Winter still holds it's Icy Grip!

Pete Wass

Well-known member
I had a report last night that our range still probably has too much ice to permit us to hold a match this Sunday. We will make a definate call on Thursday; Just sayin.

I think we might be seeing the difference between Common Sense and Education playing out here. Living in an era of Global Warming it would seem counter intuitive to be experienceing, what appears to the layman to be, the beginning of another Ice Age. Snowed in Cairo, Egypt this winter, first time in 115 years I heard or read some place recently. Don't ya just hate it when Nature fools us? :p

Glad you made it back. I'd heard there was some snow left as well as some tree damage. I'll await the word on Thursday. Let me know if I can help.
Good morning Pete, Being in contact with Gary on a daily basis I will know of the decision either way. A suggestion perhaps, is for everyone to meet at the range on Sunday, it is on the club calendar as our match day anyway. Those of us who show up can do a some maintenance on targets, reset pipes, trim some tree limbs, etc. I know it is a long trip for you, just a suggestion. Also the afternoon could be used for those who want to an opportunity to do some practice. I will leave this suggestion to you and Gary.

Or if conditions allow we shoot.

Looks like it's a GO

Good morning Pete, Being in contact with Gary on a daily basis I will know of the decision either way. A suggestion perhaps, is for everyone to meet at the range on Sunday, it is on the club calendar as our match day anyway. Those of us who show up can do a some maintenance on targets, reset pipes, trim some tree limbs, etc. I know it is a long trip for you, just a suggestion. Also the afternoon could be used for those who want to an opportunity to do some practice. I will leave this suggestion to you and Gary.

Or if conditions allow we shoot.


I have had a couple of reports today that indicate we can hold the match Sunday. I will be there mid-morning Thursday, this, armed with chain saw, etc. Surprising how fast the ice and snow melts once it begins. Tomorrow's rain should take the remainder away. See you Thursday, perhaps.

Pete, I should be able to be out there around 12pm-1pm. Frost line may prove a issue in reseting the pipes? The club lost their water drain lines due to frozen pipes. Three outdoor portable Johns now in use. At least 3 and possibly 4 Birch trees are probably going to have to be cut down. I do not see them popping back up anytime soon. There are also two trees down and resting on the top of berm. One a real distraction potential for a couple of benches. Klayton
We finished early Klayton

We were done by 11:00 so left. Everything, range wise, is in first rate condition so we are a GO for Sunday. Hopefully most of the remaining ice will be gone.


See you Sunday, thanks for getting things in order.

We are a GO for Sunday:

The range is dry and we have straightned up as best we can for now. The only issue we will have is tight parking. The weather Man sez, "Wear your Rain Slicker ad Souwestah" :).

Hi Pete, Most of the ice and crap is gone as of this afternoon. By Sunday parking should not be an issue. My Grandson and I trimmed the pine tree limbs on the Bench 1 side Thursday afternoon. We went all the way from the overhang down to the firing line. There should be no issues with overhanging pine limbs from positions 1 and 2. My Grandson and I also put all 10 benches in position on the pad. As of this afternoon they had not been moved. See you on Sunday.

Thanks Sarge

Hi Pete, Most of the ice and crap is gone as of this afternoon. By Sunday parking should not be an issue. My Grandson and I trimmed the pine tree limbs on the Bench 1 side Thursday afternoon. We went all the way from the overhang down to the firing line. There should be no issues with overhanging pine limbs from positions 1 and 2. My Grandson and I also put all 10 benches in position on the pad. As of this afternoon they had not been moved. See you on Sunday.


See you in the AM.
