Wondering About A Few Questions


Runnin' Along
1. Why shoot rimfire instead of centerfire?
2. If shooting centerfire costs about $.35/shot (bullet, powder and primer only), about what does it cost to shoot a competitive rimfire round?
3. About how much does a competitive (at the club level) rimfire rifle cost?
4. Do the barrels of such rifles ever need to be replaced?
5. Is it common to see such rifles for sale on the used market?
My first reaction is the serious competitor doesn't care about the cost, they just want to have some fun. As to your questions, #1 It saves on the ears. #2 It can cost from 10 cents to 40 cents per shot. #3 Competitive rifles can cost between $1,000 to $5,000. #4 Barrels need to be replaced when you lose faith in them. Many will last in excess of 100K rounds. #5. Many shooters sell off their excess equipment from time to time.
There's no appreciable difference in rimfire and centerfire expense when you put it under a microscope.
I do both and find Rimfire to be a bit more expensive, actually. I like the Rimfire better because of the lower noise from the rifles discharging and no recoil to speak of. I also like shooting more shots at each match. Each IR 50/50 Card is the same number of record shots as shooting an entire VFS match, which takes all day, sometimes. At the club I run the RF shoots for, we shoot 6 Cards each match day. Expenive but it's a lot of shooting.

you may want to look at AIrgun Benchrest. a tin of 500 pellets costs around $10. or so. It is a new sport here in the States and not may venues just now but I can see it growing. I wonder if the UN will ban Pellet Guns? Anyway, god Pellet rifles are not much cheaper than CF or RF rifles, the good ones but I am thinking they will last longer. FInd a great barrel and it may last to be passed down to your Grandchildren.
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My first reaction is the serious competitor doesn't care about the cost, they just want to have some fun.
Translated: If you don't have deep pockets don't get serious about winning!