


What is the distinction between a World Cup and World Championship Match?

What determines how many slots are availible to each Country?

Is participation in the Championship based on the Cup scores?
The WRABF World Cup is an add on to the ERABSF European Championships, so European Countries can compete and win in both the European Championships and also WRABF World Cup, non European Countries can only compete and win in the World Cup part the event. The matches are run as one and then the scores and winners are sorted accordingly to give you winners in both Associations this may be the same person or not depending on scores and where they are from.

The quota depends on the range size, how many countries send teams etc there was an in inital quote of 6 for each Country going on memory and then additions are made when and if there are extra spots.

It is also every 4 years but is 2 years offset from World Champs so we get to have an International Competition each 2 years, hope this makes sense and answers your questions.

Here is the website for The Championships http://benchrestevent.org/
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While USARB did not have any qualifying for the 2013 World Cup in Plzen, Czech Republic, there will be qualifying for the 2015 World Championships in Brisbane, Australia.

The details of the qualifying process will be discussed in early 2014 through sanctioned match directors. The final qualification process will be posted here and on usairriflebenchrest.com.
Ok, I follow that. I've been trying to untangle the interrelationships of all the seperate bodies.

So any Country that has a WRABF sanctioned Body, like the USARB in the U.S.A. can field a team in the World Cup and/or the World Championships. In two years at the WRABF World Championship Match there won't be a parallel ERABSF Match.

Is the winner of the WRABF World Cup considered the "World Champion" or is that title only apply to the winner of the World Championship every 4 years?

At this point there is no USARB Championship or U.S.A. Champion.
There will not be a USA champion during 2013 but based on USA Scoreline results and regional events, the USA Postal Championship will give shooter rankings for 2013.
The winner of a World Cup can be called a World Cup Champion, a World Champion Title can only be claimed at World Championships as Todd Banks did in Air Rifle in 2011 and others did in Rimfire Events.

See you in Brisvegas 2015, plans are well underway, the first Australian Team Qualifying Match of 3 years of Nationals is to be held in Sept this year.
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To give you the full story, the World Cup was originally conceived in 2011 to accommodate two Australians and a handful of South Africans who wished to attend the European Championships of that year:

The 2nd European Rimfire and Air Rifle Benchrest Championship and the 1st World Cup Championship
This International Match is open to all Shooters and organizations that shoot for Score similar to the RBA, IR50/50, UKBR22, .22 Hunter, BR50, etc. and will use the agreed common Target / Rules (ERABSF).”

Basically it has nothing to do with the WRABF, although since that point they seem to have taken it over and called it their own.

As far as I’m aware there is nothing (presently) in the rules and regulations of the WRABF to accommodate such an event. So to answer your question fully (Is participation in the Championship based on the Cup scores?), the answer is no.


Brian Kelly has nothing to do with the WRABF or ESRABSF, he runs his own private postal matches, he seems to enjoy to make trouble for anything i say and also towards the WRABF so I wouldn't take too much notice of him, you have answers from me as WRABF President and you can also seek them from Jens Lagas who is the President of tghe ERABSF.

Whether there is a joint European Championships /World Cup in the future who knows, all deleagte countries of the ERABSF have that vote and the WRABF correctly has no say, if it continues the WRABF delegates are happy to attend and compete and make the event bigger BUT this year there are around 20 Countries and about 120 shooters in 8 events and in each event there will be someone standing up recieving a European Champions Medal from the ERABSF and a World Cup Champions medal from the WRABF.
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Hi Bill,

Well you have completely rewritten your original post:

“Whether there is a joint European Championships /World Cup in the future who knows, all deleagte countries of the ERABSF have that vote and the WRABF correctly has no say, if it continues the WRABF delegates are happy to attend and compete and make the event bigger BUT this year there are around *20 Countries and about 120 shooters in 8 events and in each event there will be someone standing up recieving a European Champions Medal for the ERABSF and a World Cup Champions medal from the WRABF.*"

So I’ll just answer that and ignore the slurs posted above:

I’m sure you meant the WRABF member nations will attend (should the ERABSF vote that way), not the delegates.

Out of interest, as you mentioned the 8 events for this competition, do you think that will continue? Rumour has it the proposals for the AGM are to drop all the rimfire 25m events (LV &HV) and the 50m LV, reduce the detail time from 30 minutes to 20 for both air and rimfire and limit initial entries to ERABSF/WRABF competitions to 3 to 6 per nation. Also to create a separate competition for the juniors as opposed to having them at the same event.

Any truth in that?

Here are some answers Brian.

I’m sure you meant the WRABF member nations will attend (should the ERABSF vote that way), not the delegates. Votes for ERABSF and WRABF for that matter are done by 1 delegate on behalf of each Country, whatever the majority vote is on anyhting is what gets carried, whichever way it is worded.

Out of interest, as you mentioned the 8 events for this competition, do you think that will continue? Rumour has it the proposals for the AGM are to drop all the rimfire 25m events (LV &HV) and the 50m LV, reduce the detail time from 30 minutes to 20 for both air and rimfire and limit initial entries to ERABSF/WRABF competitions to 3 to 6 per nation. Also to create a separate competition for the juniors as opposed to having them at the same event. Any truth in that?

All suggestions, as part of many other options offered to Each Member Country as part of General Meeting, same thing will happen at voting.
Yes there is a proposal to drop 25m, Yes there is a proposal to drop LV, Yes there is a porposal to drop details to 20minute and YES all of these are designed to allow even if we have 40 countries as members (which is where we are heading) to give the 6 initial spots. Re Juniors it is tougher and that will depend on where the above voting decides but it is not suggested to have Juniors at a seperate World Championships if that is what you mean, it is more suggested to either leave it as is or give them a couple of days withing the tournamnet exclusively for Juniors in saying that if there scores are good enough and that seperate junior comp was agreed on there is nothing stopping them also competing at the Senior Comp.

Hope this answers your questions but the bottom line is Member Countires have many options and
they vote accordingly for either or both associations.
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Thanks for the reply Bill,

You've misunderstood my initial comment, it meant WRABF member nations (shooters) will attend (the world cup), not just “the WRABF delegates are happy to attend” as you stated. I made no mention of any voting. A moot point, so let’s let it pass.

Thank you for confirmation of my queries. It’s helped me and I’m sure others.

40 countries is a worthwhile objective, although a large jump from the present membership of 24, but if that is where you are heading, fine.

Regards juniors, you stated above “it is more suggested to either leave it as is or give them a couple of days withing the tournamnet exclusively for Juniors” but does not the proposed agenda state “There is a need to determine if a junior championship is to be held, as they are the future of this sport. With limited space due to increasing membership the place of juniors is becoming an issue. Perhaps I’ve misunderstood, but those two statements seems directly opposed to each other?? Highlighted by the motions to be voted on:

Motion - should we have a junior championship - yes/no
Motion - to have a commitment from each country to develop and bring a minimum of one junior - yes/no
Motion - should juniors be part of the main championship if practicable, taking into account increasing limited space for adults - yes/no
Motion - if it is not practicable for juniors to be part of the main championship, should a separate two day junior rimfire and air rifle event be held based on one class only;

It seems to me none of the motions carry any favour for the junior shooters, slightly different to the scenario you painted.

Just to correct your comment in post #9 “Brian Kelly has nothing to do with the WRABF or ESRABSF” that is not true. I have as much to do with the ERABSF/WRABF as any other air rifle/rimfire benchrest shooter in the UK. If you remember I was selected for the NSRA team to attend the European Championships/World Cup, but declined the invitation.

As a member, I (and many others) would like to make our views known to the UK delegate on the points put forward in the agenda for ERABSF/WRABF AGM. Can you confirm that each country delegate has had instruction to pass a copy of the agenda to his/her membership? As you know it’s not the duty of the country delegate to vote thier own preferences at the AGM, but to carry out the wishes of the membership.

Agreed let the delegates take their associations votes and wishes to the meeting and as ive said the majority decides what gets through.

The 1st, 3rd and 4th motions with a YES you listed cover Juniors but as i said it's a but harder as we really need some of the other options to go through to assist Juniors also or we would be shooting for a month with more countries and the desire for a min of 6 shooters each initially.

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