xp-100 pistol



I am just trying to get some more info on the xp-100s that Mr Calfee converted to rimfire. I sure they are rarer than hen's teeth but if any one could enlighten me on them such how many, how good they shot and what price range these demand. (alot I am sure) Thanks for all replys
if you go back in the threads here a year or two. there's some really
good picture threads and numbers on there.
Calfee XP's

Jim, there were several XP-100's converted to 22rf by Bill Calfee. He has built approximately 90-100 of them with 13 of them being built as personal pistols for himself that he eventually would sell and then build himself another. He would always offer his pistol up at a match to any shooter that wanted to try one, that would lead to being bitten by the pistolitis bug which meant that you just had to have one.

They are unbeliveably accurate. They will shoot right with the long guns if you are capable of holding them the proper way every shot and read the winds accurately. Them being a pistol there is more opportunity for operator error either in the holding, trigger control, or followthrough needed to shoot them to their potential. They are a pure joy to shoot and compete with, you feel like you are much more of the operation than shooting the rifles on the solid rests.

As for value, I've seen them sell from $3,000.00 to $6,0000.00 depending upon the pistol it's self, time of the market interest, and how it may have been proven in competition. Their value will probably increase with time due to their accuracy and the enjoyment of shooting or competing with them. They will always be one of Bill's masterpieces.

Below are a couple of pictures you may enjoy.:):)

Mike Sherrill


My 3 Calfee babies


A few more Calfee's at their family reunion

Mike, those things scream "shoot me"! Those have to be fun to shoot!

How long are the barrels?

Thanks for posting the pics.:)

I agree with Mike, those pistols shoot like a house on fire! I don't have one, but I've shot a friend of mine's. As Mike says, they shoot right along with a TOP big BR rifle. They're just a little more difficult to shoot, but the accuracy potential is there if you can hold her steady and watch the flags.
Precision shooting

Did an article get printed in PS about the XP pistols project?
If so does anyone remember aprox when? Thanks in advance,
I must have missed it.
Keith Drew