
Who are the real winners?? Those that go away from a match and had a good time visiting with friends while they were there. Shooting well is just icing on the cake.

Certainly agree with Richard, shooting with the best shooters around is always fun. Personally I have a friend that is a past Olympic Shooter and Coach that tells me they deliberately trained to expose their weaknesses then picked one of them to try to avoid at each match they went to. In this way, over time, they were able to improve. This is what I've tried to do this year and I do think it works. Gradual long term improvement is what I hope for and what I regard a win.
Depends who is gauging that.
I came home and my wife asked how I did.
I told her I won the two gun.
She said that's nice; take the garbage out to the road.

Yeh, reality rears it's ugly head.

Years ago, I saw a cartoon in a magazine where a man was hunched over a piano keyboard, late into the night, by candlelight, possibly writing a great composition, with a woman, in in a housecoat, with a scowl on her face, standing behind him saying......."Ludwig, the garbage........"

Kinda says it all.

I love winning, but I have a rule that I try to adhere to. If it's not fun, I not going to bother with it.
It depends

I never forget to take out the trash, but I hate washing dishes.

The below sign is posted in my kitchen, above the Sink. I dare not remove it.

Winning a benchrest match or getting into the Benchrest Hall Of Fame will not remove the message.

About the only thing I can think of that could possibly get rid of this annoying message is for me to win the lotto.


I never forget to take out the trash, but I hate washing dishes.

The below sign is posted in my kitchen, above the Sink. I dare not remove it.

Winning a benchrest match or getting into the Benchrest Hall Of Fame will not remove the message.

About the only thing I can think of that could possibly get rid of this annoying message is for me to win the lotto.


