World Individual Postal Competition - October 2013



The BIPM will be running another World Postal for completion on the 31st October 2013.

This competition will be 3 x cards for 25m air rifle (20ft/lb 27J limit) and for 3 x cards for 25m rimfire. To be shot either indoors or outside.

As previous, all are invited to take part in these competitions and the closing date for the submission of scores is 17:00GMT on the 31st October. Cards may be shot at any time from this announcement while observing the BIPM rules

The .224” scoring gauge should be used for the scoring of all targets.

October Postal Match

Hi Brian,
Count us in. The Wild River Bunch in Oregon.
Can a shooter shoot both outdoors and indoors? We've got matches here in the NorthEast scheduled for both, outdoors at Pinnacle Mtn in NH and indoors at Holbrook, MA in October.
Can a shooter shoot both outdoors and indoors? We've got matches here in the NorthEast scheduled for both, outdoors at Pinnacle Mtn in NH and indoors at Holbrook, MA in October.

Oddly enough that did go through my mind Todd, but I wasn’t sure shooters would want to do both.

I’m happy enough to do it that way, unfortunately the medals can only be handed out to the top 3 scores in rim & air (cost). I think the easiest way to do it would be to split both air and rimfire into two separate competitions (as far as the scores are concerned)

To confirm:

A competitor may shoot in air rifle and/or rimfire both indoors and outside (thus enter a maximum of 4 x 3 competition cards)
Medals will only be provided for the top three places in the air rifle and rimfire indoor events.
Certificates will be provided for the top three places in the air rifle and rimfire outdoor events.

How does that sound? there’s nothing set in stone yet.


Ps Paul Bendix is going to love you for this ;)
Hi Brian,
Count us in. The Wild River Bunch in Oregon.


Consider yourself and the rest of the guys counted.

I realise the 25m rimfire won’t be of much interest to US shooters, but this competition coincides with the French National Championships and they like to shoot at that distance.

I’ve had several enquiries from them concerning the rules for air rifle (they don’t shoot AR benchrest), so I hope to see a few scores coming in, which is all good.

Sounds good to me. I'll see if I can get some of the rimfire guys here at Salem to compete outdoors as well. I might even see if someone will lend me a rifle...;)
I'll see if I can get some interest

Our final IR 50/50 match is Sunday and I will ask the folks if they would be interested in shooting a 25M match. I am thinking it may be fun.


Thanks for the update, and Todd, thanks for asking. As Todd said, we've got an Outdoor Airgun match scheduled at Pinnacle Mountain on Sept. 21st, then an Indoor at Holbrook on Oct. 5th, so I'm sure we'll be submitting both sets of results.

Thanks Todd and guys for the input.

OK, let’s run this competition to the changes shown in post #4 above. We can see how it works out and apply it to all future competitions if everyone is happy with it. I’ll put the changes up on the BIPM website.

Predicting 50+mph winds over here tomorrow, so I’ve got nothing else to do :(

Separate Competitions - indoor and outdoor

Sounds good to me, Brian. That way, the outdoor (25m) shooters don't have to compete with the indoor 25 yard indoor shooters.
They said YES

Our final IR 50/50 match is Sunday and I will ask the folks if they would be interested in shooting a 25M match. I am thinking it may be fun.


Now we will see if we can get it pulled together. Should be interesting.
Now we will see if we can get it pulled together. Should be interesting.

Thanks Pete, don't forget to record the first 10 and X missed on each card, it can get real close in 25yd/m events.


Count the warriors in, the Viking helmet is once again up for grabs! Thanks for setting another one up.

You’re in Shawn. But try and keep the post match revelling down a bit:


We had complaints from the neighbours last time ;)

Hahaha nice to see the lore of the coveted Viking helmet has made it across the pond! In case anyone is wondering those pics are fairly accurate once a champ is crowned :D

I need to come up with a new game, last time we had a swinging egg at 25m. Everyone kicked in a few dollars and the winner took the pot. I thought it would be more difficult, I was wrong, it took a handful of rounds to sort out. Anyone have any suggestions for a new shooting game?


Does the 20ftlb/27J limit still apply for those shooting indoors? I have a few guys that may not be able to get under that limit that are shooting with us. I don't want to complicate anything, but wanted to check.


Does the 20ftlb/27J limit still apply for those shooting indoors? I have a few guys that may not be able to get under that limit that are shooting with us. I don't want to complicate anything, but wanted to check.


Hi Shawn,

Yes the 20ft/lb/20J limit is still OK for indoors.

It’s generally felt the extra power has no great advantage indoors.

We are doing it on the 13th

I just read the rules and noticed we can shoot@ 50 M. I / we would need to dig 16 holes to shoot @ 25M :(. Don't know if we will do that although it doesn't take that long to dig the holes. My thinking was it would be fun to do 25M just for a change.
