Wipe out liquid bore cleaner ?

I tried patch out and accelerator and the results are amazing:D
The accelerator really speeds up the process,now I can clean down
to the metal in 10 minutes or less using many of your techniques.
At the end of the day I run patch of accelerator then patch out and
let the barrel sit all night after a light cleaning . Man it used to take a lot
of JB and Butches with a lot of brushing to get the barrel that clean.
Thanks for the advice,looks like I will be saving a lot of money on solvents
and brushes and I heck of alot of time ;)
Does patch out leave copper fouling ?

Hey Guys-
I have been using the Accelerator and Patch out for a few weeks
and it seemed to loose it's effectiveness :confused: in getting that
last little bit of copper fouling out,rember I stopped scrubbing with a
bore brush and Butches.
So I tried some JB paste and cleaned the old fashoned way with butches
and bronze brush and I was able to pull the last bit out fouling out to
give a real nice clean bore :D
Does patch out loose it's effectiveness ??
Will accelerator then using patch out and swab the barrel clean interact
with Butches causing neuclear fall out in my barrel and cause it to
melt down ?? I am referring to the warning on the bottle of accellerator :eek:
Thanks for the excellent info !
Had a problem Pac-Nor CM barrel and the only thing that finally got the copper out was that Wipe-Out foam stuff. Bought a case when it was first available. Then bought the accelerator. Have since stopped using the accelerator. Didn't seem to make much difference.

On my custom barrels, Butch's is all that's needed...... but still using that foam on factory barrels. While at the range - two wet patches and half a dozen runs down the bore with a bore brush and then patch dry. Then go home and stick a delrin bore guide (w/'O' ring) in chamber end and fill from muzzle end. Four hours later patch it out, wipe it down, and put it away.

The foam works much, much, better if I first get some of the carbon out with Butch's and a bronze bore brush.
Wipe Out mess

For those who have problems using Wipe Out foam getting all over, here's what I did. I went to the local hardware store and bought several 1' lengths of clear plastic flexible tubing; total cost about $2.00. I glued a smaller piece of tubing inside a larger piece. The id of the smaller tube fit the Wipe Out nozzle snugly and perfectly. The od, using a heat gun to mold, fit inside the chamber of the rifle. After it hardened up, I chamfered the end to slip into the chamber snugly. Now, when I clean, I only get the Wipe Out coming out the muzzle end.