leupold 6.5x20) out in the cold today and fired a couple of groups at my range.
Seems this XR-100 MAY need one or two foulers to hit its stride! My other two XR-100's (a 204 Ruger and a 223 Remington) do not exhibit this neccessity for a fouling shot?
My first group (5 shots at 100 yards) measured .710". Not up to what it had done previously but the barrel was freshly cleaned and I wanted to fire one more group with this load anyway.
The second group (5 shots at 100 yards) was much better at .434"!
Then after a short chat with the owner of the range (he is a 1,000 yard benchrester!) I headed home. Before I got out of his ranch proper I had occassion to bloody the new XR-100 on a Jack Rabbit.
Easy enough shot at 140 yards or so.
The Berger 52's I am using in this 22-250 really "expand" on Varmints!
I was hoping to get this rig down in the 3's but it didn't happen today!
The air was calm enough but I just couldn't make it happen today!
Since I started on load development the average for all the groups (5 shots at 100 yards) I have made with this Rifle comes to .547"!
Again the trigger on this XR-100 is just great!
Two Fox were seen Hunting on Ted Turners Buffalo ranch as I passed it heading home. I don't have permission to Hunt there so just watched them Hunt a while.
The bullets I had along would have ruined a Fox pelt I am sure.
Long live the now discontinued XR-100.
Hold into the wind